Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Qi will make the ring, and then wear it. At the time of the things inside, I was shocked, and the space rings except for the Dan medicine who said in the city, there were several bags of lactations, a box of gold coins, at least 100,000 gold coins. And there is also a geographical practice.

After reading it, Qi Zun is clear, these are the complement of the city feeling, the compensation is made, and the sigh is not helpful: "I really don't blame you ..." The light is a bright, "but I will work hard." Be the best pastry! It will definitely go to the West Turndow! "

It is the future of the whole mainland to grow in the future.

Just after Yan Xuan's next chapter, there was not long after the head of the head, and the Xianzong in the western continent is also known.

In the unique courtyard, it is easy to pass the cold and calm, and the chapter is dead? "

"Hey! It's really small to see Feng Coal!"

After the hand behind him, he said: "On the Lord, will be willing to go to personally, kill the Fengsheng!"

Easy to raise your hand, "No, now I change my mind."

Slightly doubtful, "The meaning of the Lord?"

"This is alive!" Yi Han Tian tone cool.

"Is there a few sacred beasts around her? People bring it back, the sacrifice also take back! There is also the beast! This is set!"

That hand under the hand: "Yes! Life!"

Easy to turn around, the black mosa under the black mask, dark and deep, the voice is still cold: "Take some people, only the success is not allowed to fail! In addition, go to the night wind, this is something to find him."


He is just a walk under the hand, and he is old, "see the primary!"

"What is it?" Yi Han Tian glanced at him.

The big elders immediately replied: "The main owner, there is already a case of the pre-match, and people will be prepared for a collection of squares. Do you want to say two sentences?"

Easy cold is lightly waving, "No, you can play it on behalf of this!"

The old man is very hesitant, and she asked carefully: "Zong Lord, don't you come out this year?"

"Well! You are good, go! This is still something!" Yi Han Tian has disappeared in the same place.

The old man has a little helpless, "Hey ..." Heart: How to get a game in recent years or to talk, the host is not coming, it is quite weird ...

In the fairy, the sea of ​​the hall on a mountain

Su Bai got a good look, very serious: "Forgetting the worry! You listen to the master, go! Go to you may have any gains and can not say it!" The face smiles, but the other side ungrateful.

Forgetting your worries, "How do you know how to gain?"

Su Bai suddenly laughed, "Because the master has a premonition! Don't forget that the master told you, that year is the river in the East Continental swamp forest, you go to see, touch Is it good? "

"Again, you stay here for more than six years, you don't feel stuffy?"

Forgotten the side, see him, point to nod, just think that I forget to forget the worry, I only listen to him, "Well, in addition to watching your old man, there are several old ages, no strength. "

Su Baiqi immediately, didn't have a good air: "How to talk? Dare to discard your master? No matter, you must participate this year, you don't know, your master's friend, I received a little apprentice, praise in front of me It's all spending! So you have to fight for the master! "


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