After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1050: Are your mothers good to you?

   Chapter 1050 Are your mothers treating you well?

   When the corgi saw Tang Li, he immediately ran over and shook his peach buttocks around her, trying to climb on top of her.

  【These three-color corgis are so familiar! 】

  【With such a good bone mass, it is estimated that he is a descendant of a champion dog, and he cannot get it without forty or fifty thousand dollars. 】

  【Raising corgis in the countryside is a big heart! 】

   In the live broadcast room, the bright red and bold barrage appeared again——

  【It looks like this dog was raised by her, so you all believe that the variety show has no script! 】

   Tiger Whip recognized Tang Li, and Tang Li also recognized it.

  Song Jingtian and his Corgi have always been inseparable.

  The tiger whip appeared in front of Room 6, like a signal, meaning that Song Jingtian might also be nearby.

  Tang Li recalled the characteristics of an amateur child revealed by the assistant director and her. He was obedient and sensible, and would take care of himself. The most important point was that he was a little girl...

   Maybe this corgi just looks like a tiger whip?

   "Quack?" A goose call came.

  Tang Li turned his head in response to the sound, and the one who broke into her line of sight and the camera lens was a little girl (?) holding a big white goose.

  The child saw them and came over with his arms around the gooseneck: "Hello, Gudeafort is angry~"

  Tang Li: "..."

  【This is the little flower branch? ? ? 】

  【My pussy! Yellowish skirt, fluffy hair, poisonous, right? ! 】

  【This body is so round, you still dance ballet since childhood? when i'm stupid? 】

  【Is the fruit station worthy of us? Just show us this when you become a member? Get your money back! 】

   The anger of netizens was not passed on to a certain little friend.

   Looking at Song Jingtian, who was wearing strawberry sunglasses and instant noodle hair sets, trying to have sex, Tang Li couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead. This scene happened to be captured by the camera.

【Look! Even the female guests were frightened! 】

  【I cut it out from Liang Jing and wanted to take a look at the rumored ugly kid. 】

  [Actually, it's not that ugly, well, I'm against my heart...]

  Song Jingtian's appearance was completely out of plan.

  Tang Li wanted to interrupt the live broadcast and asked the program team what was going on.

   Before she could look at the assistant director outside the camera, Song Jingtian had moved to her side and gave her an elbow: "Will you not introduce yourself? I'm Xiao Hanamaru from the capital, how about you?"

   also small Hanamaru.

   Even took a stage name for himself.

  Tang Li pulled the corners of his lips: "What do you think?"

   The little guy will find steps for himself, and continue to embrace the big white goose: "The director's uncle told me that your name is Tang Li, you are an actor, and we have to live together for six days and six nights."

  Outside the camera, the little assistant director held a script and hinted at Tang Li.

  As an intern mother, Tang Li should be amiable and amiable to her children.

   Now, the embarrassment is almost overflowing the screen.

   "That's right!" Xiao Hanamaru said, "I brought you a present!"

   After finishing speaking, he put down the big white goose and ran into the pit.

  The photographer also followed.

   Outside the cellar cave, the assistant guide took the opportunity to communicate with Tang Li.

   "It's not that the child's name is Xiaohuazhi, why did it change to Xiaohuamaru?" Tang Li also asked.

   "That's what it is."

The young assistant director was also afraid that Tang Li would be emotional, and specifically explained: "Xiao Huazhi ate bad food a few days ago, and she vomited and diarrhoea. When I come to Ning City, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to adapt to the soil and water, so the chief director asked us to find a substitute. ."

   "Yesterday Chen Wei, Director Chen, took the initiative to contact us and said that he had a suitable child there. The only requirement was that the child's real name should not be revealed. We simply called her Xiaohuamaru."

   "You don't think this girl..."

  Tang Li tried to remind that the assistant director had something to say: "It's ugly."

   "..." Tang Li.

   Just then, the child ran out of the house.

   Then, Tang Li got a box of imported chocolates.

"I bought this at Costco yesterday. I heard that you girls love to eat this." The little guy said, raised his hand and pointed to the dotted line on the carton: "If you unwrap along this line, the box will not break. "

  【I'm sour, Pierre Macrini, 510 boxes of chocolate... 】

  【I suddenly felt that this child was born with beautiful features, and the power of money is indeed terrifying! 】

  Tang Li looked at the bottom of the box and dismantled the little guy: "Costco doesn't sell expiring chocolates. Could it be that you gave me this box of chocolates because of your own tooth decay?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   Tang Li had seen this box of chocolates in Song Jingtian's room.

  The little guy is changing his teeth recently, and because he likes to eat sugar, he has two cavities in his big teeth, and he has a lot of toothache.

   "How can there be an expiry date, obviously there is still one month left." Song Jingtian quibble.

   The little guy made a gesture to grab the chocolate: "If you don't want it, return it to me. My elder brother brought it back to me from Belgium."

  Tang Li put the chocolate in the bag, "It's mine if you give it to me, and it will not be refunded."

After   , he pushed the trolley into the house.

   In the live broadcast room, the bright red barrage jumped out again.

  【If you want to ask Tang Li if he is a dog or not, the roadside children know best! 】

  【Tang Li, even a child’s chocolate is forcibly taken, you are not human! 】

  【Everyone join me in condemning someone Tang and ask her to return the chocolate! 】

  #MyHomeNingningDumeiNumber2# After half a minute of launching the initiative, the avatar of the fan list turned gray.

   At the same time, the housing management issued an announcement——

  [Received a report from guest Xiaohuamaru, and permanently blocked the account "My Family Ningning Dumei No. 2" that disrupted the live broadcast order. 】

  [My Ningning Dumei No. 3]: "???"

  Tang Li knew nothing about the live broadcast room.

   While she was squatting on the ground to pack her luggage, Song Jingtian lay on the kang and played with her tablet.

   As for the tiger whip, he was biting his little yellow skirt and trying to pull it down.

   At this moment, although there was no one else in the house, there was a live camera in the corner. Tang Li couldn't ask the little guy too much, so he could only record it like this.

   At 4:30 p.m., Tang Li received a notice from the director team.

  ——All guests are required to bring their children to gather at the village compound.

  Song Jingtian got down from the kang, bent over and put on his bright red sandals, his **** was turned up, and the skirt turned up, revealing the little shorts with Buzz Lightyear pattern.

  Tang Li: "..."

   It's too late to block the lens.

   The barrage in the live broadcast room has long been a hahahaha.

  Song Jingtian didn't know: "Why?"

   "Why not." Tang Li smiled.

   The little guy pouted, and he did not forget to bring his newly bought hand-held fan before going out.

  Tang Li and Song Jingtian arrived at the village committee, and the other four guests also came with their children, and only a couple of amateur guests were not present.

  The first episode of the program will officially start tomorrow morning.

   Today is the so-called pilot piece.

  The director team asked them to come here, also to announce the mission.

   The little guy was sweating profusely with his hair cap on, and it was useless to use a small fan. Tang Li took off the peaked cap to fan him.

   Before I fanned a few times, the sound of car horns came from outside the yard.

  Tang Li looked up and saw the sixth pair of mother and daughter invited by the program team.

   She stared at the smiling face and heard the other party's self-introduction——

   "I'm Annie's mother, everyone can call me Cloud."


  Cloud means cloud.

   Regarding the title, this is the title of the next chapter. I was vaccinated today, and the whole person was dizzy. I wrote it wrong!

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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