Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The color of the city is revealed, and then the Lili Dust said: "Help me set the barrier."

Li Luqing waved directly, and they had a transparent juncture directly around them.

Longfei night immediately jumped, "I said that you hide strength! It turned out to be a holy level!"

Li Lu is faint, "It is too slow."

Allure has arrived at the holy level, and there is a little unexpected, watching the opposite side, the mouth of the mouth is a faint lip: "Xianzong?"

The two of the opposite suddenly stopped, and the city also said: "Green, you can say."

The anger of the green face has not retired, and the two of the opposite, waving, and there is a big box on the ground, and the city suddenly realizes what, the other people are very curious, there is anything in the box?

The city will take a deep breath, open the box, and a few people around them!

The box is two bodies. From the dress up, it is a man and a woman, why do you say it from dressing? Because they have no face!

Feng Ling Yu is very surprised, I can't help but ask: "These two are?"

"Qi Shu, Qi Wei." Huangmu replied him.

When Feng Ling Yu suddenly became big, "if this box is, then ... there are two?" Suddenly, he thought, "The last time the fairy Jaming is not the truly plum. , then cut his face to himself? "

The two of the two suddenly changed, and it didn't expect to be discovered.

In the heart of the city, I returned the box and re-opened the box. I turned to the opposite side, the tone was cold to extreme: "Do you have to install?"

Then both people were not installed, 'Qi Dawei' suddenly smiled: "Oh! So is found so fast? When you are not fun!"

This voice is no longer a sound of Qi Dao, but a more distinctive woman.

The 'Qi Shu' in the side is in a light road: "The night wind is wrong, you are really smart."

The Allure is taking the way: "Is it? Thank you for praise, but do you have a mask to tear the mask? Look at your two animals, it is really a very eye!"

'Qi Wei' is cold, the voice is suddenly sinking, "You have a kind of saying it!"

The city directly turned a big white eye. "When you see your woman, there is no brain, but it will only point the heart of the poison, and it will be easy to accommodate. If there is no such thing, it is just a second product. "

"You! You are a monk! Dare to marry me?" 'Qi Dawei' anger is very angry.

The completion of the city, "Yeah? Is it wrong? This lady can be a real price woman, I certainly have no kind, but I want to marry you? It's a idiot!"

Longfei night didn't hold back, suddenly laughed: "Haha! You are right, you are a woman, where there is a kind! However, maybe she has!"

The completion of the city is faint, "The poison of the palace is also your next? The poisoning technique is good, but unfortunately, you have met me. On the poison? Oh, I am your old ancestor!"

This is a little true, and the city has lived in the last millions of years, and she is the old ancestors completely.

The woman scored a colorful, torn with the human skin mask on his face, and the 'Qi Shu' next to it also torn the mask.

The two exposed the truth, one is a flat-wondered ordinary woman's face, looking at the thirty year old.


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