After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1003: The question is, does he dare?

   Chapter 1003 The question is, does he dare?

   The first person who discovered Meng Shu fell into the water was an assistant director of the program group.

She just happened to pass by holding a bunch of famous brands. Out of the corner of the eye, she saw a figure lying on the side of the piranha pond, and then she looked closely at the turbulent water surface and the hordes of piranhas, which scared her so much that she almost threw it away. Drop the props!

   That is a man-eating pomfret!

   In order to attract traffic and create topicality, the show team used all real man-eating pomfrets.

  Although the man-eating pomfret raised in this pond is only half the size of the palm, it is a relatively mild species and has no previous record of hurting people, but who can pat on the chest and guarantee that they will never attack people? !

   Once there is a situation of 'cannibalism', not to mention that this variety show will definitely be stopped, and even the stage will not be able to eat it!

   In a panic, she hugged the famous brand and shouted: "Come on, someone has fallen into the water!"

  Meng Shu endured the tingling pain in his buttocks, and managed to climb the escalator steadily, and just as he stepped on the underwater steps with his right foot, he heard a hysterical 'Someone fell into the water'.

"……"Oh shit!

  I want to stop the other party, but I can't cover the other party's loud voice like a gong!

   After a few seconds, people came running from all directions.

   "It's Mr. Meng from VG!" Yang Ning was the one who arrived earlier.

   When she recognized who fell into the water, her expression changed drastically. While urging the staff to rescue her, she stuck her feet on the spot and dared not move any further.

   Meng Shu was dragged out of the pool with the merman and the fish.

  When everyone saw the man-eating pomfret, their expressions changed.

  Especially, when the director pulled the fish down, the others around him only felt that the chrysanthemum was also tight.

  ——That fish with sharp teeth must hurt!

  Tang Li came late with Yu Sui.

   "What happened?" Yu Sui held a black umbrella and squeezed in desperately.

   Guan Xiao's assistant turned around and whispered, "The sponsor of the VG phone accidentally fell into the pool and was bitten by a piranha!"

   Yu Sui heard this, and immediately looked at Tang Li, urging silently.

  —— Urge her to watch the fun.

  Tang Li walked to Yu Sui's side with a mini fan in his hand, where Meng Shu was also helped up.

  To say that Meng Shu is really good-looking.

   Even if it becomes a chicken in soup, there is still an artistic conception of a beauty taking a bath.

   However, most beauties have temperaments, and Meng Shu is no exception.

  Under the eyes of the public, it can be said that he lost his face and lost his hair.

   As soon as he stood firm, he shook off the hand of the staff to support him, because the force was too strong, and it was inevitable that the wound on his **** would be involved.

  ——Does it hurt?

  —of course it hurts!

   But he still held back and didn't show any more.

The chief director took the dry bath towel handed by his assistant and draped it over Meng Shu's shoulders, covering the wet floral shirt. Come and have a look with the team's medical staff."

  Meng Shu was about to leave with his assistant when a discordant voice came from the crowd.

   "Why is this **** still bleeding?"

  Meng Shu: "..."

  Yu Sui sighed while covering the umbrella over Tang Li's head: "Sure enough, there are nine hemorrhoids out of ten people, no matter how good a handsome guy's face looks, he will still have hemorrhoids!"

   "So, when you go out, you'd better wear less white pants."

   This matter has nothing to do with his high-hanging tone, Meng Shu has already heard who it is.

   I will fall into the pool, of course not because of slippery feet!

   There was only one Tang Li beside him at the pool just now.

   Even if Tang Li slipped away without a trace afterwards, Meng Shu knew that she was the one who kicked him!

  However, catching the thief and seeing the stolen goods, because the filming has not yet started, the nearby cameras are all turned off, and the scene of Tang Li kicking people was not captured at all.


  Even if there were eyewitnesses, he would have to say he fell.

   He was not afraid of Tang Li, but he was afraid of Song Boyan behind her.

  Once the matter spreads to Song Boyan, it will be endless trouble.

   After many years, he still remembers the kick Song Boyan kicked Song Jinyang's uncle in Yunqi Villa.

   But it broke three human ribs directly.

  Song Boyan's temper is far from being as good as it appears on the surface.

   He dared to provoke Tang Li in private, but he never thought of confronting Song Boyan directly.

  Tang Li of course knows Meng Shu's grievances, she can kick people, so she's not afraid that he will attack her in public. The question is - does Meng Shu dare?

   Waiting for the others to disperse, Tang Li squatted beside the fish pond.

   "Be careful!" Yu Sui pulled her, avoiding the pond of man-eating pomfret.

   Maybe it was because of the smell of blood. At this moment, those man-eating pomfrets were still lingering around the pool.

Tang Li scooped a spoonful of chopped shrimp and shellfish from the feed bowl next to him and sprinkled it into the pool, remembering Meng Shu's limping back, he couldn't help but say, "These red-bellied men are still underage, and their guts are also among piranhas. The youngest." If it were replaced by a pool of Brazilian black food, Meng Shu wouldn't want to keep his **** today.


   "What a pity?" Yu Sui looked curious.

  Tang Li put the spoon back into the feed basin: "Unfortunately, in today's recording, the piranha pond will definitely be removed."

   Half an hour later, Tang Li's guess was confirmed.

   The program group replaced the link of "Archery Crossing the Bridge" with "Archery Filling Words".

   For the next day, Meng Shu did not appear again.

   Also because of the accident that the gold master's father was bitten, the whole recording went very smoothly, and neither the host nor the guests had any demon incidents.

  The recording ended at 7pm.

   Tang Li just finished taking a shower, and Yu Sui also returned to the room with the takeaway.

   She hurriedly closed the door with her backhand: "Guess what I saw?"

  "..." Tang Li looked at her gossip face full of 'you ask me, ask me quickly', and continued: "What did you see?"

   "It's Yang Ning!" Yu Sui whispered, "She went to the hospital to see Mr. Meng, and she was wrapped up tightly, and she even asked the assistant to cover her!"

   said, took out his mobile phone: "I took a picture of it, let's buy her a hot search, and buy some navy soldiers. She didn't just break up with that model boyfriend, so she said she hacked—"

   "Don't split it yet." Tang Li took the takeaway bag from her hand: "The time you spent buying the navy army, you might be on the hot search."

   Yu Sui: "???"

ten minutes later--

   Looking at [Yang Ning's Love], which was ranked No. 1 on the Internet, Yu Sui felt that the pig's trotter in his hand was no longer fragrant, "Can this be [exploded]?"

   Tang Li was much calmer than Yu Sui when he saw the hot search.

Yang Ning is a successful actress in the entertainment industry, and she is about to enter the 30th milestone. In the past two years, her love life has been attracting attention. The marketing account revealed that she is in love with a wealthy and powerful man. Whether it is true or false, she must first The last wave of hot searches.

   Moreover, this marketing account also released a short video.

   is the picture of Yang Ning entering the hospital.

   "Could it be that she broke the news herself?" Yu Sui turned to look at Tang Li.

   Tang Li of course guessed that this may be Yang Ning's self-directed and self-acted.

   As for why Yang Ning did this——

   "The Most Dazzling She" happens to premiere tonight.

   (end of this chapter)

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