After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1073: Who would Song Boyan believe?

   Chapter 1073 Who will Song Boyan believe?

  Jiang Yunxi of course knew that she was sent to the hot search by Song Jingtian.

   This is her second fame after the poisonous mushroom incident.

   Yang, but it is the nickname of the mop fine.

   The hot search with her was also her 'love affair' with Meng Shu.

   The culprit was Song Jingtian.

  This morning, the guests took their children to catch the sea, and Song Jingtian held a loudspeaker in his hand, trying to be the leader among the children.

  Unfortunately, I encountered a hard stubble.

   - Du Wei's son asked for a vote to decide who was the 'boss'.

   Seeing that he was about to lose, Song Jingtian refused to vote on the grounds that Anne was absent.

   Then, Du Liang was going to call Annie

   In order to stop people, Song Jingtian raised the loudspeaker and said to the sea breeze, "Mother Annie is busy looking for Annie's stepfather, don't disturb them!"

   On the side of the child, there are also photographers.

  Song Jingtian's words appeared in at least two live broadcast rooms at the same time.

   Several children quarreled from the election to find each other's mother's shortcomings.

   What Meng Shu said last night has long been cut into short videos of ghosts and animals by netizens and circulated on various platforms.

   "Your trainee mother has no **** and no buttocks, so she can't compare to Mama Annie!"

   scold his sweetheart, that's okay!

  Song Jingtian trumpeted in one fell swoop and started a man-to-man duel with Du Liang!

  Jiang Yunxi didn't pay attention to the live broadcast room all the time.

   When she saw the hot search, Song Jingtian said that the short video of her being a mop expert had been clicked over ten million times.

   At this moment, Song Jingtian was sitting beside Tang Li with a bowl in his hand, except for the first glance, he never looked at her again.

   This child is not close to her at all.

   Even, he will slander her for Tang Li's sake.

  Jiang Yunxi realized this, like being poured cold water on her head.

   is a heartbreak and an indescribable disappointment.

   Even if she showed her kindness in every possible way, she did not let the child be attached to her at all.

  Tang Li didn't care about Jiang Yunxi and Meng Shu, who arrived later, and served Song Jingtian a bowl of soup. Just after picking up his chopsticks, someone sat down on the other end of the bench.

  Tang Li looked sideways and found that it was Meng Shu.

  Meng Shu held a can of Coke, met Tang Li's gaze, and smiled slightly: "Last night I accidentally ate poisonous mushrooms and said something inappropriate, Miss Tang won't be angry with me?"

  Song Jingtian was drinking soup from a bowl, but his eyes were fixed on him.

   Tang Li didn't answer the question: "Mr. Meng wouldn't care about the hot search last night."

  Meng Shu: "..."

Seeing Tang Li still looking at him with sincerity, Meng Shu pursed his lips and smiled, "Of course I don't care, some things are over-interpreted by netizens. Taking this opportunity, I will also clarify myself. My sexual orientation is normal, straighter than steel. Straight guy."

  Tang Li nodded: "I feel that Mr. Meng also looks like a straight man."

   The soda can in Meng Shu's hand was deformed.

  What is an image?

   This kind of ambiguous statement has a strange air of yin and yang.

  Thinking of what he was drawing, Meng Shu maintained his demeanor, "Whether I am straight or not does not affect my apology to Miss Tang."

  Tang Li suddenly said: "Mr. Meng's **** hurt in Haozhou should be healed now, right?"

   Meng Shu: "..."

   "What ass?" Song Jingtian interjected.

   "It's nothing, just a little blood from the ass."

  Meng Shu: …WTM (my fuck).

Tang Li next to    has been teaching his little friends without changing his face: "This kind of adult topic is not something that children should care about."

  God **** adult topic.

   He was bitten by a fish, why is it a yellow topic?

   heard Tang Liyu's earnest instruction: "Xiaohuamaru, whether it's a boy or a girl, you must protect your butt, remember?"

  Meng Shu: "…………"

   After lunch, the program team announced the last task of the program.

   All the seafood caught in the sea this morning, all the guests need to take to the market to sell.

