After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1124: Can you go out with a broken limb?

   Chapter 1124 Can you go out with broken hands and feet?

   This congressman naturally refers to Li Wenyan.

Last night, Mother Wu called her and said that Li Wenyan was making some hemorrhoid cream recently. There was a woman with a strong back and a thick gold chain who often went to the house. The two seemed to be planning to open a medical device company. Now they say they have been kidnapped. Yes, it's a bit awkward.

   Besides, Li Wenyan was a special police officer, so ordinary people couldn't tie him up.

   Afraid of fraud, Tang Li did not reply to the text message.

   Half an hour later, Wu Xuehan said in the #三多金花# chat group @tangli that a middle-aged man with a broken hand and a broken foot went to the apartment in Washington No. 1, and said he was looking for her.

  【Tang Li】: "Can you go out with a broken hand and a broken foot?"

  【Wu Jiafa Cai】: "This is not kidnapped. [Picture]"

   Wu Xuehan sent a photo to the group.

  Tang Li recognized the man whose left hand was in plaster cast on his neck, his left foot was not on the ground, and he was leaning on crutches under his left creaking nest. Who else could it be if it wasn't Jiang Yuan?

   The pair of glasses that Jiang Yuan was wearing had a forty-five-degree slanted frame.

   Even his head was wrapped in layers of gauze.

   Wu Xuehan didn't invite anyone in, but sent a message to Tang Li at the entrance: "He said, your uncle was kidnapped, ask me where you are."

   Jiang Yuan has always been inseparable from Li Wenyan.

   He was injured like this, I am afraid that something really happened to Li Wenyan.

  Tang Li suddenly thought of Kun, who was far away in Myanmar.

   The most rampant kidnapping gang recently is a certain state F4 represented by Kun's subordinate Peng Sha.

  Tang Li then remembered the billion-dollar goods.

  Kun Ke said that he would like to invite Li Wenyan, a delicate congressman, to be a guest in northern Myanmar, where he grew up.

   If it was Kungan, he was obviously an activist.

   said he wanted to invite someone, and he did it in less than a week.

  Tang Li was about to ask Wu Xuehan to ask Jiang Yuan about the characteristics of the kidnappers, when the internal affairs personnel knocked on the door of the living room, saying that someone outside Tan Palace wanted to see her by name.

   After a quarter of an hour, we will meet in the living room.

  Tang Li pushed open the door and entered, only to see Li Yuaner.

  Li Yuan'er held a glass of warm water and stared straight in a certain direction, her eyes were a little dull. When the door opened, she raised her head, and when she saw Tang Li, her eyes were red.

   "..." Tang Li.

   Before Tang Li asked her why she was looking for her, Li Yuaner spontaneously explained: "Last night in Jiangnanzhai, my mother and father were kidnapped!"

  Tang Li raised his eyebrows lightly.

   Jiang Yuan said that Li Wenyan was kidnapped, but he did not take Ouyang Qian with him.

  Li Yuan'er said to herself: "Those gangsters clearly promised to only tie up Dad, so Mom agreed to ask Dad out, but when they started, they took Mom away too."

  Tang Li: "..."

   What is this called.

  Dog bites dog, a mouthful of hair?

   "If Mom didn't hold the man, I wouldn't be able to escape."

Recalling the scene last night, the last bit of blood on Li Yuan'er's face faded away, and she muttered, "When I ran out of the underground garage, I saw them injecting a needle into my mother, and my mother lost consciousness. , and then they stuffed Mom and Dad into the van and took them straight away."

   "You didn't call security?" Tang Li asked her.

   In a high-end club like Jiangnanzhai, the security team has at least 20 people.

  Li Yuan'er was startled, her expression a little confused.

   At that time, she fled the basement and went upstairs to hide by pressing the elevator. She never thought of calling someone.

   Also, Mom told her to run first and leave them alone.

  Tang Li guessed the answer just by looking at Li Yuaner's expression, "Your parents were kidnapped, you should go to the city bureau to report the case and find me, I can't solve anything."

"It's none of your business to hang up high!" Li Yuan'er stood up abruptly and looked at Tang Li with a mixture of anxiety and anger: "They said that your grandfather swallowed one billion Hailuoyin privately, and now they suspect that The goods are in Dad's hands, so they want to arrest Dad! If it wasn't for your grandfather, how could they possibly target Mom?"

   "Your mother was targeted because she was Li Wenyan's wife?"

  Li Yuan'er's eyes flickered, and she was stopped.

  Tang Li said again: "If your father is coveting the Tang family's private property, he will cause trouble now?"

   "Going back to the origin, your family didn't count my mother and my grandfather back then, and your father didn't become the son-in-law of the Tang family. Now these gangsters know him?"

  Li Yuan'er opened her mouth slightly, but she couldn't refute it.

  Tang Li didn't plan to quarrel with her again: "If I were you, I would go to Ouyang's house now. Your grandfather is a retired general anyway, so he must be able to speak at the city bureau."

  Li Yuan'er squeezed her hands tightly.


  The eldest sister is not here, she also has grandfather and uncle.

  Why look at Tang Li's face in a low voice here!

  Li Yuaner picked up her bag and left, and Tang Li also opened the side door of the meeting room.

   Song Jingtian, who originally put his ear to the door, was exposed.

   The little guy was holding the tiger whip and was a little dissatisfied: "Her parents wanted to sell you to fool Xia before, why are you teaching her how to save people?"

  Tang Li said: "This is called calamity."

   Song Jingtian didn't understand.

   "If she doesn't go to Ouyang's house, it's time to find your elder brother."

   Tang Li explained.

  Li Yuan'er came to Tan Palace, most likely it was Jiang Yuan's idea.

   On the one hand, I wanted to try my luck to see if she was in Tan Palace; on the other hand, I wanted to use her to get Song Boyan to intervene in the abduction of Ouyang Qian and his wife.

The appearance of   Li Yuaner was also a warning to Tang Li.

  Unless the billion-dollar goods were found, Kun would probably not give up.

   Now that Kun already knows her identity, even if she runs back to S country, Kun will not necessarily let her go.

   Now, Kun's attention has just been diverted.

   Tang Li did not go back to the living room, but went downstairs again.

   For lunch, Song Boyan didn't come to eat.

   A meeting lasted for more than three hours.

   It's not over yet.

  Song Boyan was not in the office, Tang Li didn't go into the office area, with his hands behind his back, he took a walk in the small garden in front of the President's office in the west wing of the Tan Palace.

   From time to time, he turned his head and glanced down the corridor.

  Tang Li heard the voice and did not step forward immediately, watching several cabinet members walk away one after another, before she walked to the office area.

   Passing the washbasin, I happened to meet Song Boyan by accident.

  Song Boyan was wiping his hands with a tissue, and the moment he saw Tang Li, his expression softened: "Why did you run downstairs?"

  Tang Li stretched out his hand: "Send snacks."

Good night.



   (end of this chapter)

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