After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Has the people in Chapter 3417 Zongmen have waited?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The four elders went to front, look at those people, and the voice is cold: "You said that the city is the murderer, and it is said that there are witnesses to testify.

"Hey, if it is the witness, what you buy, deliberately?"

When you come out, the man who talks before is named in the Yang, once again, "This is the old age of Lingzong?"

"Well, the elderly is the four elders of Ling Zongnemen." The four elders and old eyes are faint to lose this person.

In the glamorous lips, I scored a bruises, and immediately referred to a group of people behind him. "Most of this is our Yunlongko's people, and some are full of justice, what do you mean? Are people come to the Fengfeng City? "

His words instantly causing the communions of the crowd, everyone expressed dissatisfaction.

Some people have angered: "What does Ling Zong are always what do you mean? Feng Town is the genius disciple of your Zongmen, and it is also a murderer! We will come here just to see people who are deceived!"

"That is! Feng Town is treasure in your eyes, you can indulge her for what you want, but in our opinion, innocent is a crime!"

Some people in the crowd said: "The genius can't stand it? The genius can kill the weak people who don't end the chicken."

"Hey! Even if the strong is, it is not the excuse of the innocent! What is the mother who has just experienced the pain of the death!"

"It's just a crime!"

These people have an angry and extremely angry.

In this group, some people were showing this color, one of the middle-aged men looked at such a situation and hosted from time to time, it seems very satisfied.

The four elders were made by these people, although they were extremely angry, but I don't know how to refute.

In addition to angry, you can only scream for the three elders. "These people are simply strong words."

The three elders have comfortable: "There is nothing, just asked them, it is already informing the city, I believe that the master should also come."

A group of people stopped outside the mountain door, except for those disciples, only two elders, there is no other person, showing impatient colors on the face.

Again again, "You don't let us go in? Since you don't want to pay the murderer, you can only go in to find it!"

"Let's open! Let's go in and catch people!"

"This matter must be given to us Yunlongo!"

Yu Yang immediately said: "No, this is not only a meeting to Yunlongo, but also a meeting to the people of all countries in Western Continents! It is not a genius disciple who is a Zongmen. You can do it for what you want. Is the high person waiting? "

"Yes! Who is it high? Can you live as a mustard?"

This time, there is a lot of people's resonance, and they have attached to.

Suddenly, a voice of the empty woman came from, although the tone was cold, but the sound was actually listened.

"Don't know why? When is it? The people who say that the people are high, the ordinary people are the grasshaft?"

Everyone heard the sound, suddenly quiet, and he looked at the direction of the voice.

Then he heard the scene of the scene, and everyone looked at several young men and women going down the mountain, and the two men behind them were directly ignored.

And the two women are beautiful, but at this time they are gone in the moon, and everyone's eyes are amazing.

In the boy, the moon stayed in the moon, he never seen such a suffocating woman, it was really a sense of heaven.

"Allure! You can be a come, I am so mad." The four elders have been in the moon, and the heart is happy.


Everyone is shocked ...

"No ... isn't it? She is a phoenix city?"


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