Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The allure of the Lili blinks on the side, Li Lili's mouth hook a smile, and then gave a response, "Well."

The chapter is a sinking, he does not expect this man when this man comes out? There is no such person in the previous plan! Yun Hao has long left! Now I have an emerged?

"Who are you?"

Li Yaizhi glanced at him, some disdain, "You are not qualified."

Longfei night laughed: "Yes! You are not qualified, his identity is better than your fairy!"

It's a doubtful in the middle of the city, which is more than a fairy. That is to drive with spiritual ... The temple!

Immediately thought that Yun Hao shouted him 'Shandian Lord', it seems to be the Hall of the Temple!

Li Lai's eyes glanced in the night, "Multi-mouth."

Longfei night smiles: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, the city is not outsiders? Right! Allure!"

The city smiled, "Well."

Li Lu is slightly rising, nodded, "people."

"You haven't finished it!" Zhang Chap Chapters felt that they were completely ignored by them.

Shu Min is also the same, she even looked at the city and the Dragon Flying night they laughed, "Feng Town! Today is your death! However, unfortunately, these few beautiful men have to accompany you."

The hearts of the kids smile, touching: "Is it? Who is dead today!"

Zhang Chapters asked: "What about the colored stones you collected before? Let's give you a whole body, if you don't pay, then you can only smash the corpse."

The city is brid old, for the larite? It seems that Xianzong already knows her hand.

"You said to me? Are you a few? And say that you have determined that today is what we die, not two?"

Zhang Chapcha is a big drink. "It seems that you don't work? It doesn't matter, wait for you to die, your ring is not the Lord, I can also get!" I took out a dagger, and I took my hand. To drip blood on the ground.

The surrounding area they accounted immediately, there is a transparent surrounding ring. Like a juncture, it is touched inside.

The trees around the junior began to shake, rumble ... The ground began to sink, and then the ground seems to have a heat wave.

"What is this array?" Longfei didn't understand.

Li Yaishi is lightly fluttering: "Trap, the lowest level in killing."

Longfei night immediately laughed: "The lowest level? Take this still want to kill us?"

The fall of the city: "This lowest level can also kill the king-level strength, and will take a magma on the ground. If it will be burned by magma. There is no holy-level strength of the above barrier. Can't. "

Longfei night quickly said to Li Luzhou: "Fast crushing barrier."

Li Luqing raised his hand to show up a spiritual force, ... ... ... The comic circle is directly broken.

There is also a paper paper in the hands of the city, and the spiritual work is running again, "break!"

... The ground has rebounded to the land level position.

Looking far away from the two changes, suddenly surprised, "It's so fast?"

"The man is understanding! Of course, it's fast! Hurry and start another array!" Shumin's face is a little gloomy. They haven't thought of this man at all before planning.

Zhang Dynasty quickly demonstrated a secret number, ! Hey ... Direct blows! Suddenly came out of a team of people who unified black costumes.


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