Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night actually learned her?

Murongfei snow face momently distorted, it has been completely caught in his own thoughts, as for what you think, you only have you.

When you look at the Yunxiao, I will enter the pavilion and shout: "Miss?" I didn't hear it?

Seeing that she seems that I am not awkward, I've been busy approaching: "Miss, you are nothing?"

"Nothing, let's go!" Murongfei got up and recovered, and everything was like never happened.


It is another night black, but not quiet night, Liu Xiang Street is still a person, and it is unblocking.

The door of Fufang Pavilion, it is already a big row dragon today, and it is said that there are four hundred and five hundred people. Some even dinner is not eaten, and they will queue in the evening.

"I haven't come yet last night?" A man is somewhat boring. See the door has not yet opened, start opening the words.

The man next to the next is excited, "I am coming! It's too stimulated last night! It's not to have this life! So I didn't come to queue early?"

The man's words successfully filed the interests of the people, there is humanity: "How is it lively? I was coming last night. Some people say that Li Chunlou has a discount. As a result, there is no chance to go in."

This person said, the tone is very regrettable, but the heart is more, I feel that the people of the Junchi Spring Building are very disgusting, when do not say that time to run.

Others have the same feeling, "Yes! I missed this last night!"

"People who went in last night said that the girls in theges, a day of Sai Xian, called a water spirit, not like other floors, the face on the face is the same."

"The most important thing, the show here is really exciting!"

At this time, someone exclaimed: "The door is open! Haha! The door opened!"

The attention of everyone was suddenly pulled back, and he went Qi Qi to see it to the door. I saw the six guards first came out first, and the people who looked at them were looked at them. "Yes." "

I came out of the two dress special, but a very good girl, one of them is sweet: "Everyone lines line up, not in a hurry, now, there is a brand of the first."

Then there are those people who have a predetermined position in advance, listen to a row alone, one of the order, no one dares to cut up or squeezed. If there is no brand, the people who are waiting for them first, and there is no complaint.

However ... the rear of the crowd, a group of people suddenly appeared.

Lianzi ink looks at the other party, it seems that it is not good?

I made a gesture toward the door, "come out!"

The group leader is actually Li Jia's two masters, Li Wenwu, which was in the palace banquet, but the phoenix is ​​very frequently shown.

"You all let them open! Let us go in first!"

Those people who queue listened to this arrogant voice, some turned to see: "Li Jia two young people?"

Everyone is also unexpected.

Lianzi ink is flat: "Sorry, please queue."

Li Wenwu disdainted him, "Who are you doing? Do you know who is the young master? Do you dare to let the young master queue?"

Lianzi ink did not be angry, and once again used a flat tone: "The rules of the store are inquiry, and the knucklers will be horing."

Li Wenwu's side is a little jumped out, "What? What do you mean? Do you want to say what you want to make?"


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