After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1042: Are you pulling me like this, are you not going to let me wash up?

   Chapter 1042 You are pulling me like this, aren't you going to let me wash up?

   "No miscarriage? What happened to those **** pants?"

   Song Boyan continued to untie the other cufflinks while bowing his head.

   Everyone already knows about the **** pants...

  Tang Li didn't answer, put his milk tea aside, and took the initiative to help: "The button on the right side doesn't work well, I'll help you!"

  This dog-legged appearance, even if he looks cute, he can't hide his cunning.

   Covering one's ears and stealing the bell is somewhat funny.

  Song Boyan did not stop her from being courteous, and asked again: "How many bad things did you do at the airport with Sedum in the afternoon?"

  Tang Li raised his head when he heard the words, just in time to meet Song Boyan's eyes.


   She slowly retracted her gaze, played with cufflinks with her fingers, and defended her mouth: "His idea is so big, I can't encourage him, so I asked him to help find someone."

   Song Boyan would say that, thinking that he knew that Li Shengxia was taken away by the police.

   As for the **** Tusky pajama pants.

   Last night, Aunt Wu was responsible for throwing it into the trash can outside the villa.

   I'm afraid it will eventually fall into the hands of Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter.

  Tang Li recalled that before Li Shengxia followed the detective to leave the VIP room, he told Ouyang Qian to keep the things in the suitcase, but after Ouyang Qian nodded, she also specially told Li Shengxia that she would take the suitcase to the city bureau.

   Now listening to Song Boyan mention the blood pants, Tang Li can already be sure—

   The 'baby' hidden in the luggage of Li Shengxia's mother and daughter is the Tusky pajama pants.

   She then remembered that the blood pants seemed to be some kind of 'criminal evidence'.

   I ruined Ouyang Qian's mother and daughter's plan to go abroad, and also made Li Shengxia face prison. With Li Shengxia's character, it is really unreasonable not to repay her.

   That pair of pajama pants was obviously regarded as a killer by Li Shengxia.

   This is to keep her from being the first lady.

Without Song Boyan to force a confession, she exposed herself: "Last night, Wu Xuehan's father killed a chicken. Because it was too dark, Aunt Wu, who was in charge of removing the chicken's feathers, accidentally tripped and happened to be sitting on the bowl of chicken blood. Auntie came to me with pajama pants and asked me if I had any detergent to remove blood stains, I said no, seeing that the pants could no longer be worn, so she told her to throw them away."

"that's all?"

  "..." Tang Li had to add: "That chicken has a good name, it's called Fugui."

  Song Boyan: "..."

  Tang Li said to himself: "Those who say I have a miscarriage are just trying to provoke our relationship between husband and wife, don't be fooled!"

   Put on eye drops, who wouldn't!

   "Just a pair of dirty pajama pants, and you can make up so many scenes, you must not see our good people."

  Song Boyan looked at her small mouth and babbled. He didn't go to dismantle the stage she was humming. He changed the subject: "Guo Li went to the city bureau in the evening, in addition to asking about the pajamas, he also brought back a testimony."

  Tang Li: "...?"

Song Boyan said: "In the record made by Sedum, he mentioned that he was too outstanding and was targeted by Li Yuaner. Li Yuaner planned to sell him to a Saiyan as a child supporter and let him go to Planet Vegeta to eat soil, because He didn't cooperate all the way and was beaten by Li Yuan'er. Fortunately, I met you at the airport and you successfully rescued him. For this reason, he asked the city bureau to issue you a certificate of 'courage for justice'."

  Tang Li: "..."

   It is a man who sits on a pot at home and comes from the sky.

   Hearing what Song Boyan meant, he seemed to think that she taught the second half.

   After all, she was the main beneficiary in this testimony.

  Return to Saiyans...

   Why didn't he just say Avengers.

  Tang Li couldn't help but said: "It's wrong for a child to lie, I will educate Sedum when I wake up tomorrow, and I will definitely make him deeply aware of his own serious problems."

   "Just sedum has a problem?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   Noticed that Song Boyan was about to turn around and was about to leave, Tang Li was unsure of his attitude, and subconsciously reached out and grabbed his shirt sleeve.

   "What's wrong?" Song Boyan stopped.

  I don't know if it was because of her behavior, Song Boyan's tone was much gentler.

  Tang Li had to remind: "I haven't done a review yet!"

   After he finished speaking, he saw a little smile on the corner of Song Boyan's eyes.

  Tang Li just wanted to ask what to laugh at, his nose was scratched, and Song Boyan's low voice was in his ear: "You are pulling me like this, aren't you going to let me wash up?"

   "..." Tang Li blushed.

  san Sansan let go, not forgetting to cover up: "I should also take a shower."

   After saying that, he got into the cloakroom.

   After getting a change of clothes, Tang Li went to the guest room he used to live in.

   Waiting for her to take a bath and come back, Song Boyan was sitting on the bedside reading a document.

  Tang Li was not in a hurry to go to bed. He just picked up the milk tea on the bedside table when he heard Song Boyan ask, "Your father didn't run for the parliamentary election today?"

  Tang Li nodded, holding the mug: "The superior department wants to investigate the case of that year and take him away."

  Song Boyan closed the folder, looked up at her, his eyes soft: "Your father was taken away, didn't you let me call me?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   She silently poured herself a sip of milk tea, "...No."

at the same time.

   City Bureau, interrogation room.

   Li Wenyan asked the police on the opposite side the 108th question: "Your Excellency hasn't sent someone to pick me up yet?"

  The two police officers looked at each other and shook their heads: "No."

  Li Wenyan: "…………"

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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