   As for the children, they were left in the auditorium to learn to sing.

   Tang Li and Deng Xian just carried a basket of seafood to the gate of the market. Deng Xian covered his stomach and went to the public toilet. The photographer followed Deng Xian to catch the spotlight.

  The noon sun is the most poisonous.

  Tang Li and others found a shady place.

   Just as he was about to take a sip of water, he hadn't unscrewed the water bottle in his hand when someone grabbed his elbow. It was too sudden and the force was not small. The moment Tang Li was forced to turn around, the right hand holding the water bottle was also in front of him.

   The outside of his right arm hit a body, and Tang Li immediately raised his head.

   What she saw was Meng Shu's handsome face with a smile.

  Meng Shu wrapped his arms around Tang Li's back, and there was a little ambiguity in his words: "While the photographer is away, let's whisper for a while?"

   However, he failed to capture a trace of panic on Tang Li's face.

  Tang Li's tone was calm: "If you want to invite me to be a condolence teacher, you have to pay extra."

   Meng Shu's smile did not diminish, and the eyes that fell on her became more and more arrogant: "You also talk like this in front of Song Boyan?"

   "Song Boyan, is your name too?"

  Meng Shuxiao: "Is there anything I dare not call?"

   said, he slowed down his speech: "I thought you were cute when we first met, and when we met for the second time, I thought, when will this girl be able to hold my hand."

   A pair of passionate peach blossom eyes stared at Tang Li, as if to drown her: "I said that last night, I just wanted to get your attention and let you understand my intentions."

  Tang Li's expression was as usual: "Aren't you afraid that I will tell Song Boyan?"

  Meng Shu smiled slightly: "Then let me ask you a question, are you not afraid that I will tell Song Boyan?"

   The same words have different meanings.

   He dared to say that because he was relying on Song Boyan's status.

  Tang Li, the first lady, can be said to be very hydrated.

   She lacks a strong family background, and the only one who can sue is Song Boyan.

However, her marriage with Song Boyan was inherently unequal and cross-class. Therefore, in this marriage, Tang Li should have created a perfect image of a wife. Once her private morality is compromised, even if she does not take the initiative to Deviating from the track will also be marked with an unbearable mark.

   "Who do you think Song Boyan will believe?"

   Meng Shu asked again.

   Or, don't believe anyone.

  Tang Li did not make a sound.

   Then, a slight rubbing came from Meng Shu's thigh.

   His smile deepened, "Just so urgent?"

  Tang Li looked up at him, slightly curled his lips: "In my hometown in southern Yunnan, the best way to prevent a boar in heat from barking is to incite him."

   Meng Shu lowered his head upon hearing this.

   can be said to be thrilling!

   What caught his sight was a sharp knife.

   Just now Tang Li touched his thigh, it was clearly the tip of the knife that rubbed against his pants!

   "I bought this pig knife for a few months, and I haven't tried it out." Tang Li said again: "As long as you lose these three or two pieces of meat, who of us will tell Song Boyan, is there any difference?"

   Meng Shu: "..."


  —off topic—

  Jiming: You are going to die.


  Song Xiaohua's Enlightenment Record ②

  Since Mr. Song left from Tan Gong, his daughter, Song Xiaohua, has no smile on her face.

   As the candidate for the next head of the Song family, Song Xiaohua was very anxious.

   At a young age, she already had a sense of financial crisis.

   Her father was unemployed in middle age, and all his family was supported by her mother's dead wages as a teacher at the university.

   In order to lighten the burden on the family, her uncle went abroad to become a son-in-law, but he did not come back even after being looked down upon by his father.

  This family is not easy for anyone!

   Only her brother George was happy like a little fool every day.

  One day, Song Xiaohua found herself a sustainable development job.

  George's Mercedes-Benz was also commandeered by her.

  Tang Li took a colleague's car home. Just after arriving at the gate of the compound, a children's car whizzed by dragging a bunch of cans. The driver was her eldest daughter who was too good.

   The place where the license plate was originally placed on the front of the car is now replaced by a cardboard.

   There are four words written on it——

Waste recycling.

  Tang Li: "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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