After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1126: Are you sure you want to separate?

   Chapter 1126 Are you sure you want to separate?

   In other words, this is a headless koan.

   About 2,000 catties of white noodles are punched anywhere.

  Li Wenyan took the antiques from the Tang family back then, but he never mentioned the white noodles, which means that he didn't handle it. Otherwise, Li Wenyan's handing over this batch of goods would be a great achievement, which would be of great benefit to his career.

  Tang Li thought of a possibility.

  Tang Shen did not sell this batch of goods, will he also be hacked by others?

   After all, at that time, Tang Shen died suddenly, and his hands could be said to be in chaos.

   It is difficult to guarantee that no one will take advantage of the chaos to grab the goods.

  If this batch of goods did not flow into the market of country S, then, after excluding the country of Myanmar where Kun is located, it is very likely to be traded in other countries, such as Siam and Vietnam.

  Tang Li mentioned that Li Wenyan and his wife were kidnapped by Kun's men: "Kun may now think that my father took the white noodles."

   And because of her fleeing, Kun may still be angry with Li Wenyan.

   Therefore, after Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian arrived in Danbang, the situation would definitely not be good.

   "Kun seems to know about my marriage." Tang Li said again.

   As for Qing not knowing that she was married to Song Boyan, it is unknown.

   But she was kidnapped to Danbang, and Meng Shuyou contributed to it. He and Ming are biological father and son. Naturally, some things will not be hidden from Ming.

   Moreover, she only told Kun that it was her father who betrayed Tang Shen.

   From beginning to end, she never said Li Wenyan's name.

  Kun found Li Wenyan exactly.

  Unless Kun had seen Li Wenyan beside Tang Shen in his early years.

   Therefore, he will know that this anti-drug hero is Tang Shen's former son-in-law.

   then guessed that her biological father was also Li Wenyan.


  Kun and the others in country S?

   Thinking like this, Tang Li's heart sank, and the expression on his face also restrained.

   However, the twists and turns between her brows were only smoothed by Song Boyan's thumb, "You should not imitate the old-fashioned old cadres at such a young age."

  Tang Li raised his head.

   The bridge of her nose swept across Song Boyan's palm.

When Song Boyan withdrew his hand, Tang Li also said again: "If Kun can't get the goods from my father, he will definitely come to me."

   By then, Kun will not be so polite and 'talkative'.

When Tang Li said this, her expression was as serious as she had never been before. With that small face full of collagen, it was a deepness that did not match her age. When she stretched her lip line, this deepness was interpreted to the extreme. More like a child with an adult's sleeves.

  This kid is trying his best to think like an adult.

  Song Boyan's big palm returned to Tang Li's head, and he caressed: "These matters are handled by your own adults. You only need to live normally, study normally, and work normally."

   "My grandfather's identity—"

  Tang Li was a little hesitant to speak, but he couldn't allow himself to back down: "If it were made public, would it affect you?"

   This is more important to her than anything else.

   She wanted to know, if there was an impact, to what extent.

Yes or no--

Will    affect his re-election?

   She doesn't want her to cause him to be impeached in this life.

   Song Boyan said: "Being a public official requires reviewing the situation of oneself and his immediate family members. It is stipulated in the articles of association that there is never any mention of the need for review of spouses and relatives."

……Is that right?

   Looking at Tang Li's suspicious eyes, Song Boyan's mouth also showed a slight smile, "Now, you don't even believe my words?"

  Tang Li did not speak.

   This is not a matter of belief or not.

   She was afraid that even if the consequences were serious, Song Boyan would not tell herself.

   And politics, it is precisely the field that she has never set foot in.

   She was worried that the dream that Han Jifeng said would reappear.

   Worried that Song Boyan would have a relationship with drug dealers because of himself.

  Tang Li stepped forward silently, wrapped his hands around Song Boyan's waist, and cuddled himself into Song Boyan's arms, and then instructed: "If there is any bad influence, you must tell me."

  Song Boyan's right hand, which was originally stroking the back of her head, slowly moved down and pressed down on the back of her neck.

   After a while, he also joked slowly: "Thinking about so many things, I'm afraid my little head can't hold it."

Tang Li tightened his grip, and when he heard Song Boyan's low-mellow voice, it was like a fine wine that had been brewed for many years, which made people addicted: "When I was in northern Myanmar, I was not afraid of the sky and the earth, but now I am less courageous. ?"

   "In northern Myanmar, because I know you will send someone to rescue me." Tang Li replied.

  Song Boyan didn't speak anymore.

   Using only the bones of his palm, he rubbed the back of Tang Li's neck.

  Tang Li still broke the warmth at the moment: "If it affects us, we will separate for a while."

   These words are her thoughtful thoughts these days.

Now that she learned that Song Boyan was going to launch an anti-drug campaign, she became more and more firm about her record. Li Wenyan and his wife were kidnapped, a former congressman, a child of a retired general, and the country S intervened in the affairs of the Misuhe area again. Famous, then, arresting Kun and even Issa, becomes justifiable.

   Song Boyan's question rang in her ear: "Are you sure you want to separate?"

  Tang Li clenched his shirt tightly with his fingers, but still hummed.

   Then, there was a long silence.

   She listened to Song Boyan's steady and powerful heartbeat, and was reluctant to let go of the shirt in her hand. After a while, Song Boyan said, "Since you want to separate, let's separate for the time being."

  Tang Li grabbed the shirt's hand and slowly released his strength.

   The request that she thought was difficult to explain, but she really opened her mouth, which was much smoother than she thought.

   She also slowly left Song Boyan's arms.

   The words of separation have already been spoken, and she can no longer live in Tan Palace.

  Song Boyan did not agree with her moving back to Washington One, "It's not safe to live outside these days, so move to Yunqi Villa first. If it's boring to live alone, ask your classmates to accompany you."

  Tang Li raised his head and looked straight at Song Boyan with his watery eyes: "They've already separated, why are you still being so nice to me?"

   "Don't want me to take care of you anymore?"

   Song Boyan manages her, not to control her, but to look after and protect her.

  Tang Li did not let Song Boyan take charge, so she acquiesced to Song Boyan's arrangement.

   Leaving the office, she went back upstairs to pack up.

   In fact, there is not much to clean up.

  I came back yesterday and everything was still in the box.

  Tang Li went to greet Xiao Minglan and only said that she had a temporary job. Xiao Minglan did not ask any further questions, but only asked her to be safe outside.

   Before leaving Tan Palace, Tang Li didn't see Song Boyan again.

   She learned from He Wei that Song Boyan was on a conference call again.

When    was sent to Yunqi Villa by He Wei, Tang Li chose a guest room instead of the master bedroom.

   At night, she was lying on the bed with her phone beside the pillow.

   From 7pm to 12am, Song Boyan didn't send a single text message.


  Tang Xiaoli in the daytime: Let's separate!

   Tang Xiaoli at night: My husband ignored me and cried!

   (end of this chapter)

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