Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Oriental stranger saw the East, no talk, once again: "The father! How can the child can think? You only know her son, how can I enter our royal? This is not letting our royal giving a joke "He didn't want the city to have a soup because of Van Sisi!

The East arrogant can't shook his head, sighed: "You! Forget it, go! Since it is a problem that you give you after your mother, then let your mother resolved."

I thought: Anyway, Schili is very good, let her have something to do, and if you have no trouble, you will find a hassle.

Eastern strange, listening to the heart, "the child greeted the father!" The child will refund! "The mood is very good: such as the father said, this is the mother. Let her come flat!

"Well, go!" The East swayed.

Waiting for the Oriental strange, the Oriental arrogant begins to think, "This fan is too sudden to die too? The day before said, how do you get angry?"

When I returned to the East Palace, the Oriental stranger couldn't wait for the night wind, and she took several guards to go to the swamp forest.

In a restaurant, Longfei night depressed drinking wine, the mood is very bad, "the death! This young master will be cheated?"

... Take a table.

The more I don't feel uncomfortable, "I must be the fake news of the king! If this is a young master, he will meet him !!" ... ,, it is a big mouth into the belly.

Audouki smashed, heart: The day is the true and false of the news, said: The weather is good? Go straight to the temple to worship God? It's clear that day is cloudy!

... The package door is pushed open.

"Young master! Young master! There is found!" A Da suddenly rushed to shout.

Longfei night suddenly put down the wine pot, busy: "Let me talk about it, what is found?"

A Grand Taoism: "By prlining, the news is that the king and the Miss Miss have been left in a few days ago, but the root is not going to the temple, but go to the swamp forest!"

Longfei night pardiped for a while, "It turned out to be there?" Suddenly meditated, said: "The royal mirror of this country has not been opened. People contact us, there is no confirmation. ? "

Audi immediately returned: "Go back to the plummer, the other party has agreed, saying only waiting for that day, the young master can enter directly."

"Well. That gives them a reply, let them live directly in the entrance of the swamp forest, they want to give them all the things they want."

Longfei night mouth hooked a meal and filling it.

"Yes! It is following it." Audi immediately responded.

Longfei night, he did his jarrency robe. He said with a smile: "Walk! We will go to the swamp forest now!" Said to take the lead out of the box.

The second pair of Aga in the next step, silently shaking his head, immediately keep up.

In the murdere of the swamp forest, I don't know so many people rushing here.

"The moon, can you still feel the orientation of the lagoon?"

The relationship between the formation of the city is talking to it.

The monster is happy in her arms, and the little proud said: "Of course! People can induce the aura baby!"

The city is faint: "Okay, it will rely on you,"

The monster is born straight, still smasher in her arms.

The green wood next to it glanced at it, and it was in its ear with the way: "Don't face."


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