Chapter 1075 Then marry Meng Shu

  Tang Li slowed down the speed of drinking soy milk, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Guan Xiao.

   "With Mr. Meng's background, ordinary people would not dare to touch him."

   "Where's the guy who smashed the store, got arrested?" Tang Li asked.

   "I ran away early." Guan Xiao also felt puzzled: "Several stores were smashed at the same time. When the police arrived at the scene, in addition to being in a mess, let alone people, not even mosquitoes caught a single one."

  In the circle of friends, there are videos taken by onlookers.

   "Those who smashed the store wore uniforms, caps and masks, and you couldn't tell who they were just by looking at their body shape."

   Some people in the industry speculate that it is because Rongxun has developed so much in recent years that it has attracted jealousy.

   It is the research and development of mobile phones and the entry into the home appliance industry, which once broke the market profit chain.

   But the founder of Rongxun is closely related to the current president. At least no one dares to engage in Rongxun in the past ten years. Even if the business sector is taken away, he has to pinch his nose and praise "rising star".

   Now it's better.

  Being audited for tax, even the store was smashed.

   "Among the founders of Rong Xun, there is only Mr. Meng who has a proud family background."

   Guan Xiao said everything he saw in the circle of friends: "So, there are also people who suspect that it is that Mr. Meng who offended the other second ancestors."

  Tang Li was also aroused by gossip: "Now the second ancestor of the Beijing circle is so rampant?"

   Guan Xiao shook his head: "Between the second generation ancestors, there were frequent scoldings and scoldings, and the trouble was to the point of smashing the store. Nine times out of ten, the young ones were beaten and the old ones came."

   In this case, the parents wanted to teach Mr. Meng how to behave.

   Moreover, after the incident, Rong Xun did not intend to investigate further.

   I heard that he even went to the bureau to withdraw the case.

  Tang Li remembered Meng Shu's appearance of the oil in the world, and I am afraid that he has not smashed into the corner.

  Mengshu oil is oil, and it is a fact that he looks good.

   Not everyone has the same firm will as her, and those who can't resist the temptation will inevitably be abducted by Meng Shu, and their original target will naturally not give up.

  I did not pursue it, of course, because of my guilty conscience.

  The eagle who has played all his life will always be pecked by the eagle.

  In the crowd of men, there are only a few who are as profound and righteous as Song Boyan.

   Originally wanted to blow the pillow wind, but now that he learned of this situation, Tang Li also temporarily rested his mind. He logged into ins with a large number, and found that countless netizens @she asked Meng Shu if she really likes men.

  Tang Li thought about it and decided to solve their puzzles.

  【Tang Li V】: "Mr. Meng said he is a straight man. ^-^"

  Rong Xun, the president's office, Meng Shu saw the topic of the hot search #tanglizai implying RongxunMengzong bisexual#, and wanted to give Tang Li 10,000 mmp.

   The next second, the office door was knocked.

   "Mr. Meng, several members of the Inspection Bureau have arrived."

   As soon as he thought that the people from the Tax Inspection Bureau would stay in the company for half a month, Meng Shu had no time to take care of public opinion on the Internet, let alone trouble Tang Li.

Meng Shu already knew why    was subject to tax inspections.

  Last night, he rushed to a store in Xintiandi with a stomach full of fire.

   Stepping on the broken glass, what he saw was Guo Li sitting at the only intact round table in the store.

  Guo Li is in a suit and leather shoes and is drinking coffee slowly.

  The air-conditioning in the store was still blowing.

   At that moment, Meng Shu guessed everything.

   What Guo Li said at that time——

  Dining nearby, I learned that Rong Xun's store was smashed, so I came to have a look.

   Guo Li even had a smile on his face.

  Meng Shu looked at the devastated shop. It was no longer important at this moment who smashed the shop.

   Guo Li, who is in a mess, has already explained everything.

   Before Guo Li left, he told him again——

   "Your Excellency has always cared about the younger generation in the family. Compared with Second Young Master Meng, Mr. Meng is still less stable."

   Meng Er, his cousin.

   is only ten years old this year.

   Now that Song Boyan said anything casually, his grandfather would take it as an imperial decree.

  Song Boyan said that he was not as good as Meng Lin, who was a minor, so he must not be as good as Meng Lin.

  From now on, he will be crushed by Meng Lin at the Meng family.

   After Guo Li left last night, he could kick over the round table with one foot. Today, when he saw the staff of the Inspection Bureau, he had to put down his body and share a cigarette by a cigarette.

   Because he believed—Guo Li must have gone to the Inspection Bureau to say hello.

   These, in Song Boyan's place, are only a slight punishment for his behavior.

   For Rong Xun, it hurts the muscles and bones.

  After the weekend, the stock market opened again, and Rongxun Technology fell ten points.

   also made him fall out of the S country's young rich list.

  ——MD (Damn)!

   "The Most Dazzling She" aired 12 episodes, and the ratings were all over 1, and there was no trend of falling. In addition, the total number of broadcasts on the video platform exceeded 2 billion. The next night, the crew held a celebration banquet.

   Director Chen held the microphone and said a bunch of **** with tears in his eyes.

   Then, he received a gift from Tang Li.

   As soon as the exquisite gift box was opened, there was a small half bottle of Indian oil.

   Before anyone else could look at him, he hurriedly closed the lid, but Tang Li raised the water glass: "This glass, let us respect the old and be a strong Director Chen."

   Director Chen: "..."

   He winked at Tang Li and got up first and left the box.

   When Tang Li came out, he took out a bottle of essential oil and handed it over.

   "Record the show next time, and give it to Xiao Song for me."

  This time, Tang Li was not fooled any more, and stuffed the essential oil back: "You can keep it for yourself."

  Director Chen remembered the half-a-bottle of divine oil, and looked at Tang Li with a tight-lipped look: "Xiao Tang, your partner must be quite young, right?"

   In his early thirties, he is not still young.

  Tang Li nodded: "Of course."

   After the words were finished, Director Chen pulled her arm and turned around together.

  The two faced the corner, and Director Chen spoke again, with a sincere tone: "See a doctor as soon as possible, see a doctor as soon as possible, and get cured as soon as possible. Don't be afraid of your illness. As someone who has come here, I have to give you a sincere opinion."

   "..." Tang Li.

   Seeing that Tang Li didn't speak, Director Chen explained again: "Men, when the pressure is high, it is inevitable. As a female compatriot, you have to be considerate. On this point, you have to learn from your sister-in-law."

  Tang Li silently pulled back a corner of his sleeve from his hand.

   Then, he also responded cooperatively: "It's really not easy for sister-in-law these years."

   Director Chen: "..."

   Just then, Tang Li's cell phone rang.

   received a text message.

   Director Chen wanted to persuade him a few more words, but Tang Li raised his head.

   She smiled and shook her phone: "My partner is back from a business trip, I have to go and clean him up."

   was too late to pick up the plane, so she went directly to Tan Palace.

   However, Tang Li was not the first person to meet Song Boyan.

  Jiang Yunxi knew that Song Boyan had returned to China in the past two days, and was staying near Tan Palace every day. When she really waited for someone, she stepped forward to stop the car.

   Even if she was stopped by the guards, she still made a lot of noise.

   Big brother, let her successfully enter the Tan Palace.

  Jiang Yunxi sat on the sofa in the study, holding the teacup in both hands, her pounding heartbeat gradually calmed down.

   Mengshu's company was subject to a tax inspection, she knew it.

   Before she could speak, Song Boyan said, "If you want to stay in the capital, then marry Meng Shu."


Good night!

   (end of this chapter)

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