Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Everything else thinks that he is talking about, and the cold smile is a cold laugh.

Xianzong's already started, Lingzong is also preparing.

Lingzong is also a stage of entry into the intense phase, but this year is not big in the past, and the old ancestors in previous years are very positive this year.

On the side of the stage, Yunyang looked at the next one, and he was a little impatient, reminded Lu Yan. "You hurry, let them say, let them hurry to go, don't worry! "

Lu Yan felt that he was surrounded by disappointment, and the long distance next to it was the old ancestors who gave them to their associates, and she didn't love the old ancestors of this kind of thing. What happened this year? So positive?

"Yes! Old ancestors!" Lu Yan is a bit of sweat! What is this? Not only come back? Appeal this matter again?

I have a little cough, it is positive, and talking to a disciple of the following disciples: "I went to the annual interpretation qualifying, and I also reached the routine trial, I hope that all disciples will play a good play. Good performance. "

"Now by the captain, the five elders are talking!"

The voice falls, and the applause is a piece.

The five elders came to see the Yunyangzi, and I couldn't help but nervous, and I took a sigh of relief, and said: "Don't be nervous ..."

Lu Yan with other backs of the old, suddenly sneaked with sweat, this is tense what he himself?

Yunyang is directly swept away, whispered: "How much do you do nonsense? Directly into the topic!"

The five elders of the old legs can't help but be soft. "Dear disciples, you are the elite in recent years, is the hope of Lingzong's future."

Yunyang is next to the cold, self-proliferation: "The elite in recent years? The future hope? Not as good as my !"

Lu Yan's head slides down the sweatline ... Heart: Of course, it is not as good as your old man! That is just a ghost! Who can be better than?

Other elders are also the same idea, but no one dares to say, unless they are greasy.

These people naturally put the ' ' of Yunyang, understood into Yun Yu. About this little apprentice, Yunyang is still not directly announced, waiting for the city to give you a surprise!

However, later, most people have come to the Zongmen, come to a surprise, excessive scared ...

The land of Lu Ziyan below is still strange, and the three deliberately stand in the corner of the crowd, and it is a bit boring.

Lu Ziyan did not criticize: "It's boring! I am very annoying me! Since we don't have to participate in the game before the game, I urge us to come back?"

It's strange to shrug, "Then ask you, anyway, he is a master."

I heard this more, Lu Ziyan immediately smashed his mouth: "I will put the spirit of the city, there is a mission to give him a good wine. He actually said that there is no good juice!"

It's a bit heartache. "There is not much hiding goods, but also honor him!"

A strange mouth is a smile, "So, do you have a lot?"

Lu Ziyi stands up, laughs: "There is not a few, just ... Hey, I will ask the city again!"

Mo Xiao: "You will take advantage of it, you will be generous. Waiting for her, you are more guarding her."


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