Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Surprises in the mouth: "Are you a Phoenix blood?"

Pointing in the city, "Well, it's right, it is you waiting."

I have been busy, I'm so busy, "the master! Xiao Yi can wait until the master!"

Others were suddenly sold again, and they also claimed to be the ', the thunder is a tenderness ...

Pumping in the corner of the city, "Who is your name give you?"

I quickly looked up, happy: "I am a mother! However, I haven't seen them in 10,000 years."

The eyes of the city and the green wood, the drift is pretending to the monster of the small card.

Greenmake can't help but laugh: "The monster, there is a place as you with you, but its age is much bigger than you ..."

The city shakes his head: "The family is more special, and their adulthood is relatively slow, it takes 20,000 years, so it is better than the monster than the moon, or the moon is big."

The monster is not good to the green wood: "How do it follow me, I am a lazy! And I am a bad name! Not a famous, my name is the moon! I don't call my baby!"


"Baby? It turns out that you are called 'baby'? Hahaha! This name is too cute! It is better than 'small."

Longfei night is not afraid of death, there is a madness, completely did not pay attention to the paws of the monster flashed on the road.

The moon is rushing away, ... Two weeks have passed the sound of the object.

The moon has twisted the little butt, saying that: "The name of this uncle, is it you can laugh? Hey!"

Longfei night trayed hair scattered, and the clothes scored a long crack.

The face is embarrassed, "this ... this is so big?"

The city is helpless, she knows that the moon is full of temper, the name is the most taboo, Longfei night is also looking for it.

Li Yaizhi once again disappeared the Dragon Flying Night, "Live it."

"Xiao Yan, who was arrested by you last night?" Asked the city.

This is very simply saying: "All in the cave! Don't worry, I haven't eaten one."

Yun Wei's cold voice came from behind, "If you dare to eat them, this king makes you have anal!"

When I was turned, "I didn't eat ..."

The city laughed: "Okay, since there is nothing, hurry to save people! You will bring them out."

, "Good! I will go!" Turned to the ground.

"Jun, Ningrong, Qingmu, the monster, you all go, there are other people below." The city has told them.

It is not an hour, and the people of all underground caves are all taken.

Other beasts are all people in their mouths, placed on the ground, but they are here.

The city is confused: "Nobody? Isn't there any other strange?" She didn't care about him, but I was so curious how he gone?

I saw that the body became bigger, and then the body shaked two times: "Vomiting ..."

Flip ... from his mouth ... all the body is a disgusting container.

The moon is jumping out: "No wonder did not see people ... It turned out in its belly ... vomiting ... so stink!"

Others have never been thought of, and the corner of the city is slightly smoked. This stomach is really all.

Yun Wei opened her, "He is too stinky, still stays away from him, is dead, you don't need to manage, die is better, no death is his life."

In the corner of the city, I showed a smile. "I know, I will look at the stranger first."


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