Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "this is?"

The city sweeps an eye, this is not how many pictures in my mind?

At this moment, the city entered a dream, this is how much it is in the mind!

In the magnificent hall, the throne is sitting on a woman in a blunt, and it has a cold gas.

The city is standing next to her, but it is all in the form of bystanders.

On the main hall below, there is a group of people. The side of the side looks to the woman around you, the light is the side, I feel that I have yourself ... it is like! Seeing that she actually said that she can't say familiarity?

Sitting on the throne, lifting a group of people below, cold and saying: "Who will give you the courage to block the emperor? Said!" The momentum is in an instant.

The ministers in the main hall are all , one is a despicable look, shouting: "My Emperor is angry!"

The city is very surprised, this woman is a queen! Still the Queen of the power!

At this time, the ministers went out of a young man with a stomant, the five senses were deep, the British is very particularly special is the pair of tea. Looking up and look at the high seat, the light seems to be a bit hot?

Just listening to his voice: "The emperor! Your decision, the minister, etc., there is no intention to block! However, how can you have such a noble identity?"

"Domestic mouth!" The Queen directly raised his hand, a cold shot, direct shooting the man's shoulder.

"Hey!" The men's mouth spilled a slightly blood, retired, squatting his shoulders, and scored a hint.

All the city looks in the eyes, from this man coming out, seeing his first look, I don't know why, she has a feeling of tempering.

The Queen once again opened, indifferent, "Some people think, this is unclear? Oh ~ It seems that you think that your position is enough?" The rumor is in front of the front.

The few people did not help themselves, their foreheads were directly cold sweat.

And the hurtful man, buried the head, I didn't know what I was thinking.

The female royal mouth evoke a sarcic, cold and cold: "Remember! Some things ~ Not you can stop! Return!"

Everyone immediately retired, the young man looked up and saw that the high seat was on the Queen, which is more complicated.

The picture of the city is flashing, it is not in the main hall, it seems to be a study.

Ok? Is it her?

In the study, the quater in the main hall has been changed in the Chinese service, wearing a white loving dress, retreating the coldness of the cold, more and soft, holding a picture, kicking, her A smile in the mouth, beautiful, beautiful.

Can't help but curiosity, what is the pair of painting? Can you have such a tenderness?

She tried to move, the body can move! Then I walked over and see.

When the city approaches, the "" jumped in the heart, and the painted man painted by the silver hair is the silver man, and the beautiful dust is as if it is independent. The strange thing is that he saw him, and his heart was inexplicably painful?

The city is seriously looked at. She doesn't have any memories of this man, why will this feel? Ok? correct! When you go back to poison, do you become like this? Just, the two have a bit different, but the characteristics of the appearance are the same!


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