After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 951 Alchemies Emphasis (below)

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! For a time, the audience was full of screams, and some even didn't have time to call it.

"Who are you? Is it a hatred with my alchemist union?" Lei Ming saw that after their strengths, suddenly panicked.

The city is taking the way: "You don't need to know, you only need to know, some things are not you can think, it is best not to think, otherwise, the next is dead!"

Lei Ming face instantly transforms, the meaning of this, "you are ..."

"Hey ..." It has not been finished, and the abdomen is directly caught, and even the Yuan Ying strength has not played.

After Lei Ming, the other alchemists also mourned asked for mercy, "I beg you! Let us let us! We have not done, all the idea of ​​the Vice President! We are all listening to him!"

"I beg you, let me go!"

The completion of the city looked at those people, turned and said: "One will not stay."

When I went to the gate, I looked up in the upper side. "Is it lively and good?"

The two of the above flew directly, Longfei night laughed: "Yes!"

The city is eyebrows, "Okay, lively, we should say goodbye."

Longfei night stunned, surprised: "Is there a piece of walk? What goodbye?"

Li Lai is the idea of ​​understanding the city, but "know how to go to Lingzong?"

The city shakes his head: "Don't know, but you can ask."

"You are sure you want yourself? If you encounter a fairy on your way?" Longfei night disadvantages, he agreed that Yun Wei should ensure that the peace is safe.

In the city, I looked at them and said: "I can't rely on you every time I encounter dangers, or by green wood, I need to grow."

Longfei night seeing the idea of ​​the city, but still is not dead, "Li Lili dust, you come."

Li Lai dust looked in the city, "We are eating, not responsible."

Longfei night really wants to laugh three, this is too right!

Skating in the mouth of the knee, "If you do this, you are too eye-catching."

"Nothing is fine, we can also disguise!" Longfei night very positive from the ring from the ring, it is a face mask. Wear on the face.

Some proud: "You see, can you?"

There is a bit helpless in the city.

Li Luqing nodded directly, and his mouth is faintly bent, "Okay"

Longfei night does not agree, "What is good? I will be separated from the West Continent. The wetlands in the West Continent can be more dangerous than the east mainland, this can't!"

The city is white, "Do you think the Warcraft in the swamp forest will play with me?"


Long Fei suddenly thought about it, "This ... it seems to be!"

"That is not?" The city looked at the Dragon Flying Night, and finally locked it on him. "Your clothes are also changed, and the red is too big." It is not a general young master. "

Longfei night is not willing to: "How come? Don't I think I am in red? I have a few sets!"

A man, do you have a dozen set of red clothes?

"If you change it, you will follow it, don't change yourself." The city will not look at him.

Dangdang ... There is a car of the car, the side of the city, come to two Warcraft vehicles, the first two-faced men standing on the driving department, should Li Lai dust. The second one is the wind, the wind, Blue Snow is exploring the head from the inside.


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