Chapter 1040 I have something to give to your Excellency!

   There is only one child in the entire VIP room.

   Therefore, when the police saw Song Jingtian, they naturally regarded him as an abducted child.

   Hearing Song Jingtian's accusation, there was a police officer with strong action who immediately stepped forward and twisted Li Yuaner, and in the blink of an eye, put a handcuff on Li Yuaner.

   For the first time in her life, Li Yuaner was handcuffed.

   is still in full view.

   Forgot to scold Tang Li for a while, but looked at Ouyang Qian in fright, with red eyes: "Mom—"

Ouyang Qian was also caught off guard by this change, and no longer had time to think about the boarding pass, so she hurriedly explained to several police officers: "Comrade police, my daughter is only nineteen years old this year, she is still a child, you can't just listen to the wind. Rain, arrest people like this!"

   "Because she is still a child, let alone let her go!"

  Song Jingtian was busy interrupting.

   said, he raised his head and pointed to the blood on his face, "Uncle Police, this is the evidence that she beat me!"

   The policeman believed Ouyang Qian's words a little bit, but when he saw the child's blood-stained mask, this was not only child abduction and trafficking, but also child abuse!

  Thinking like this, she couldn't help but clasp Li Yuaner's shoulders again, her attitude getting tougher: "Have you caught the wrong person and go back to the bureau first!"

   "What's the difference between you doing this and abusing your power?!"

   Ouyang Qian questioned.

   Seeing that the police were about to take Li Yuaner away, Ouyang Qian immediately reached out to stop her, but Tang Li was down there: "Comrade police officer, I have revealed that Wu Aili is indeed Li Shengxia, the suspect in the previous cross-border trafficking case, trying to abscond!"


  What is caring about the head and not the tail?

   At this moment, Ouyang Qian has a deep understanding!

   The youngest daughter is still being held by the police, and the eldest daughter will be taken away!

   The hatred for Tang Li in my heart is inexhaustible!

  Ouyang Qian turned her head to look at her eldest daughter, she almost wanted to say 'Xia Xia', thinking of her daughter's current identity, she swallowed hard.

   Li Shengxia's face under the mask was not very bloody, but he was not as self-conscious as Li Yuaner.

  When the police officer came, she calmly took out her ID card again.

However, when the police checked the ID card, Tang Li was no longer as silent as before: "If you are really Wu Aili, why would you go to Hong Kong City with Ouyang Qian, chairman of Tianyi? As far as I know, Ouyang Qian's eldest daughter, Li Shengxia, also has a scar on the right side of her face."

  Some things, if no one reminds them, they will be fooled like that.

   But Tang Li's analysis directly hits the flaws.

  ——You are not Li Shengxia, how could you get involved with her family?

  ——Don’t talk about chance encounters, there is no such coincidence in the world!

   There are very few fools who can be a police officer.

  In the police academy, they all learned logical reasoning.

   The middle-aged police officer holding the ID card glanced at Li Shengxia again, and then said, "Whether you are Wu Aili or Li Shengxia, since it is involved in a child abduction case, please come with us."

   Li Shengxia squeezed her handbag tightly.

  In the airport broadcast, it is still circulating to remind passengers that the CX382 flight has started boarding.

   Their mother and daughter will never be able to catch this flight again!

   And all this is Tang Li's masterpiece!

   Seeing that his mother was going to argue with the police, Li Shengxia chose to cooperate: "I can go with you."

   Ouyang Qian was anxious.

  Once Xia Xia is taken away, I am afraid it is impossible to go abroad again.

  Perhaps, he will also be sentenced for this.

  Li Shengxia noticed that her mother was about to open her mouth to speak, so she said first: "You don't have to worry, since I dare to go to the city bureau, I have my own calculations. Remember to keep the things in the suitcase."

  Ouyang Qian was startled for a moment, but then she understood.

   Tang Li's **** pants are still in the checked suitcase!

   Xia Xia mentioned it now, I'm afraid it will be used soon!

   "Don't worry, I'll take my suitcase with me when I go to the city bureau later!"

   With the assurance of his mother, Li Shengxia immediately raised his eyebrows, and without any hesitation, followed the policeman out of the VIP room.

   As for Li Yuan’er, she was naturally taken away as well.

  Song Jingtian, as a victim, could not escape a trip to the city bureau.

   Just as he was about to see Tang Li, a soft wet wipe first covered his nose and mouth, and the mask was taken off.

   At this moment, the nosebleed has already stopped.

  Tang Li wiped off the blood stains for him, and then heard the little guy sigh: "This good man really can't do it blindly. If he's not careful, he will have a **** disaster. It's more terrible than helping an old grandma cross the road!"

   As he spoke, he squinted at Tang Li, and then he turned his head: "But who told me to be willing!"

  Tang Li stared at him, very focused.

   The little guy's face was blushing. He was not used to it. He was about to say a few more words when Tang Li suddenly said, "Song Jingtian, your speech is leaking, did you lose your front teeth?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

  Because he was going to the city bureau, the little guy didn't wait for Fu Si's flight.

  As the elder sister-in-law, Tang Li was naturally obliged to accompany him.

   Greeted the agent who followed Song Jingtian, and Tang Li took him to the nanny car.

   The door closed, and the little guy retched.

   "Are you suffering from heat stroke?" Yu Sui hurriedly paid tribute to her mini fan.

  Song Jingtian blew on his forehead with a fan. The two tissue **** stuck in his nostrils were not removed. He looked around and asked Tang Li, "Where's the toilet? I want to go to the toilet."

  Tang Li raised his head from the script, "This is not an RV, go to the airport if you want to pee."

   "Nonsense." The little guy said with disbelief: "I smelled **** just now, how could there be no toilet."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Yuan Qin: "..."

   Yu Sui: "..."

  Meanwhile, head back to the police car in the city.

  Li Shengxia suddenly said: "I have something to hand over to your Excellency, it is very important and is related to your life-long event, and I hope you can help me deliver it."


  Song Jingtian took notes at the city bureau, which only took about twenty minutes.

   When he came out, Tang Li was going to hand over the person to the agent, but the little guy asked her, "Are you still filming at night?"

   got an affirmative answer, and he made a decision: "Then I will visit your class today."

  Can Tang Li say no?

   Of course not.

   After all, he did himself a big favor, and Tang Li knew how to give back to the little guy.

   As soon as he got out of the city bureau, Song Jingtian asked for a cup of wood bran by name.

   Fortunately, there is a bakery across the road.

Tang Li personally went to buy the wood bran cup for him, and then returned to the car, the little guy dug a spoonful and put it in his mouth, dangling his short legs, and asked aloud: "You buy this for others, my elder brother knows Aren't you angry?"

  Yu Sui: ...a very familiar tea flavor!

  Tang Li tugged at the corners of his lips: " yours."

   In the evening, Tang Li took Song Jingtian to eat a lunch box in the crew, and a pair of **** Tusky pajama pants was also presented to the executive desk of the President's Office in Tan Gong.

  Guo Li stood in front of the desk, hesitated for a moment, but still conveyed the sentence: "The person who handed in the things was at the city bureau, and said that these pants belonged to Miss Tang Litang. The specific cause and effect can only be explained after seeing you."



  Mother Wu: My Tusky pajama pants are actually advanced in Tan Palace, jealous!

Goodnight everybody!

   (end of this chapter)

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