After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1071: Tang Li, you have no heart!

   Chapter 1071 Tang Li, you have no heart!

   If you stay any longer, you still don’t know what the words of tigers and wolves will harm you.

   Seeing that no one could be killed, several guests left Room 1 with their children one after another.

  Tang Li originally planned to leave, but was called by the medical staff and asked her to help Jiang Yunxi hold the infusion bag.

   "Me?" Tang Li pointed to himself.

  The female doctor was wearing a mask and frowned: "Otherwise, I've been observing you for a long time. Others are busy, so you are the only one who is idle."

  Tang Li: "..."

  The accident of eating mushroom poisoning occurred, and the scene was a little chaotic.

   Several staff members came in and out with walkie-talkies, but no one was left to fight the doctor.

  Although there are two doctors on the team, taking care of two patients at the same time is too busy.

   In front of Da Yi, Tang Li still abandoned his ego.

She took the infusion bag from the female doctor and held it to her ear to act as a water pole. Seeing the female doctor standing up with the treatment tray, she specially reminded: "I'm not too tired to hold it like this, you don't have to rush to find the doctor. The pole to hang the infusion bag."

   Female doctor: "..."

   squinted at Tang Li, the female doctor put the tweezers into the treatment tray: "Then keep holding it."

  Tang Li: "..."

   It took a moment for Tang Li to discover that Song Jingtian was gone.

  On the island, the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large.

  Thinking of the little guy wearing a nightgown, Tang Li was afraid that he would catch a cold wandering outside, and was about to call the staff to find him when Song Jingtian appeared at the door.

  The little guy came back with a camera.

  After the accident happened to the guests in Room 1, the program team suspended the live broadcast here.

   The Sony PXW-Z280V in Song Jingtian's hand.

   At least six or seven pounds.

  I don't know where he got it from.

   Maybe the camera was too heavy, the little guy stumbled when he stepped over the threshold, and almost fell into a dog.

  Tang Li wanted to help, but he still had an infusion bag in his hand.

Song Jingtian steadied his body dangerously, and took the camera with both hands and walked around the room. Because the chassis was too low, only the legs of everyone were photographed, but he did not feel discouraged, and said, "Tonight, I will give Let’s popularize the dangers of eating poisonous mushrooms by mistake.”

  Tang Li: "..."

   She noticed that the camera was indeed on.

   At this moment, the program team was busy checking who else ate poisonous mushrooms by mistake, and didn't care about a child at all.

  Because the room was in a state of being turned on his back, Song Jingtian dangled with the camera, but he was not taken out by the staff.

  Song Jingtian went to the toilet for a walk first.

   "The first reaction to eating poisonous mushrooms is diarrhea."

Tang Li was standing beside the bed, and he could hear Song Jingtian's babble in the bathroom: "As you can see, this is the squat toilet used by the poisoner, look here! It's the flush button! This height is just right, you can squat while pulling Press it on the side so it won't stink too much."

  Tang Li: "..."

   After a while, Song Jingtian came out.

   The little guy held the camera and kept saying, "Now let's go see the poisoned guests."

  The camera turned and aimed at the washbasin at the foot of the bed.

   "The second reaction to eating poisonous mushrooms is vomiting."

  As the camera moves closer, the vomit in the basin is also taken into the picture: "This basin is all spit out by Mother Anne, except for mushrooms and shredded potatoes."


   A sound of exhaust from nine turns and eighteen turns interrupted Song Jingtian's babbling.

   Then, another sound.

   The little guy was silent for a few seconds, and then sighed: "Mother Annie's two farts have a very strong taste."

  Tang Li twitched the corners of his mouth, and the camera suddenly turned to her.

"After learning that a guest was poisoned, Comrade Tang Li also rushed to the scene as soon as possible." Song Jingtian said, clenching the handle of the camera with both hands, and lifting it up, the camera was right on Tang Li's face: "Today I must It is revealed that this unsung hero who is silent and silently acts as a water pole, she is our intern mother Tang Li, a popular female star with beauty, wisdom and kindness!"

  Tang Li: "..."

   This man's blood steamed bun, Tang Li was not ready to eat it.

  When the camera moved down, she silently warned the little guy: "It's almost done."

   As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Shu flirted with the mop over there.

   "Tang Li, how can you say goodbye? If you have no **** and no buttocks, the only advantage is that you have a good waist."

  Tang Li: "???"

"Don't believe me?" Meng Shu tugged away the cloth strip on the mop head, his eyes became more affectionate: "The two of you sat together for dinner just now, and she seemed to be stunted. If you look at her more, I feel like I'm punishing myself. To record the show, I also specially brought a bottle of eye wash."

  Tang Li's expression was icy cold, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

   No matter how stupid she is, she can tell that Meng Shu likes Jiang Yunxi.


   In order to please Jiang Yunxi, you can disregard the facts and belittle her without any bottom line!

   There is no need for her to refute, the pawns have already played.

  Song Jingtian held the camera and said "nonsense": "Tang Li has no chest and no butt, but she won't fart like Annie's mother!"

  Tang Li: ... peat.

   Then, the camera in Song Jingtian's hand was taken away.

  The collar of his nightgown was also held.

  Tang Li stuffed the infusion bag into the staff passing by, and took the little guy out of Room 1.

   Outside the courtyard, Tang Li had an important interview with Song Jingtian.

The central idea of ​​the    meeting is that she must evaluate her figure truthfully and objectively, and not be brainwashed by ulterior motives and distort the facts.

   "I didn't twist the facts." The little guy defended himself.

   said, his little face flushed slightly, and his hands were behind his back: "If you are like Mother Anne, I don't like it."

   "I want you to like it." Someone still didn't give up.

   On the way back, the little guy said again: "You have the same weight in my heart as Gisele Bundchen."

  Tang Li: "..."

   This is the real truth.

   remembered what Song Jingtian said to himself at Washington One.

  ——The infatuation of the old Song family, hehe!

   Back in Room 3, Tang Li closed the door to the upper courtyard, and Deng Xian appeared under the eaves like a ghost.

   He was holding a small giant egg microphone in his hand, and he was looking at him with resentment. Tang Li was just about to ask him what he was doing, when Deng Xian turned on the microphone, and his accusation hovered over the yard for a long time: "Tang Li, you have no heart!"

  Tang Li: "...?"

   "I finally got a hot search, but you still pressed me!"

   "What did I press you for?"

  Tang Li didn't understand.

Deng Xian took out the tablet from behind, looked at the screen and said word by word: "Tang Li has no chest, hot search one; Tang Li has no butt, hot search two; Tang Li stunted growth, hot search three; #rejected by underwear industry The female star outside the door #Topics Hot List No. 1."

  The more important point——

   "Didn't you say that Meng Shu likes men?"

   "...Do you like men?"

   The lingering sound floated out of the yard and into the live broadcast.

  Tang Li: …I have a bad feeling.

   After half an hour, the topic list is the first [explosive].

  ——# Tang Li Shi Hammer Rong Xun Technology Meng Zong Bisexual#.

Good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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