After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 968 may have a poison 2

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Longfei night put his hand and laughed: "Will not do it, rest assured!"

Whether it is a barbecue, or a wine, it has been drifted out, filled around them, with the wind gradually floating ...

Some things in the forest have also smell the hook at the hook, and start looking for the taste to move slowly.

Longfei night pot wine has not been all crying, "You ... you don't drink ... Hey, the one is myself ... I have enough."

Li Lili turns a root of the roots, and the slows will eat.

Suddenly, the light was moving, and I saw it in the direction of one side. "" Come. "

The city knows what he refers to, and the mouth is slightly hooked, "I have been waiting for so long, I finally appeared."

Longfei night response is somewhat slow, seeing them two, the eyes are some blur, and some doubts, "You ... you ... say ? ... ?"

The completion of the city is smart, "I will know soon, but ..." Donned, ask: "Can you play?"

Longfei night has some confused, "play?"

Li Yaizhong once again said: "Prepare."

The completion of the oven and other tools on the fire, directly put together, and get up and look at the direction of moving seminars.

"It seems that there is still a lot of physical strength, and there is a lot of quantity."

Li Yaizhi immediately said: "Hide."

The city is also flooded directly, and the blink of an eye disappears, and Li Lai also disappears with Xing Yi body.

Next to the fire, only the Longfei night with a glass, a face is awkward ...

"What? People ... Where is it?" Half eyes looked around, and there was no photo.

This surrounded by movement, Longfei night doubts: "What is the sound?"

Sha sand sand ... .

... One moment appears, the fire heap, there have been several huge Warcraft.

Longfei night stunned, "This ... this is?" After drinking wine, the brain turned slower, when the reaction came over, the sound pulled up: "People !!! You are gone, leave me Due to Warcraft? "

No one responded to him, but the Warcraft stared at the wine glasses in his hand and the wine pot. The big head was close to, sniffed, and then very happy, excited to Longfei Night.

"Hey! Hey !!" "Three-meter poisonous scorpion squatted two times, seemed to say.

But Longfei night does not understand, the city is not there, haven't waited for him to explore where they hide, and one three spiders have rushed up.

"Hey !!" "At the same time, I raised him.

Longfei night wine suddenly woke up half, quickly avoided, next second, ... A pit appeared in the place where it was.

I immediately took a chest, "Wow !! Check !!"

The other also holds the hook, there is still a wine that has not been drunk. I saw a few, "What do you want to do? This beauty has not taken the initiative! You are looking for me!"

A flower spotted is light, staring at the wine pot in his hand, "Hey !!"

Longfei night is very strange, what is this group of guys do?

I looked at them to swim to myself, I didn't care.

"Since you want to ask! Then don't blame me, you are welcome!" The wine pot is received, and the ring is entered.

... The spiritual force condenses the palm, and the three waves towards it.

...... Boom!!


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