After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 870, Fufang Pavilion 3

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When a person, he also listened, immediately quiet, but looked at the eyes of, but excited and excited.

smile sweet, the sound line is delicate, let these men, not only look at the eyes, not only enjoyment.

Just listening to her: "Today, it is our day, here, I will welcome you to work. Thank you!"

Everyone immediately said: "You don't have to welcome! You don't have to welcome!"


: "In order to thank you for the first batch of customers who come to the store to pay attention to the store, you will receive a brand, the first floor of this night has a free seat, and free drinks, snacks, There is a free song and dance performance for everyone to enjoy. After a while, you can go in with the brand.

In addition, Fufang Pavilion has a second floor of the third floor, six hundred of the box, and the front ten purchase, the top ten can enjoy the lowest 50% off. Other 50% discount. "

"There is also the preferential benefits, I have already written on the announcement, so I believe that everyone is clear early. Now I hope that you can play happy play, now I announce! is opening!"

,, .. ....

Everyone lit again, some people shoud, "What is this?"

has been returned to Fufangge, then there is a sound that has a sound, and everyone is still guess what is what is it. It actually issued a sound?

Then listen to those 'strange things' actually playing a series of notes and listened very well.

I saw twelve women, grabbing the bright spheres of the hand started dancing, raising hands, swinging the arm, squatting, and the dance is completely different from those that they have seen unexpected.

The rack drum is tap, the rhythm is more surprised, "Wow! The thing is very magical, like drums, not drumming."

Longfei night looked at those women's dance, couldn't help but whistle: "This is more than those who are in the palace or the woman who jumped!"

Feng Ling Yu can't help but, "To be honest, I like this music! Especially the dance, look good! Hey!"

The faint laugh smile: "This dance can make people feel excited, the tide is full, suitable for this environment, can make an atmosphere."

Those women wear a navel, perfect body, uniform, neat dance action, breaking the chest, torsion hips, lower waists, every action, can make the scene of a male blood in the scene.

The surrounding green building can also hear this music movement, many people are very curious, what is this program?

Then I ran out directly from each green building, and I will come together. More and more people on this side, dozens of dilute, this is only a while. There are hundreds of people, can't see it directly from the chairs from those greenhouses, standing on the chair.

When the last note falls, the twelve women collectively put the flash ball in the hand, injecting a slight spirit, and then throwing over.

... I saw the colorful light when I was over, like a gorgeous fireworks, beautiful.

I don't know who I shouted: "Good !!" immediately took the lead to applaud, hey ... I was a piece of applause.

Twelve women did not delay, and I wanted to go through the rude gifts, and I returned to Fufangge.

Those men still haven't worry, especially some people who come from the half road, haven't seen it! How can I end?



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