After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1048: Am I talking too much again?

   Chapter 1048 Am I talking too much again?

   At this time, the election of members has become irrelevant.

   Li Wenyan's anger turned completely to his wife and daughter who betrayed him!

   Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster is imminent.

   Having said that, Li Wenyan's anger was like a backflow of sea water when he really learned what Ouyang Qian had done, and he almost drowned him alive!

   Besides, Tang Li hasn't finished speaking yet.

   "Dad, don't be angry with Aunt Qian. You have pity on the parents in the world. Aunt Qian did this just to protect Yuan'er and the eldest sister. Otherwise, she wouldn't transfer all Tianyi shares to Yuan'er's name."

  Li Wenyan looked at her suddenly: "What did you say?!"

  Tang Li was stunned for a moment, and his face showed embarrassment: "I said that Aunt Qian did this to protect Yuan'er and eldest sister."

   "The last sentence." Li Wenyan endured the beating of his temples and stared at Tang Li: "Who do you think she gave Tianyi's shares to?"


  Tang Li seemed to realize something, and looked back at Li Wenyan: "Dad, don't you know?"

  Li Wenyan: "..."

   - he knows shit!

  If he knew, where would the equity transfer happen!

   After all, he despised Ouyang Qian so much that she was put in such a way by her!

  The equity was transferred to his daughter's name, and Li Wenyan understood immediately.

  Ouyang Qian wanted him to get out of the house!

   I said before that the family's real estate was taken out for loans, I am afraid that from then on, Ouyang Qian has been transferring the joint property of the husband and wife!

   "Although Tianyi is the property of Ouyang's family, Tianyi wouldn't be able to get so many projects without your father these years."

   Tang Li said, looking at Li Wenyan hesitantly: "Dad, am I talking too much again?"

  Does Tang Li have more mouths?

   Li Wenyan didn't think so at all!

  If it wasn't for this daughter, I wouldn't even know what happened to being a pauper!

   City Council.

  Ouyang Qian stayed here for a day and a night.

  Last night, Xia Xia handed over the pajama pants.

   As Xia Xia expected, Tan Gong really came, and Ouyang Qian recognized him as a secretary of Song Boyan.

   So, Xia Xia made the right bet.

   As long as Xia Xia tells the secretary what the little **** surnamed Tang has done, and then the secretary conveys it to your Excellency, she does not believe that Your Excellency is still willing to marry this little broken shoe!

   After the secretary Guo left, Yuan'er was also released.

  Li Yuaner hugged her mother and cried, and was taken by her assistant to a nearby hotel to rest.

   As for Ouyang Qian, she was still waiting for Zeng Fan at the Municipal Bureau.

   Li Shengxia was found to have gone abroad without authorization. Once the public security law is prosecuted, he will be dealt with the same crime as the fugitive. Therefore, as soon as Zeng Fan appeared with a briefcase, Ouyang Qian grabbed the driftwood like a drowning person, and explained that he was bound to keep Li Shengxia.

  Ouyang Qian took her daughter out of the country, and Zeng Fan knew about it.

   Even, he helped a lot.

  Because of the remuneration Ouyang Qian gave, he could buy a set of courtyard houses in the Second Ring Road.

   Zeng Fan entered the interrogation room and came out after five minutes.

After    communicated with Li Shengxia, Zeng Fan's expression was no longer so severe.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he and Ouyang Qian said, "Miss Midsummer told you not to worry too much, your secretary was inside just now, and Miss Midsummer made an appointment with the other party for three chapters. She is willing to continue to stay in the sanatorium, as the superior doesn't care about her leaving the country without permission. She was willing to exchange some secrets, and the other party agreed on the spot."

   Ouyang Qian heaved a sigh of relief.

   She asked Zeng Fan again how long it would take Li Shengxia to come out.

   "Two or three hours." Zeng Fan looked at his watch, "When the other party goes back to Tan Palace, he will definitely explain the whole story to Your Excellency, tomorrow morning at the latest."

   Then, Ouyang Qian waited outside the interrogation room all night.

   Until noon the next day, Li Shengxia did not come out.

  Ouyang Qian's heart became more and more anxious. She was about to call Zeng Fan when her phone rang first. It was the number of the company secretary's office.

   As soon as the call was connected, the secretary's urgent voice came: "Chairman, Councilman Li brought a few strong men to the company, and despite their obstruction, took away more than a dozen official seals and financial seals!"

  Ouyang Qian only felt that his eyes were dark.

   At this moment, two detectives came over with a plastic bag.

  Ouyang Qian didn't care about the phone and went up to ask her daughter's situation——

  Why are people still not released for more than 24 hours? !

   "After our investigation and expert analysis, we found that Li Shengxia suffered from severe persecution delusions." One of the detectives replied to her.

   Persecuted delusional disorder?

  Ouyang Qian was stunned when she heard the name.

The criminal police explained: "This disease caused her to become suspicious and irritable, repeatedly hurt and slandered her, and had an extremely bad impact on social stability, so our city bureau decided to send her to the Capital Ninth Hospital for long-term treatment. "

  Ouyang Qian: "..."

   Ninth Hospital.

  Ouyang Qian knew about this hospital.

   is nationally known for treating mentally ill, elderly and addicts.

  The hospital stipulates that family members can only visit twice in a quarter.

   Moreover, there is also a dedicated security team.

  24-hour patrol to prevent patients from escaping.

   I heard that doctors often give sedatives to uncooperative patients. Once the injection is given, normal people will also be mentally sluggish.

   That is a very different place than a nursing home.

It was impossible for Ouyang Qian to send her daughter to suffer, so she tried to mediate with the criminal police: "There must be a misunderstanding here, comrade police, my daughter didn't have the disease you mentioned at all. We didn't go to Hong Kong City to escape, we just wanted to give her face. Repair surgery."

As she said that, she thought of Guo Li: "Last night, Your Excellency's secretary also came over and agreed to my daughter. My daughter told Your Excellency a very important matter. Your Excellency will keep her safe, and your city bureau cannot ignore your order. , do something to my daughter without authorization!"

   "The important thing you said is these pajamas?"

   Another detective took out a pair of dirty pajama pants from a plastic bag.

  Ouyang Qian recognized the Tusky on the pants, the one that Tang Li Xiaochan was wearing!

   Just as she was about to say yes, the detective spoke first: "This morning, we visited the site and found the owner of the pajama pants. The other party also told us that they will not hold you accountable for stealing her pajama pants."


   Without warning, he became a pajama thief.

  Ouyang Qian pointed to the bloodstains on her trousers and complained for herself: "These pajamas were obviously thrown into the trash can by her, so how could they be stolen by us?!"

   "Drug flow?" The two detectives looked at each other for a few seconds, then looked at Ouyang Qian again: "The other party has an aunt who is almost fifty years old, her face is red, do you think we will believe her when you say she has drug flow?"

  Ouyang Qian: "..."

   She still wanted to argue, and the detective said, "Also, this is not the bloodstain of the drug flow."

   "The other party stumbled over killing a chicken in the middle of the night, and just knocked over the bowl of chicken blood on the ground. After a forensic examination, it was confirmed that it was indeed not human blood."

  Ouyang Qian: "???"

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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