Chapter 1044 The Grinding Debt Collector

  Song Boyan raised his head and said in a gentle tone, "Send Fu Si away?"

   Tang Li nodded and entered the office.

   Putting the umbrella behind the door, she walked to the desk with her hands behind her back: "Fu Sigang complained to me, his uncle is so stingy, he doesn't even know how to buy lipstick for his wife."

  Song Boyan smiled and turned back the information in his hand: "Did Mr. Fu say that his aunt is a hard debt collector?"

  "..." Tang Li retorted: "I don't know about Fu Si, but you must have thought so in your heart."

  Song Boyan looked at her again: "Do you really want to buy lipstick?"

   Buying lipstick is just an excuse for Tang Li to find it casually.

   Looking at Song Boyan's posture, he was really going to buy a lipstick for himself. Tang Li first retorted: "The one I like is out of stock worldwide."

   "TomFord, or Saint Laurent (YSL)?"


  Tang Li did not expect that Song Boyan would know these lipstick brands.

   In order to let this topic pass quickly, she said a lipstick model that was out of stock recently: "It's 122 from Chanel."

   said, Tang Li thought that he hadn't seen Ji Ming outside, so he couldn't help asking: "Why did the chief guard change?"

   At this time in his previous life, Ji Ming was by Song Boyan's side.

   But what she saw just now was a captain of the guard surnamed He.

"Ji Ming still needs more experience." Song Boyan closed the cap of the pen in his hand and put it back on the table: "Let him stay in the army for a few more years to sharpen his temper." Said, with a little doting gaze, It fell on Tang Li's face again: "Aren't you used to Ji Ming's absence?"

   "Just a little surprise."

   Tang Li replied.

   She sees it as the butterfly effect.

  Because she was reborn, some things changed.

  Tang Li suddenly changed the subject: "I saw the jujube tree in the back garden, and it bore a lot of fruit."

  Song Boyan saw through her motives at a glance and smiled: "Want to climb a tree to pick dates?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   "I'll just mention it casually." Tang Li defended.

   seems to think that this is not convincing enough, she said again: "How old are you, not when you were a child."

   Out of the corner of his eye, he found Hu Zhitiao on the chest of drawers.

   seems to be the one I picked by myself.

   Realizing this, Tang Li slightly curved his lips and put his hands behind him: "I'll go back upstairs first, so I won't disturb your work!"

   Because there is no need to go to the crew today, Tang Li is not in a hurry to go back to Li's house.

   went up to the second floor, she went to find Song Jingtian.

  The little guy is slumped on the living room sofa holding a tablet watching "Dragon Ball".

   found Tang Li coming in, and only raised his eyelids.

  It was the first time Tang Li was treated so coldly, and he said to himself, "The jujubes at the back are ripe, and the housekeeping staff don't pick them. They are big and red, and they are definitely better than the ones bought."

   The little guy really took the bait: "What date?"

   "Just the jujube tree in the back garden, don't you know?"

   "..." Song Jingtian didn't know.

Although he often runs around the sandalwood palace with his two dogs, because it is summer, Xiao Minglan restrains him from letting him go outside to bask in the sun. Second, Xiao Minglan is afraid that he will climb a tree and fall down, so he deliberately does not raise the jujube tree in front of him. thing.

   Moreover, the family lives in Tan Palace, and it is not bad for this bite.

  It happens that when the fly meets the dung beetle, it stinks.

   Five minutes later, a scene appeared in the back garden.

  ——Song Jingtian held a pole that was twice as long as others, staggeringly, hitting the jujubes among the leaves and branches. As for Tang Li, he was bending over to pick up the big crispy jujubes.

   It took a while for the little guy to realize that something was wrong.

   What a labor-saving job of picking dates!

  Why do you have to be responsible for picking dates?

   Tang Li had just picked up a plate of dates when Song Jingtian went on strike.

   Facing the accusation from the little guy, Tang Li happily agreed to change jobs with him.

   Pei Shiyu entered the president's office and found that Song Boyan was not in the office, but was standing long in front of the window in the back garden.

   When he approached, he could see the scene outside the window clearly.

   is one big and one small playing dates in the garden.

  The little one is all too familiar to him, as for the big one——

   After all, he works in the Tan Palace. Pei Shiyu has also heard about your marriage. He even took the red egg given by Mrs. Song, but this is the first time that this 'first lady' has seen it with her own eyes.

   The character looks more lively than on TV.

  Looking at the appearance of your Excellency, it is obvious that you dote on this one.

  Otherwise, how could the busy people with their daily schedules watch them play dates?

  Song Boyan saw Pei Shiyu coming, and looked away from the window: "Is it here now?"

   "The report has come out. I'm afraid you will wait, so I'll send it to you first." Pei Shiyu said, and took out a CT film from the dark bag he was carrying.

   This CT scan was done by Song Boyan this morning.

  Dan Palace is equipped with medical equipment, such as CT and electrocardiogram machines.

   If you want to have an MRI, you have to go to a big hospital.

  Song Boyan took the film and looked at it, and Pei Shiyu explained on the side: "I didn't see any shadows or stagnant water in the CT scan of your lungs; if you want to do further examinations, you can wait for the physical examination at the beginning of the month."

Seeing that Song Baiyan's eyes were still on the film, Pei Shiyu said again: "If you are really worried, I will contact the Army General Hospital later and ask them to arrange an MRI for you tonight, if you hurry, you can get it in the early morning. to reports and images."

   "You don't have to work so hard." Song Boyan handed the film back to him: "Since the CT shows that it is fine, there should be no major problem."

   Pei Shiyu is a military doctor, and he is also aware of Song Boyan's injuries that year.

  Song Boyan suddenly proposed to do a lung examination, and Pei Shiyu also had guesses in his heart.

  Because there was no one else in the office, he asked, "Have your lungs been uncomfortable recently?"

  Song Boyan didn't answer, he just asked: "Based on your experience with cases in the thoracic surgery department, what is the chance of recurrence after a gunshot wound to the lungs?"

   "It's not accurate to say recurrence." Pei Shiyu said truthfully: "Most of the patients with lung injuries will be left with the sequelae of repeated chronic cough and hoarseness. Few are like you who have no obvious respiratory disease after recovery."

   "After you recovered, you also took an MRI. The image did not show that there were bullet fragments in your body. Since there is no foreign body left, the possibility of infection and inflammation is almost zero."

   said, he paused: "Unless—"

   "Unless what?" Song Boyan looked straight at him with his deep eyes.

   "Unless your lungs get hurt again."

   As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door of the office.

   After getting Song Boyan's words, the door handle was turned.

  After the door opened, a child ran in and hugged Song Boyan's leg: "Brother, Tang Li is bullying me!"

   Immediately afterwards, Tang Li's figure also appeared by the door.

  Song Jingtian is still complaining: "She is so lazy, and she cheats children! Brother, you didn't say she was slick last time, I just said that, she deliberately hit me in the head by hitting dates!"

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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