After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 3403, because I sprayed you a nose?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Young master ... you have not, okay?"

A man and blame in a hand.

The man didn't talk, a pair of ice-cold eyes stared at the process slowly looked up.

Executive shouted: "The strong man is angry! I am angry! It is not intentional, I have something to say!"

"The gentleman is not moving!"

The other party completely ignored him, and lifted his hand to the face of the face.

The hand is here, busy with a clean Pat, "Young master, you will look out if it is recognized after ..."

Liu Weifeng looked at the proximity, cold and smiled, "Behind? Today's young master wants him to see the sun tomorrow."

"However, the above is over ..." The hand tried to say, but he was instantly stopped by Liu Weifeng's frank eyes.

"Shut up!" Liu Weifeng said, "This young master hates someone in front of me."

When the hand suddenly turned, the body could not shake, "It is understood, it is a lot of mouth."

"So, what you mean is that you caught me is not to be my life?" The proceedings looked at him.

Liu Weifeng looked at his eyes, and smiled and smiled: "It was originally this, but ... is not."

"Why? Judi because I sprayed you a nose?" Cheng Don time to flexion: "It has been explained under the following, it is really not intentional, this sneezing is to control ..."

"Cough ... cough ... I am sorry, I apologically, don't you do? You caught me what I didn't say, and I said that I am an ordinary person, even if I can kill me again? "

The exquisiteness can't help but look down on Liu Weifeng asked.

Liu Weifeng raised his mouth, and a pair of eyebrows rose, and smiled and smiled.

"You think that you don't admit that this young master doesn't know what is your relationship with Xuan Ming?"

"Ah?" The procedure immediately, it seems that there is no reaction. "You just say ... What? Who is me?"

Liu Weifeng disdainfully snorted, turned to the opposite chair, "Don't install, Xuan Ming follow your relationship we have already touched, don't think that it is not acknowledged, you don't think about him, you also know. ? "

The more I listen, the more it is, simply a mist.

Xuan Ming is the name of the Devil, he certainly knows, but the other party says that he will feel weird.

What is the relationship with the Emperor?

In addition to the agreed partnership, is there anything else? Why don't he know?

"I said that you are wrong? Is it a mistake? I am not critical with the emperor!"

"You are definitely misunderstood."


Liu Weifeng smiled scornful and continued: "I heard that you are a car driving, after it is brought back to the demon, right?"

The departments are doubtful, and then nod, "Yes, there is anything, but can I explain that I have a relationship with the Devil?"

"The young master didn't remember, then you said that you were pretending to be the murderous man to ... Wah?" Liu Weifeng said this, the back did not say it, but the eyes are looking at the mind, mouth It also reveals a smile.

The other party looks like a unique thing, the other party's meaning is obvious, he can't hear it.

The up and down, suddenly understood that Liu Weifeng said that he is related to the relationship between the Devil's relationship.

I fierce a chill, and I suddenly gave a chicken skin. "The big brother, you are really misunderstood."


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