Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The guard directly took one hand and dragged her.

Terring in the main hall and resumed calm, the East is proud of the city: "City, what she said, you don't put it on your heart."

The completion of the city smiles: "Where, the father doesn't care, the child doesn't matter, anyway, the child is fortunate."

The East nodded, his face was also eased, "that is good.

Yun Wei slowly opened: "How can I hurt God for those who have nothing to do?"

The Allure smiled: "Yes, you are right."

Yun Yi said again: "To her, how do you arrange?"

Dongfang proudly knows which of Yun Yun said, "is a touch of tone," she is like this, it is time to grow. "

Yun Yun picked the eyebrows, knowing that he has already planned, "Since you have nothing, I will look at Meiyi with the city, I don't bother."

The East is proud, "Go!"

The completion of the city immediately, "the child remained."

When two people have an emperor, the city can't help but ask: "How do the father arrange to arrange Dongfang?"

Yun Hao Yan is slightly free: "In addition to marry, there is no better way."

It is true that this is really the best way to prepare, "Well, this is the best way."

It is very anxious in the heart of the princess to the palace, and it is coming back in the palace. "What should I do? There is no thing after the mother ... The emperor has not come back ..."

A palace female came in a tea tray, respectfully, "the princess is, or drink the water first ..."

Where is the East Xinyi, how do you drink water this time?

Waving a waving, not bothering: "Take away! This princess has no mood now."

The palace woman lifted his head, and the eyes seem to be missing. It was respectful to persuaded her: "The princess is, you still drink the water relief, after all, no longer rush to a moment."

Dongfang Xinyi saw it, and suddenly, calmed down, "Okay, I have a heart." After picking up the tea cup, I found the bottom of the cup and pressed a small note. I quickly look at the palace girl.

The palace girl did not have any strange, still respectful.

Dongfang Xinyi immediately drank a bite, and the paper rose in hand and put the cup back to the tea tray, and then said softly: "Okay, go down!"

"Yes, the slaves have retired." The palace woman was busy with the tea tray.

Dongfang Xinyi looked at the guards of the guards standing outside the temple, snorted, turned and turned into the room.

Turning the opening of the note, I showed a smile on my face.

Yingxue Palace

Mei Xiangxue saw Yun Yuyi and two together, happy, "You two are rare to come to Mei Hua, today can come, it is too happy."

The city smiled and smiled: "Today, he said that I have not seen you with the emperor for a long time, so I will take a look at you."

Mei Xiangxue glanced, it seems to be very unexpected, and smiled: "When there is such an active time? Meiyi is not believed, is it because of the way to Scholemin?"

Yun Wei suddenly laughed: "Mei Yu is really smart."

Mei Xiangxiao will give him a glance: "Lillers will not, it is a unhealthy guy, you will worry about you every day."

The city quickly laughed: "Meiyi does not use him, he is jealous. Recently, this palace is not very flat, we are indeed coming to see you."


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