After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 879, Drunken Building 3

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "But I just like him ..." It's really no way to control my mood, it is very difficult, Ouyang Qianqian is not losing.

Ouyang Hongming knew that it would be like this, but I know that I know the evening, anyway, I know, I know it early.

At this way, the welcome smile in the door, the door is welcome: "Welcome, please show your brand."

Ouyang Hongming gave her the brand of Ouyang Qianqian's hand. It was just to see the renovation environment inside, and the light suddenly lit: "Qian Qian! Don't lose! Say!"

Ouyang Qianqian's low head lifted up, and it couldn't help but stunned: "It's so beautiful!"

The point of view of the gate, first seeing is the hall, the oversized chandelier under the second floor, the light is eye-catching, and it is really beautiful.

The welcome is once again opened again. "Two valves are coming to me, your boxing box is on the second floor, please." Said that you have made an invitation posture.

The brothers and sisters are busy with the way, at this moment, Ouyang Qianqian is no longer low, but it has high rise.

Everyone is still waiting in line, and there are two bodied bodies in the corner of the street, and the face is also wrapped up two people. They hidden on the side, the sight is just looking at this.

"Table brother ... Why do we like this ... How is old days so unfair?" The woman said some grievances.

The cousin around her shook his head. "No, it's not the old days, but sometimes, people are too greedy, satisfying the same is not enough, I want more, I don't have enough, that is, this Not satisfied, in the end ... Trend, this is willing to be old days. "

Van Sisteed suddenly cried, "But ... but I have n'thing to do now, oh ... Mother is gone, home is gone. I can't see it ... ... ... ..., what should we do? Do we have to do this? Hiding a life? "

Shi Yu listened to her so crying, my heart was not good, and she was so comfortable, "Nothing, nothing, you still have a brother, the cousin will take care of you."

Van Sisi stopped crying, sobbing, looking at him, "Really? Come on the cousin is not a deceived!"

Shi Yu nodded, "Really, the cousin didn't lie to you."

Van Sisi's mouth evoked, "The cousin is really good." Dunged, reveal the doubts, said: "Table brother, the prince said, he fled, then, where do you know where he is going?"

Shi Yuxiang suddenly fell into his thoughts and slowly opened: "Maybe it is to go with the fairy ..."

Van Sisi flashed slightly, and quickly said: "Xianzong? Is it the big door in West Continent?"

"Yes." Shi Yu is headed down.

When Van Sissteon is excited: "Table brother! We also go to the West Continent? Since we can't survive, can we go to the beginning?"

Shi Yu shakes his head, "With the repair of our two, the light is not can't do from the outer circumference of the swamp forest, the inner dangerous jung, the Warcraft is strong, we don't do it, go, go The location of the transfer channel to the West, I don't know where. "

"So, don't think about it, let alone, I know that the people in the West Continent are strong, we have to come to the same, and may not be able to survive."

Van Si's eyes are all in the eyes, but they have not mentioned, and the emotions are somewhat lost: "Well ..."

"Table brother, I am hungry ... I want to eat ... Can you go to the drunken building to eat?"


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