Chapter 107 Meeting Song Boyan

   At 7:35 p.m., Tang Li and Song Jingtian were taken away from the city bureau's guest house by Ji Ming.

   climbed into the car, Song Jingtian couldn't wait to ask: "Why didn't my eldest brother come to pick us up? I clearly asked them to call my eldest brother."

   said, he turned his head and asked Tang Li, "Do you think so?"

  Tang Li twitched the corners of her lips. She was not 7-year-old Song Jingtian. She was such a big man that her mobile phone and wallet were taken away. Whether she was facing the police or Ji Ming, she would inevitably feel embarrassed.

  —Also a little guilty.

   After all, she brought Song Jingtian to the commercial port without saying hello to the Song family.

Seeing Ji Ming, Song Jingtian regained his flamboyant and flamboyant nature. The eldest man leaned on the seat like he was crooked. He rummaged through his schoolbag and found no snacks. Eat it, and don't leave a piece for me."

   Tang Li's face did not change color: "When did I eat your biscuits?"

   "Just now in the bureau." The little guy reminded: "I came back from the toilet, and you were looking through my schoolbag. You said you were hungry, and I even gave you half of the chocolate!"

  Tang Li raised her head and happened to meet Ji Ming's gaze in the rearview mirror. Her ears were a little hot, and she specifically explained: "...Actually, there are only four cookies."

  So, she didn't eat too much.

  Jiming couldn't help but smile: "When you get to the hotel, you can eat whatever you want, and you won't be allowed to quarrel over four biscuits again."

  "..." This is treating her like a child.

   Song Jingtian didn't like to hear these words either: "Who said we had a quarrel?"

   As he approached Tang Li, he hummed to Jiming: "We're fine!"

  Tang Li: "…"

  Jiming sent them to a five-star hotel.

   As for Song Boyan, naturally he would not live here.

  For international summits like this, leaders usually live in state guesthouses in various provinces and cities. In addition to security issues, state guesthouses are also important places for heads of state and leaders to engage in foreign affairs.

   "Sir is going to meet with the Argentine Finance Minister from 7:00 to 8:00 pm." In the elevator, Ji Ming looked at his watch: "If there is no accident, Mr. will be here at 9:30."

  Jiming's estimate was still a little off.

  Song Boyan appeared at the hotel, it was past 10 o'clock in the night.

   The doorbell rang, and Ji Ming got up to open the door.

   Within thirty seconds, Tang Li saw Song Boyan.

Song Boyan was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, which was more formal than any time she had seen him before. The tie was taken off when he left the International Convention and Exhibition Center, and the two collar buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, which made him a little more serious in his seriousness. Elegant and casual.

   When he sat down on the sofa, Tang Li became cautious.

  Song Jingtian just saw that Song Boyan was extremely happy, but then he was nervous. Knowing that he was running away secretly, he subconsciously hid behind Tang Li.

   Tang Li, who was completely exposed under Song Boyan's eyes: "..."

   "No one is going to explain what happened today?" After a while, Song Boyan broke the silence first.

  's calm tone, but not relaxing.

  Tang Li organized the language and said, "I know this is wrong, so when he came to me, I was extremely resistant."

   This explanation, in exchange for a certain ally's incredible stare.

   Hearing this, Song Boyan looked up behind Tang Li.

  The deep and silent eyes of the adult man seemed to have some kind of deterrent power, causing Song Jingtian to shrink his neck in fright, let go of Tang Li's clothes, and stand up properly.

   I have a cold, I have a cold and a headache... I feel sorry for everyone~o(╥﹏╥)o



   (end of this chapter)

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