Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Yun said to Qi, "Let's make things! Wait still."

Qi Qi is busy: "Ok, wait a moment, I will call me, I want to eat today. I will talk to me directly. He has learned to do those pastries, and I don't know if there is a standard that is not reached the city. "

When I said, I turned to immediately entered the chef. After a while, I hanged a full smile on the face.

Focus on Yun Yun and the city, "the grass people have seen it ..."

Yun Hao raised his hand to stop, "no need to be rude, there is no prince."

Qi Qi immediately understood, suddenly smiled and said: "The young sister said that Miss is coming to the aunt, I started thinking that he said to laugh!"

Top of the city: "Uncle Uncle is welcome, come here today, I want to eat things, I want to see how you learn, if there is any problem, it will take this store to fix this store. Dish, start business, how do you see? "

Qi Qi Lianlian said, "Miss is the arrangement, I have no opinion. I said that you have time, then I will do a few more faster."

The city is nodded, "the line, the amount is more, and they can eat more."

Qi Qi's sight immediately fell to the green wood, and smiled again: "Make it! Understand!"

After all, there is a last experience, how can I not know?

When you leave, a few people start talking again.

Longfei night seems to have some unexpected look, can't help but ask the city: "This store is related to you?"

The city is moving, "just partnership."

"This beauty is now especially expected, and you said that the delicious pastries."

As a dragon flying night, of course, it will not let go of it, let alone still haven't eaten.

The surrounding guests are looking to them from time to time. If you look at people, you have stared at Warcraft.

Longfei night is quite giving a face back to the face, and suddenly caught a group of women's screams.

Yun Hao was so sad to sweep him: "I want to go far away."

"What is the name? This is called charm! Do not understand? You don't know this kind of pity, oh, no, just like hanging on a tree, you won't understand." Longfei Night Once again, the woman around him was blinking, there was no accident, and again attracted a scream.

The completion of the city looked at him, "You don't have a wife?"

When I said this, Longfei night was light, "It's the !"


The faint smile laughs, "But do you have any opinions about Li Luzhou?"

Longfei night is coming, "I can't talk about it, it is too tired to talk to him, don't you find that every time you talk, is it basically a few words?"

Green wood is very agreed, "streamlined."

I nodded in the moon, "Hey." (He took the initiative to listen to the owner, and the same, streamlined!)

The city suddenly accidentally, "I am in listening me? What?"

The moon is busy, "He asked 'You are not a magic pet' and 'Warcraft likes her'."

"It's allocated in the city," When do you ask you? "

The moon will drive: "It is the last time in the forest, encounter a small white that day."

The completion of the city once again caught up, she didn't know what happened, since the memory opened, I feel that Li Lai dust is like her, I have known it ...

The Dialogue with the Moon Moon, Yun Yuzhen did not understand with Longfei night, but guess must be related to Li Luzhou.


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