After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1001: What are you doing quietly?

   Chapter 1001 What are you doing quietly?

   "I called the company, and they said, let Yuan Qin drive for you, but Yuan Qin has a rash these days, so I will take care of it first."

   Lao He's rhetoric, Tang Li did not deliberately expose it.

  Thinking of that '囡囡', when I stepped on the pedal, I used two extra effort.

   The people behind her followed suit and stomped the pedal hard.

  Tang Li turned his head and cast a death stare.

  "..." Yu Sui didn't know why, but he also sensed the trembling from the depths of his soul. He hugged his backpack tightly and squeezed in through the gap between Tang Li and the car door.

   Tang Li, who was pressed to the door: "..."

   As for the perpetrator, he was sitting in the Situation Room of Tangong Palace. Under the attention of the Vice President, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and others, he put away the mobile phone that was already busy in the receiver.

  ——To be so full of anger when you slap people, it means that you are not suffocated by that doll suit.

   As soon as Tang Li arrived on the set, Guan Xiao came to look for her.

   "Saturday drama is coming up, "Infinite Challenge" wants to invite me and you to record a show, Feng Qi should tell you?"

   Last night, Tang Li had received a notification email from Feng Qi.

There is a recording of "Infinite Challenge" in   .

"The Most Dazzling She" can be regarded as Tang Li's first star drama in the true sense. Although she was overwhelmed by Guan Xiao, she has no actual achievements in the TV drama circle. The original "Original Sin" was only a small supporting role. Before the results were released, Guan Xiao was solely responsible for carrying the drama.

Even in the weekly theater at 10 o'clock in the middle of the night, Feng Qi values ​​her 'first show' very much. Although this drama cannot determine her life and death in the TV drama circle, it will let those who live and die before the release of "Misuo River Action". The wait-and-see capital decides whether to take out a loan or not.

   Therefore, during the broadcast of the drama, relevant publicity announcements are essential.

   "Infinite Challenge" was recorded in Haozhou.

   It takes about two hours to take the high-speed train from the capital.

   ""Infinite Challenge" is from Fruit Channel. This episode we recorded will be broadcast on Friday nights every other week in conjunction with the start of the drama, so the recording time is very fast. It is scheduled for the day after tomorrow, which is Saturday."

   As long as the crew is willing to release people, there is no problem with recording Tang Li any day.

  Tang Li prepared a million-dollar cheque that night, finished filming the next morning, and went to the hospital before catching the high-speed rail.

  Li Wenyan got the check she gave, looked at the words '100 million' on it, resisted the twitching on his face, changed his old temper, and threw Tang Lilian and two coconuts out.

   "The main reason is that the mortgage has not been repaid." Tang Li inserted the straw into the coconut and held it to Li Wenyan: "The bank won't give more loans, and I won this million."

   One million is only one percent of one hundred million.

  According to this method, the year of the monkey, the horse and the month will not be gathered together.

   Noticing the 'buy one get one free' promotional label that had not been torn off on the coconut, Li Wenyan went to see Tang Li again, only to think it was a bad thing!

  If you continue to rely on her to raise the money, it is time for you to book the WIFI installation service at the tomb!

  Tang Li came out of the ward and posted a circle of friends that only a few people could see.

   A few minutes later, I received a question from Li Yuaner.

   "What do you mean?! [Screenshot]"

  Tang Li saw that she had intercepted the content of her Moments, got into the nanny car, and replied unhurriedly, "May I ask what grade did you graduate from, and I don't understand the literal meaning?"

   Without waiting for Li Yuaner to respond, Tang Li output another gif.

The   Gif is about five seconds long.

Li Yuaner clicked on the picture and saw a pandaren with a DELVAUX limited-edition bag and a butterfly headband. The next second, another elderly pandaren in a hospital gown appeared next to him, slapped and slapped the former. On the head, the young pandaren immediately burst into tears, and the subtitles began to scroll on the picture: "Let you buy a bag! Let you ignore the life and death of my father! Unfilial daughter!"

  DELVAUX's bag...

   She carried this bag yesterday morning. This is Chi Guoguo's scolding!

   is the same as that circle of friends.

  [When Wu Dalang died, in addition to Pan Jinlian, who was feeding the medicine, his daughter hid behind the door to witness the whole process, and silently handed her mother a bottle of Zhenshiming eye drops. 】

   Thinking of what she and her mother did without her father, Li Yuaner clenched her phone tightly, but she was unwilling to be connoted by that illegitimate daughter: "Tang, you don't have to be weird there!"

   Click [Send], and a line of small gray characters will appear in the dialog box.

  【The message has been sent, but was rejected by the other party. 】

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

  Tang Li was accompanied by Yu Sui when he went to Haozhou.

   Arrived at the hotel arranged by the program team, it was almost 4 pm.

   In the evening, the chief director of "Infinite Challenge" organized a dinner to let the guests and several star hosts get acquainted with them first.

   Before Tang Li came, he knew that Yang Ning was one of the regular hosts of this reality show.

When Yang Ning heard the director's introduction to Tang Li, she still acted like she didn't laugh. When other people talked about "The Most Dazzling Her" that will be broadcast tomorrow night, she just said a word of 'joking': " You have to be careful with the old pass, the ratings are not good when you look back, others can throw the blame, but you really have to be listed in the hot search."

   As soon as these words came out, there was a few seconds of silence in the box.

  The festival between Yang Ning and Tang Li is well known to other artists present.

   After all, it is on the hot search list.

   But at that time, the two sides did not open up, and everyone just turned a blind eye, never thinking that Yang Ning would suddenly embarrass people.

   The chief director saw this, and just raised his glass to prepare for the round, Tang Li over there first said, "This is Longjing?"

   Everyone turned their attention to the teacup in her hand.

   "It's not Longjing." The chief director saw the change in the topic with a smile on his face: "Picked it before tomorrow."

   "No wonder."

  Tang Li put down the teacup and smiled back at the director: "After all, it is freshly picked, and the taste is much better than those old green teas."

   Chief Director: "..."

  Yang [Old Green Tea] Ning took his seat and said, "Who are you scolding?" was about to exit, the box door was pushed open, and Qingyue's male voice came lightly: "It seems that I am here at the right time!"

   This voice is not too unfamiliar to Tang Li.

   She raised her head and saw Meng Shu in a white sports suit.

  ——Song Boyan's so-called cousin.

   Through the introduction of the director, Tang Li knew that the other party was the sponsor of "Infinite Challenge".

The arrival of    Meng Shu made the atmosphere liven up again.

   Even Yang Ning went to toast with the gold master father.

  Tang Li was no longer targeted, and became a little transparent in the audience. He was eating shrimp, the phone on the table vibrated, and the word [Song] appeared on the lit screen.

   Picked up the phone and quietly left the box.

   chose an unoccupied corner, and she called back.

  As soon as the phone was connected, the man's cool and steady voice poured into the cochlea——

   "You didn't answer the phone just now, what are you doing quietly?"

  ——Small chatter——

  Tang Xiaoli: It is said that a beautiful face is the most suitable for practicing hand strength, here I come!

  Meng Shu: If I am guilty, please let the law punish me!

  [I found that some channel readers can't see my digression, so I will briefly mention here. I stopped for a long time because of my physical problems. Now the muscle pain has basically disappeared. After the recovery is better, I will increase the amount of updates as appropriate. (These words do not need to read coins)]

Goodnight everybody!



   (end of this chapter)

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