Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yan Xuan immediately went out, the city opened again, looked at the pastry in the strict hand, the tone was very late: "These pastries are also very delicious, the taste is very good, you have taste! This is the outside. I can't buy it. of."

After listening to this, the Qi Fu Niang had a few unscrupulous stunned, and the other waiters were shocking. A few of course they know that today's pastries have problems.

The completion of the city, "Yan is old, let them taste one."

Yan Lao got the past, starting from the waiter on the side of the alone, the waiter has some hesitation, and finally took it, the guard also picked up a piece, the other somewhat hesitation, and finally watched the city, it seems to be determined, Still reaching out, but there is no one dare to eat.

Yan Yao and walked to the uncle, Yan Xuan rushed in, and went to the city, glanced at the Qi Qi Niang, and the look of the eyes was a bit weird, and it was close to the city and said: "The master, please follow a bit."

The city is confused, "What?"

Yan Xuanzhi contained an anxious color, "You will follow it, you will know it yourself."

In the city, I saw him, I would like to have something, I got down, so I said, "You are waiting here, I will come back."

It turns with Yan Xuan left, Qi Docken looked at the pastry in front of the strict, indicating that he refers to his throat: "Ah ... ah ..."

Yan Lao did not understand, Qi Qi Niang said again: "The child said that his throat is uncomfortable, can't eat it."

"The master has one person in one person." Yan Lao has no extra emotions, just repeating the command of the city.

Greenmakes are only quiet, although this is a bride of Qi, but will not let go of any suspicious point.

Qi Daki smiled and said: "Children don't eat it! Anyway, I also like to eat."

When I said, I took the pastries in the plate, and I didn't hesitate to eat it. Qi Da is bitten, and I suddenly stunned, I couldn't help but see the pastries in my hand, and I ate it again. So delicious, there are not a few mouthfuls, and I took a piece again.

Li Luo Qing and the Dragon Flying Night have some unexpected look at her, eat a piece and eat one, and eat it is very fragrant?

Feng Ling Yu is also surprised, "What happened to the Dragonfly night, what happened?"

Longfei night shook his head, "I don't know."

Qi Daxie has finished eating two, actually take the initiative to take the serious tray all over, and will eat the rest, "delicious!"

Some people have a bit wrong with others, what is this? She didn't even have something to eat so much?

Seeing that her eat, others can't help but swallow water, Qi Dad is like some weird look at her.

The alley of the restaurant backyard, there is a sneaky figure, it is slowly close to the backyard, go to the position close to the door, I watched no one, I just wanted to cover the door to the door, I heard it in it. The sound of the door will be pushed back, and from the thin door to see, they see a group of people don't know what to do.

Heart: It's unlucky! It's so many people!

The door of the restaurant, with the allure of Yan Xuan, after an arrival of the door, many people are watching a stretcher, and there are two guards next to them. They are still lying on the stretcher.

I can't help but feel strange, what happened?

The guard saw the city, immediately before, "participated in Wang Hao."

The city nodded, "Free Gifts." I looked at the stretcher after the eyes and asked: "What happened?"

Yan Xuan's face has a sad look, said: "The master, the person on the stretcher is Qi Qu!"


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