Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Poisoning." Yun said faintly.

Univaing accident, "The father knows that they will come to save people tonight, so I have to poison Shi Liimin?"

Yun Wei faint lips, "Do you think, is the father of the father of the father?"

Mu Yu is not only wrong, "Isn't it? But Shi Li is in the middle of the day ..."

The city slowly said: "It should be a night fan."

"Isn't he helped the Oriental stranger? How can it be?" Mo Wei feels a little.

The corner of the kids exposed a slice, "I have to ask him."

She felt strange in her heart: he is clearly helping the Oriental stranger, but killed Schiyin? Drama to the emperor? Then rescue the Oriental Xinyi ...

Mo Yu Si, "So, the Oriental Mono will try to do something else, and revenge for Schili Min."

Yun Wei replied, "He failed this time, and later got another chance." Reach out of the city, "City, we can go to watch it now."

"Look at the show? Where is there?" Longfei night, I am busy with it.

Mu Wei, I don't worry, I didn't follow, I didn't follow, Lu Ziyu said that I would like to go to Snow. Mo Yu continued to go to the Oriental proud palace.

Finally, the phoenix dance is flying in the night.

Yun Hao came to the place with the city, not other places, but in the outer door.

At this time, the door of the palace is still lively than the Palace.

Several people stand on the palace wall, looking at the bottom, only one group of people underneath, was surrounded by a group of people.

The completion of the city and smiled: "Schonejie this time, I am afraid that the intestines have repented."

Yun Hao hooks, "He is too confident. If he can stand, it is not moving. Maybe, can't take him."

Longfei night picks the eyebrows. "When you are talking about, look at this? That lead, I know, the Oriental strange is, okay?"

Yun Hao glanced at him, "There is a lot of people you know."

Longfei night laughed: "Before this, the young master has been investigated, of course, know."

"The owner, these people come to the palace in the middle of the night to be trouble?" Feng Dance looked down, there are thousands of people below?

The city is slightly hidden, "Do you make trouble? It is accurate, it is to force the palace."

Yun Hao slammed her, gentle road: "City, we appeared." Immediately leap, fly. The other two also rushed.

The night who appeared in the dark night, immediately forwarded: "Take the king, Wang Hao."

Liu Ling father is also going up the mountain, and the ceremony. "Weichen saw the king, Wang Hao."

The original noisy scene is quiet.

Yun Yuyu responded, "Free Gifts."

When Shiliejie saw Yun Yun, I can't wait to eat him, I'm going to fierce, and I wonder: "I will put us! The book is to save! These people not only block the . I still want to hold us? It's too arrogant. ! Have you want to rebel? "

"What is the rebellion!" Yun Yu is a lot of breath.

Shi Renjie immediately did not control, and played a snack. But soon, I will react, and the sound suddenly pulled up: "You Hu said! The book is loyal to the court for dozens of years, and never have to do something to the court!

Yun Hao's mouth hooks, "Is it responsible? Well, this king is responsible for giving you the corpse."

Schone Jie's pupil is slightly contracted, and then calm down, and I scratiful: "The king, meaning, to kill the prime minister?"

Yun Wei asked faintly: "No?"


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