After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Why don't you ride on Chapter 835?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The woman's sight swept through a circle of stores, and finally locked them in the city, and the light was moved, and the people next to him said, "Let's sit next to it?"

I looked at the man in my side, nodded and said no opinion, "Well."

Qi Zhen is just a plate of pastries, seeing some guests come in, busy and enthusiasm: "Welcome to this store, two please sit."

Qi said that he has a empty seat around him. It is just that guests have just left.

The two did not pay attention to him, and they were straight to a table next to them. Qi smiled, didn't feel, even busy to go to the city, "Come! This is another three, you will eat, I will say next to it."

Pointing in the city, "You go!"

There is no swallow in the green mouth, there is new, and I am busy in front of myself.

Longfei night is eating: "You haven't finished it yet, what is your urgent?"

When Chamon suddenly replied: "Xiaobai likes to eat, it is now in the long body! I am afraid that you will be able to finish it, of course, you are."

Xiaobai's heart response, "Hey! Hey!" (Xiaobai like to eat! Like to eat!)

I glanced at him in the moon, "!!" ( ! "

"How? Don't you? You don't accept the gas?" Huang Mu snorted and started to fight. I don't know if you are green, busy eating, too lazy. Still, the default is the word "wife"?

Yun Hao gives the city, "the lady eats, eat more, and the body."

The city glanced at him. "Do you want to be long?"

Yun Wei smiled and smiled. "The woman is what you are very satisfied?"

His words successfully ushered in a white eye, "I can't block your mouth!"

Longfei night is a dislike: "Oh! You can not do anything? You look at the Qianren, how harmonious thing is the husband and wife?"

Take a wonderful look at him, what do we have?

At this time, the voice of the woman came, and the tone was quite arrogant: "We are those who are! How can it!"

Qi said: "The guest officer, I am really sorry, this is really no way, those pastries are still not selling outside, and now it is just a test product."

Women's temperament asked, "Why don't you come? Come to the store is a guest. Why can't we do it, can we? Is this something that is not worth it? They can try, other guests are not qualified?"

Qi is busy explaining, "No, no, this thing is of course the same, just this is not the pastry for sale, the amount is not too much. Moreover, this table is the shareholders of this store."

The woman is smirking, "Hey? It turned out to go behind the door? ..."

Qi felt that this person was very difficult to listen, "this lady, what is the back door? This store's shareholders tried the new product of this store, how can I get the back door? This is not something for sale!"

Let the city put down the pastries in your hand, looked at the table, the woman's appearance is ordinary, and it is not a conference in the crowd. Next to a man with a bronze mask, there is no wrapped in a black robe, never sound from the beginning to the end.

This man is not simple, but the woman's simplicity is deliberate! This is the first straightforward in the city.

Yun Wei looked faintly, he took back the line of sight, Rui Tilted the city gentle language, "How can I not eat?"

The city is shallow and smile, shakes the head, "It's too quarrel, some affects the appetite."


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