Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Is it also like a stranger? Is it a big brother?" Lu Ziyu guess and felt wrong.

Mo Wei Directs Directs: "It is impossible, the city does not know that the master is spiritual, how can he recommend it?"

Mo Yusiso, guess: "Will it be the lingering belonging, have already recognized a long teacher?"

Other two people think of it, "Well, it is possible. Master is alive, do not allow him to speak him in front of the public!" Lu Ziki said, Think of thinking, the most likely is that the city is already a master.

Lu Ziyi once again emphasized: "Then you have remembered it, waiting for the city, don't mention the big brother! Otherwise, your consequences are at your own risk!"

Mo Qi Q: "Is your sister knew what the master's brother followed the city?"

Lu Ziyan shake his head, "I don't know!"

"That way, don't say! Less one person knows it." Mo said.

Lu Zi nodded: "Well! I know!"

The five elders finally met in Yunyang, and when I came out, I feel that my back is wet.

Lu Yan asked: "Okay! Trial before participating in the game, sit on the aircraft, departure."

Yunyang's face finally revealed a smile, "Haha! Finally, set out! Go! Xiaoyu, hurry to bring the team! This time I follow!"


As soon as this, there are still a few disciples on the age of the stage, and suddenly shocked.

Lu Yan busy: "Old ancestors! You haven't joked it?"

Yunyang squatted him, "Who is joking with you? What are you? Also let it?"

"However, you are so distinguished, accompany these disciples to participate in trials, don't be right?" Directors can't help.

Yunyang is thinking: I will have to be sincere!

The faint sweeping a few: "You don't talk nonsense! Let's talk, I will make you on the stage now!"

The old man suddenly stopped, Lu Yan helpless compromise, respectd: "The ancestors said!"

Among the few disciples on the top of the stage, one of the young girls called: " , come over."

The purple moon is Lu Ziyan's sister, the appearance is beautiful, and the appearance is not like, the temperament is different, one is like a fire, one like water. Water is naturally a sister's purple moon. It is like a clear water, and the temperament is free, and the temperament is free.

Lu Ziyue took a front step in front of the court, and the courtesy took a ritual, soft and said: "Father."

Lu Yan nodded, "You take care of the old ancestors on the road, do you know?"

Lu Ziyue didn't have to talk, and the Yunyang sides waved directly, refused to say: "What do you take care of? I don't have the old body fading could not be self-careful? It's going to hurry! Don't delay the time!" One sentence: If it is delayed my big event! Capture you!

The people around them don't know how, suddenly blowing a cloudy style, can't help but the spirit.

Lu Ziyue looked at Lu Yan, "Father ... this?"

Lu Yan swayed directly, "Okay! That's like this, okay."

Lu Ziyue, Xiao Xiao: "Yes."

Yunyang took out a mask and worn on his face, and it was very happy: "Haha! I can't recognize me."


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