Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Who is not? I want to say that I used to feel that the prince is polite to people's Wen Wen, in addition to the woman's business, there is some mixed bills, I didn't want to go to my father."

"Hey, you are wrong." A man suddenly pulled the words.

Sitial: "What is wrong? Is it wrong? Is the Prince to save his mother but poison his father, is it right?"

The man smiled again. "No, I am not talking about this, but ..." This person reached out, hooked, and showed them to the point, then whispered: "Do you not understand?"

"I told you that this prince wants to kill the emperor, but it is not simply to save his mother, which is obvious. He wants to take the opportunity."

When you suddenly be shocked, "I can't say this! Although I am afraid of sin now, I can't say anything, I can't keep my head."

The man didn't think of it. "Today, the court will post the announcement. This prime minister, but it is in order to cooperate with the prince. Just failure, the prince ran, the prime minister was arrested. "

Several people around him, feel that it seems to be very reasonable.

The man is under the Pakistan, saying: "You are waiting! Before the punishment at noon, he will read the sin, you will know, what I said is not true."

Everyone can't help but look forward to it.

A group of people walked in the street, and people around them were talking about it, and they listened to the city, and they asked next to Yunyi: "You let people will make things, push the wave to help?"

When I heard this, Yun Wei faintly hooked the lips. "Love believes that this king needs this?"

The city thought about it, and shake his head again. "This is not needed, so many witnesses last night."

"Isn't that?" Yun said.

The city suddenly thought of, "Schillers' sin is a big sin of the Jianjian. If so, Shi Yu is not to be involved?"

Yun Yu said faintly: "In the future, there will be no one in this world."

The city is really glimpse, "What is this?"

"Love is not anxious, you will know later." Yun Yu is deliberately selling

Listening to him, it must be arranged everything. The completion of the city smile, "Okay." Donned, eyebrows, "But Fan family must be blind, you said that I should let Lin Fan take Su Yun to see?"

Yun Yun rushed to the mouth, "the city, it seems to have a bit of a fatal disaster!"

"Is there? I am telling the truth."

They walked on the road and was a handsome man, and it was a beautiful woman, or a little fell, it was from time to time to attract some passers-by.

Fortunately, the city is the same as Yun Yu, today wear a mask, it is saved some unnecessary trouble!

This will come to the time at noon, and the green wood is watching the western, especially the delicious small snacks, can't help but do not live in the mouth.

Queu, Yumu asked: "Master, are you hungry?"

The moon immediately looked at the city, poor. Even the little white is also very fitted with the city, "Hey!" (Master, hungry ...)


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