Chapter 1030 The best wedding gift

   At two o'clock in the morning, Li Yuaner knocked on her eldest sister's door.

   It was Ouyang Qian who came to open the door.

   Last night, Ouyang Qian stayed in the eldest daughter's room. The mother and daughter said a lot of thoughtful words, and they were also preparing for today's trip abroad. When the door was knocked, they fell asleep not long after.

   As soon as the door was opened, Ouyang Qian was greeted by the little daughter's dark circles under her eyes.

   Without waiting for her to ask anything, Li Yuaner took the initiative to tell: "Mom, Tang Li just had a miscarriage of medicine!"

  "..." Ouyang Qian hurriedly pulled people into the room, closed the door, and found that Li Yuaner was clutching a pair of pajama pants wrapped in a plastic bag, or a pair of bloodstained pajama pants.

   "Where did these pants come from?"

   "Aunt Wu took it out of Tang Li's room." Li Yuan'er said truthfully, "She packed a bag and quietly threw it into the trash can outside. I picked it up."

   The **** of the pajama pants was stained with blood.

   At this moment, the cloth is still wet.

   "What's wrong?" Li Shengxia was also woken up and sat up from the bed.

  Ouyang Qian took the pair of pajama pants with the Tusky pattern from her younger daughter and took it to the bedside: "Little **** named Tang, just shed the child."

   was getting close, and Li Shengxia also smelled a **** smell.

  Li Yuan'er put on the face of a hanged ghost and followed to the bed: "She is in a hurry to marry your Excellency now, and I knew she would do something!"

   Therefore, she stared at Tang Li's room in the second half of the night.

   "Auntie Wu came out of Tang Li's room with a sneaky look. Not long after, I saw her husband go out at the top of the stairs. In the middle of the night, he came back with a black plastic bag in his hand."

   Nine times out of ten the ones loaded there are abortion pills.

  Because Aunt Wu’s husband went back to the room not long after, Aunt Wu went upstairs with this plastic bag.

   More than an hour later, there was a pair of Tang Li's blood pants in the trash can.

  Ouyang Qian herself was a miscarriage.

Although    is a little different from medicine flow, it is similar.

  Tang Li did not show his arms, indicating that the month was still young.

The medicine that comes out will not be the child. Things like the gestational sac and endometrium can be flushed directly into the toilet. Pants stained with blood will be discovered if they are hidden or burned. It is indeed the best to discard them quietly in the middle of the night. Approach.

   "Now, Aunt Wu was bought by Tang Li."

   Speaking of Aunt Wu's "back to the master", Li Yuaner felt resentment in her heart.

   It was his mother who clearly recruited Aunt Wu to come in and pay her wages, just because Tang Li said he could take her to the Tan Palace, she was used by Tang Li without saying a word.

  Li Shengxia confirmed that the pajama pants were real blood, and handed the pajama pants back to Ouyang Qian: "Take these pants carefully, and take them abroad together. It will be of great use in the future."

   "You mean—" Ouyang Qian guessed her daughter's intention.

  Li Shengxia leaned on the head of the bed and slightly curved his lips: "Some things are unfounded, but we still have to give evidence. When the time is right, these trousers are the best wedding gift we can give you."

  Meanwhile, downstairs is the maid's room.

Mother Wu looked at the shaved old hen hanging on the windowsill, raised her right hand, and slapped Father Wu's back three times: "I want you to destroy the corpse after the blood has been drained. Bring it back, in the TV series, people like you can't live for half an episode!"

   "It's too wasteful not to throw it away." Father Wu said in a muffled voice.

   Then, don't give his wife a meaningful look: "My child's mother, since you came to the capital, I think you are more and more floating."

   "This is called vision, you know, vision!" Mother Wu couldn't wait to find a hammer and hit her elm head, "With your short-sighted vision, how can you go to the Tan Palace to manage the gardening for your Excellency in the future."

   "Then I'll throw it away now."

   As soon as Father Wu untied the rope on the chicken feet, he was pushed aside by Mother Wu: "What are you throwing! Miss A Li is suffering from a miscarriage of blood, so she doesn't need an old hen to make up her body."

   Father Wu: "..."

   The next morning, Tang Li woke up and smelled the aroma of chicken soup.

   After she washed up and went downstairs, Mother Wu handed her the insulated bucket with chicken soup.

   "This is stewed with old hens, especially for filling."

  Tang Li just took it, when a cold snort sounded at the stairs: "Take the household my mother gave, and open a small stove for some shameless people, Aunt Wu, you really have!"

   turned back and saw Li Yuaner.

  Li Yuan'er was wearing a court-style nightdress, without concealing her irony, she waited for Tang Li to reply.

   She had prepared her words. Once Tang Li asked, "Who are you scolding shameless?", she immediately replied, "You are the one who scolded you."

   However, Tang Li's reaction was very different from what she thought.

Tang Li's gaze fell on her as if he was looking at a mentally retarded: "Yuan'er, Dad is going to run for the Senate today, what's wrong with Aunt Wu cooking him a pot of chicken soup? Yes, the household is given by Aunt Qian, but you also Shouldn't be an old hen saying that Dad eats soft rice, has no shame, and is there any respect for the elders?"

  Li Yuaner: "!!!"

   This reversal of black and white is also eye-opening!

   "You!" Li Yuan'er was about to refute, but Tang Li looked behind her and smiled, "Dad, you're down!"

  Li Yuan'er: "..."

   She turned around abruptly, and indeed saw her father.

   After last night, Li Wenyan did not return to the hospital.

   And when Li Wenyan looked at her, he obviously heard the phrase 'shameless'.

  Tang Li has already handed over the insulation bucket, "Dad, this is the chicken soup that I asked Aunt Wu to stew for you. You can drink it on the road."

   Because I have something to do tonight, I can only update it now!

Goodnight everybody!



   (end of this chapter)

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