After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1089: To Song Boyan, you are the talisman

   Chapter 1089 To Song Boyan, you are the reminder

   is implicated by you.

The five words    stopped Tang Li's steps.

   "You should know that in a few years, Song Boyan will be accused of being a relative of meddling in politics."

   This point, they are well aware of.

Since Tang Li also dreamed of those 'futures', it means that they are in the same dimension in the dream, and Tang Li knew that Song Boyan would die early, but he didn't know why Song Boyan died. How much you can predict things, I am afraid it has something to do with how long you have lived.

   In his dream, Tang Li died at the age of twenty-six.

   Therefore, she naturally couldn't see the reversal of Song Boyan's impeachment case many years later.

  Different from Song Boyan's calm and capable behavior, Song Jingtian, who was elected president at the age of 37, is a complete lunatic.

He can cry in the arms of the victim's family in public emergencies and earn the goodwill of the people; he can also turn around and order the S trump commando to sneak into the Mi Su River Basin to carry out the shocking operation code-named 'A Furong' and send it to the whole country. The people live-streamed the 'cleaning', which caused severe visual discomfort.

   Just because there might be someone involved in the impeachment case that year.

Just after the    operation ended, Song Jingtian posted a comment in real time on his personal social account.

  【Let us join in the grand event. [clink]】

  Song Jingtian, the only president of country S who uses social software.

   was once rated as the most close to the people.

   However, this statement also allowed those voters to gradually see his true colors.

  Since ancient times, it is easy to ask God to send God away.

   Besides, this is still a shaman.

   Voters' parade and insults did not force Song Jingtian away.

One year before the election, Song Jingtian tried to revise the presidential term, and the conflict between the Senate and the House of Representatives was on the verge of breaking out. In Han Jifeng's dream, his health was extremely poor at that time. Whether Song Jingtian finally realized the freedom of the presidential term is an unsolved mystery. .

  Tang Li didn't wait for Han Jifeng to speak, he turned his head and cast his eyes firmly: "So what?"

   In a previous life, Jiang Yunxi was the one who accused Song Boyan.

   Now that Jiang Yunxi is married to Meng Shu, it seems that she has left a time bomb by her side, but from another angle, it is not like putting people in front of her to 'monitor'.

  The Meng family is attached to Song Boyan, so they will naturally take care of Jiang Yunxi.

  Han Jifeng raised his head, but did not avoid Tang Li's gaze, "What if relatives intervene in politics?"

  Tang Li squeezed the photo in his hand.

   She was just an ordinary person in her previous life.

   What she saw on the newspaper and TV is not necessarily the whole truth.

   As for Han Jifeng, after he became the Minister of Justice, he has the authority to inspect various files.

   Therefore, what he knows may be the real 'truth'.

   "Just two months before the impeachment case, Song Boyan made a televised speech announcing the arrest of the number one drug lord, Issa, who was active in the border area of ​​the three countries."

   Tang Li also knew about this.

   Because this drug lord created a major tragedy on the border of S country.

   It can be said that it shocked the whole country at that time.

   It took less than a month to capture Issa, which shows Song Boyan's courage.

Han Jifeng leaned against the back of the chair, rubbing the rim of the teacup with the tiger's mouth in his right hand, "A few months later, Issa received a private trial, but his defense lawyer pointed out that Issa once gave Song Boyan $300 million to seek asylum, and also to others. Department officials have given heavy gifts to ensure that his business will not be disrupted."

   "Impossible." Tang Li interrupted him.

  If Song Boyan and Isa Rong are really on the same page, how could it be possible to arrest each other?

   is still by means of thunder.

   "What you said is nothing more than the bite of drug lords." Tang Li was not partial to his beliefs: "As long as the investigators have some brains, they will not believe such nonsense."

  Han Jifeng said: "So, the police brought in witnesses again."

Without waiting for Tang Li to speak again, Han Jifeng continued: "That was one of Issa's subordinates who once had business dealings with Tang Shen. He said that Tang Shen swallowed a billion of his goods back then, and then Tang Shen died. The goods are missing and have not been circulated in the market. He has always suspected that there is still a master on Tang Shen."

   The main family refers to the Song family.


  How could the Song family be involved in drugs?

  Tang Li is very clear that this is slander, just like the impeachment case.

   "It was later verified that the Song family did not have contact with Tang Shen." Han Jifeng added: "But many years ago, Song Boyan had an intersection with Tang Shen's daughter."

   "The testimony of Song Boyan's former comrades in arms also corroborates this statement. During a certain mission, Song Boyan's partner died, and he himself disappeared for many days. The place of disappearance is the Mi Suo River Basin."

  No one knows better than Tang Li what Song Boyan was doing in those days.

   But in her previous life, no investigators ever came to her.

  Although she was locked at home by Han Jifeng at the time, if the police really came to her door, she would not have known it.

  The police have already found Tang Yin. As long as you visit southern Yunnan, you will know that Tang Yin still has a daughter. It is reasonable to say that she will be found sooner or later.

   However, even Li Wenyan never mentioned this to her.

  Han Jifeng looked at Tang Li again: "Your household registration file, if what I dreamed about is true, it must have been changed by someone."

   Tang Li understood.

   That's why the investigation didn't find her head.

  Because of this, the Li family and the Han family were not implicated in any way.

   As for who helped her change her household registration.

   Tang Li already had the answer in his heart.

  ——In the last life, Song Boyan also kept her.

   And she knew nothing.

   Looking back now, some things were connected by her.

  After Han Jifeng and Li Shengxia had a relationship, Li Wenyan brought her the divorce agreement to sign and prepared to send her abroad. That time happened right after Issa was arrested.

   Back at the apartment and closed the door, Tang Li heard the last words of Han Jifeng.

"When you were just an ordinary college student, you could be invisible to the public; now you have become a public figure, if Issa was arrested by S country as in a dream, once your background is dug up, it is very likely that others will attack Song Boyan. weapons, and even—”

   "For Song Boyan, you are the reminder."


  Han Jifeng's inner OS: I don't know if Song Jingtian has realized the freedom of the presidency.

  Song Jingtian: It's true, the tenure is 30 years, and all the people who scolded me have been boiled to death! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Good night!



   (end of this chapter)

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