After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 883 Drunk Different Building 7

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The East arrogant is a lot of mouth, "Haha! It's good! Very good! Today's father is more than yourself!"

Mei Hao looked at the city and smiled: "Your father is like this, alcoholism."

The city is slightly flashing, and then laughs at them. "The children still have to retreat, and they will not bother the father and the mother."

"Well, you still have something to be busy, don't take us." The East is proud to sway.

The city smiled, turned out, gently put the cabin door, and smiled on his face and looked at the green wood next to it. "What?"

Qingmu immediately said: "The owner, before you let the people of the Wangfu follow the people of all the people, just have someone to report, and everyone entered the second floor of the second floor."

The city is smooth, and the tone is light: "It seems that I guess it is right, they will pay this opportunity to come to me." Take another way: "Nothing, let people pay attention to their movements, let's take a look The grandfather of the family is not there, and there is Yin family. I will notify me. "

"Yes, the owner." Green wood, turned and left.

The city knocked on another box door, inside Li Yaoyi is leisurely with tea, Longfei night leisurely drinking juice, and four little only squat on the desktop, Linqi is not cultivated today. It is also sitting next to drink juice.

Seeing the city coming in, I will see it at the same time. "!" (Master!)

"Hey!" (The master is coming!)

Small you can jump directly from the table, "Hey!" (Master hug!)

The city is busy with it, and suddenly smiled and touched: "Small."

Lin Qi is very well-behaved: "Sister is good."

The city came over and gently pinched the small face of his powder, and smiled, "Qi Ju is really awkward."

Longfei night face has a bit a bit a bit, "All the city! You don't say today, will there be a paste? I have been drunk. My juice is drunk, and the pastries are not available."

Doubu, "Pastry? When are you explaining?"

Longfei night immediately replied, "What is the end of the ribbon ripping ceremony, I said to the outside of the waiter outside when I went upstairs. This will have a little more at the time. This service is not good! "

While complaining, don't forget to make a review on the service, is this a complaint?

Pointing in the city, "Good! You wait, I will ask what is going on." Donned, said: "Your juice is still less, otherwise, wait for those good dishes."

I will go out, I will go out, I'm going to step, "You have a few more, drink less."

The door is going out, Xiao You can ask: "The owner, where are we going?"

The city smiled, "Go do things."

Go to the first floor, just seeing the strict rushing upstairs, "Yan Ya."

Yan Lao saw the city, quickly said: "The master, there is just something to find you, let's change."

At this time, the restaurant is exactly someone, and many people in the stairs are moving, almost all are visiting.

The city is headed down, "Go to the backyard."

The backyard pavilion, the city holds a little, look up, look at him, "What is so worried? Say!"

When Yan Lao suddenly said: "The pastries of Qi Ji dinner have not been sent, it should be sent in this morning. It was originally said to be said in each box, but this time I haven't sent it yet. "


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