Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Side a self-confidence: "No, I am different from your thoughts, I guess ... The ancestors want to see if there is any talent in us, what is the disciples?"

Some people have not believed that they secretly looked at Yunyangzi, whispered: "No? The old ancestors' disciples, who tried to have the conditions like dust-free brothers?"

The man's disciple is affirmed: "You look good, I guess the old ancestors is this purpose, or you think he is so idle? Do you have a trial with us? Do you have a good performance, maybe there is a chance!"

Several disciples listened to a little truthful, and the heart felt that this time we must work hard! Maybe it is seen?

If Yunyang is letting the knowledge, maybe he will hear these people.

The aircraft flies from Lingzong to the West Turndo, I need a whole two days, he is bored, just sleep.

Sitting on the other end, Lu Ziyue, looked at Yunyang, and there was still a little excited. She just said that she was heard, the mouth is bent.

A female disciple sitting next to it, Shi Momo looked at her, " ? What do you want? Is this happy?"

Lu Ziyue collapsed, turned to her, smile faintly: "Nothing! Just think of it, maybe there is some unexpected small harvest, so some expectations."

While smiled at the same time, "I also think that there will be gains this time! However, unfortunately, we are not at the list of disciples, just accompanied."

On the other side, Li Heng looked at Lu Ziyue, and there is a softness of the light. I asked: "If you are tired, take a break, there are us here!"

Lu Ziyue smiled, "Wonderful."

Bai Momo felt a little boring, start looking for a topic, thinking about it, whispered: "Where do you say that the dust-free brother is? How can I have not seen it for the longest?"

Lu Ziyue heard that this name, the light could not make gentle, soft: "Don't know ... Maybe there!"

Shi Momo looked at her, I immediately asked: "I don't know if you don't know. If you say that you will go with the dust-free brother, in addition to Mo, it is you."

Lu Ziyue smiled and smiled. Will come back. "

Li Heng did not insert this topic on the side, just watching Lu Ziyue silently. The most quiet, the wind is the most quiet, and someone sits on the side to close his eyes, and he didn't say a word from one click.

White Momo saw him and received his eyes, continued: "I don't know this, we can still sit in the first."

Li Heng faintly looked at her. "This problem seems to not ask at all, Ling Zong doesn't take the first? Who will take the first?"

Although Lu Ziyue did not speak, but from a smile with her mouth, it is agree with this statement.

The white foam is not very agreed. "Don't you know that Xianzong is different from this year? Other Zongmen we can completely ignore, but from the past, we don't have a dust-free brother. It seems also very dangerous ... "


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