Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "How is it possible?"

He doesn't believe that if he is his father, is this not a face?

Schonener smirked: "You don't believe it? For the monk, he can't do it with her children. He didn't do it with your own children at all."

Then I said that I said: "Mr.! You are our hope! You can't live after your mother!"

The Eastern stranger is hated again, but it is impossible to accept. "I didn't expect the father of the father ..." I have been drawing it in my eyes. "Since this! There is no wonderful miniature!"

Schone Jie was very satisfied with him, "So, next, how to act, the big man said ..." Schone Jie said near whisper.

Oriental strange nodded, "Okay! Just say it by adult!"

Zuo Xiangfu

Ouyang Kun's tea in the study, and the beginning of his own, "This time, the emperor's green hat, wearing the truth ... Haha ..."

An official's face is laughing, "Who is not? But ... this is not so simple to see the official."

Next to an official look at him, it means that it doesn't understand. "Why is this not simple? It is very obvious. It is the emperor for a long time. The queen is not lonely, so there is a red apricone out of the wall. The result did not expect that it was found. "

The man smiled: "It's not too, you think about it, if you really do this, it will be unhappy. Don't she worry that it is discovered? Moreover, she still follows four people? How can it be?"

The officials next to suddenly surprised. "That said, you suspect that this is a deliberate framed?" I can't help but exclaim: "Who is so bold, dare to fall into the queen? Give the emperor with green hats?"

Ouyang Yangkun laughed, smiled in the light, "It is very simple, or the king, or ... is the emperor yourself ..."

Emperor yourself?

Several other officials were suddenly stunned ...

Another people who immediately think: "If it is an emperor, the emperor is going to take the right to the right hand?"

Ouyang Kun put down the tea cup, and the mouth was faint to show a smile: "Isn't it just right? On time this champion, there will never have left and right prime ministers. Some is just a one person ..." Fine light.

Several officials laughed on their faces, and said compliments on him.

The guarding leadership is not any moving, Liu Ning returns to the city with others, and he heard the house in the first time.

Liu Ning saw Liu Ling sitting in the lobby, couldn't help but asked. "Father! How is this?"

Liu Ling looked at him at a glance, "back?"

Liu Ning said: "Well! At the end of the secret, what is the thing on the street, is it true?"

Liu Ling nodded, "Sit, tell you about you ..."

After Yun Wei also entered the Shifu in Oriental Mont, he had received the news.

Ice is slightly moved, "Oriental strange is back?" The mouth is slightly evoked, "It seems that the night wind, give him a lot of good things ..."

When you are dating, "Have he have a contact?"

"Well, yes." Yun said.

The completion of the city said: "He is eager to come back, not to save Schiliti, but he is poisoned to make his brain are somewhat abnormal, just don't know how people behind this will help him ..."

Yun Yu smiled and smiled. "If you don't help him."


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