Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Li Luoyou came down from the World of Water, attracted some people around them.

The waiter who is responsible for the reservation at the entrance of the drunken building, and some of them are confused, the other is extraordinary, and it is from the luxurious World of Warcraft. This person is not ordinary.

Seeing that the person has walked to the restaurant, the waiter immediately asked, asked Li Luzhou, respectful: "Mono, do you come to book a seat?"

Xing Yi immediately forward, to the servant: "Let's come to this store."

"Store?" The waiter stunned, and then he was polite again: "Sorry, our restaurant has not yet opened, tomorrow is the opening day, it is not convenient today."

Xing Yi immediately ride: "Since it will open tomorrow, don't you go in today? What is most, my master is a friend of your boss."

Attendance, a friend of the boss? That is not. Of course, who knows who is the boss of this store, knows what identity. Since it is a friend of the boss, I am busy saying: "The son first please sit in the next meeting, and the small call is coming."

Li Lu is headed down, "Well."

The two followed the attendant into the store, and the Warcraft car also drove away.

Everyone's decoration in the drunken building is curious. Whoever people have been closed, only have a reception desk in the door, this will open, I want to get together. But ... just let go, just see what is particularly bright, there is no clear, and the door is closed again.

"How is this drunken building so mysterious?"

"Yes! It seems to see what it is like!"

"I heard that the decoration style of this is different from all the restaurants! I am really curious about how it is different."

"Forget it, anyway, I will open it tomorrow, I want to see it tomorrow."

Hall in the restaurant

Li Lai Qing comes in a bright, the renovation of the renovation is very novel, and it has never seen anything.

Xing Yi is also curious about watching an eye, can't help but say: "The master, this drunk fairy building is curious."

"Well." Li Luzhou also felt this.

The waiter sat down in a position in the lobby, "the son, let's sit a little."

It's going to leave, walk in the back yard.

Xing Yi looked at the beautiful little chandelier above the seat, surprised, "this light, it is very good."

Li Luqing looked at the eyes, did not say anything.

The backyard, the waiter found Yan Lao, and quickly said: "Yan Ya, the lobby has a son, claiming to be the friend of the master, saying that today is going to shop."

Strict old and doubt, "Can the other party indicate identity?"

The waiter shook his head, "No. The opponent's temperament is distinguished, it is not a general rich son, and the little did not dare to ask."

Yan Yao nodded, "Okay, I know, you will go first!"

The two were sitting for a while, and the old man came over. The two of the people who didn't move, first did not move the color, very obvious, Li Luzhou is the master, respectful gift, and said: "In the cooling The fairy house, the son said that is my friend's friend? "

Li Luqing said directly: "Yes."

Yan Yual is busy asking: "What is the prove?"

Li Yaishi faintly spit out the name, "Li Yaizhi."

Lili Dust?

Yan Hao thought about it, this name seems to listen to who mentioned, but if they think of people who know their mains, he may not know, and no more, anyway, it is only a store, and tomorrow is also open, and live in a day Whether.

It is said: "Just attendant said that the son is going to live in the store? The son is followed, the room is in the backyard."


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