Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The popular disciples can't help but pumping again. Some people even doubt. Forgetting the worry, will it be a son of the primary? Otherwise, what are you afraid of him?

Everyone's sight, at this moment, all the people sitting in that corner, Qin Chu lost his eyes, shook his head, Lin Qiang Yan looked for forgotten, the feeling faint, there is no emotion.

Wu Siyuan didn't know why, she felt that this moment was a bit nervous, I didn't know what he would say, his hand did not consciously sweating.

Forgot to open the eyes, open the crowd, the thin lips are light: "What do I say?"

That Song was just said: "Smeir is a matter of confidence, you don't have it? Never send a word, let a woman help you take responsibility? Don't you feel ashamed?"

Forgot to look at him, I looked at Wu Siyuan, and the corner of his mouth evoked if there was a laugh.

Slightly tone: "First, where I want to be my freedom, can you call you? The football is in your own body, can I cut it? Second, my strength yourself, you? ? Where is the confidence?

Third, I didn't say that she had to ask her for me. This is not related to me, why do you have to ask? "

The line of view immediately fell on Wusiyuan, and said that "" You will make people misunderstand, "Miss Wu."

Suddenly, some of the female disciples who have been in all, shouted: "Just! The foot is in your own body, now I still blame others?"

Wu Siyuan floated on his face, and immediately explained: "No! No, forget, I ..."

"Also, the last piece, your savior is such a attitude? Under your own questions, should I have the four words 'forget negative'?"

The Song's face was turned into a moment, and a shy is full of heart. Some of the rest of other men and disciples, facing the eyes of forgetting the sorrow, can't stand up.

The cold whistling clouds have a slight change, I really didn't see it. This guy can say this?

Sun Jiajia, who has never been talking, immediately came out, forgetting a worry, apologize: "I am really sorry, I have never thought about it, thank you very much for your life, it is our own self-proposition. You go ... "

Some women listen, "! Sure enough, I have followed it, but also said the head of people?"

"That's it! You didn't look at Wusiyuan, I still had a boring, I was forgotten, and I didn't have a short way to forget it. What?"

Wu Siyuan suddenly cryed, "Sorry, I don't deliberately, I really didn't think about it, I am really sorry!"

Some men looked at the tears, and the heart was soft, and immediately said: "Okay, the gentlemen is not intentional. You don't say anything."

Liu Long is refreshed with the impression of forgetting. He always thought that he didn't love the opening ... Today is a big opening.

Immediately: "Okay, this thing is until this, the head of the old, you will be a premiere, nor I have remembered it, but if there is another time, don't think about it."

After those people, I am happy, "Thank you! Thank you for your old!"

Forgot to look at the cold, the clouds, the faintly asked: "Rank ninth in the hundred lists?"

The cold whistlens, "Yes, how?"


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