After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1138: His little girl should not be used by Liang Bo

   Chapter 1138 His little girl should not be used by Liang Bo

  Li Hao is very scheming, and this move is based on how much he cares about Tang Li.

  Li Ruan mentioned her grandfather's true identity to Tang Li. The two were just acting as Li Hao's microphones. Li Hao wanted to use Tang Li's mouth to tell him that his wife was innocent.

   However, this innocence still lacks evidence.

  Li Hao also captured his desire to be re-elected.

   His wife, the First Lady, is naturally as clean as possible.

   An impeccable relationship between husband and wife will not become a lever for political enemies to attack him.

   Having been in politics for decades, Li Hao has long understood human nature.

Song Boyan looked at Nanwabang on the map, but he was not displeased because of Li Hao's calculations. He was also a politician. He understood what Li Hao was thinking. If he was Li Hao, he might have done the same— Leveraging strength and strength, not to mention that, with the intervention of S country, the official Siam country will no longer allow Issa to 'exchange money for life'.

   However, as Tang Li's husband, he couldn't empathize with Li Hao.

   It's unreasonable to calculate the younger generation in the family like this.

   His little girl, in the Li family, should feel the kinship of flesh and blood, not the use of coolness.

  Tang Li waited at the villa all night, but did not wait for Li Ruan.

   Afraid of missing out with Li Ruan, she didn't send Song Jingtian to school the next day, and went back to her room after breakfast.

   However, by four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Ruan still did not show up.

   At half past five in the evening, Song Jingtian returned from school.

  What is the person in charge of picking up and dropping off? Rarely did he leave without letting go, but went in and talked to Tang Li—it was Friday, and the husband asked him to pick up his wife and Erye back to Tan Palace for the weekend.

  He Wei noticed Tang Li's hesitation, and specially added: "Siam Prime Minister Hong Tai has returned to China in the afternoon, so Mr. will not be too busy these two days."

Tang Li is no stranger to the name   Hongtai.

   She heard the words Hong Tai from Li Ruan's mouth more than once.

When    Li Ruan appeared, it happened to be the day when Hong Tai visited S country, and Tang Li also suspected that Li Ruan was from S country with Hong Tai.

   Since we are together, we are going back to Siam, shouldn't we say hello to her?

   This is exactly what Tang Li failed to straighten out logically.

   Or, what happened?

   Tang Li just had this idea, and He Wei said again: "Hong Tai wanted to stay for another day, but one of his personal guards was accidentally injured and an arm was broken. For the sake of safety, he returned to China as originally planned."

   Tang Li's first reaction was to think of his cousin.

   Li Ruan turned out from the balcony window the night before.

   Her guest room was on the third floor.

   At this height, and the lights are blindingly bright, it is also excusable to break the arm.

   If it was really Li Ruan, it would explain his goodbye.

   But Tang Li still asked one more question: "Why did the Prime Minister's guard break his arm?"

   "It is said that you stepped on the empty steps."

When answering   , I can’t help but thank you for your foresight.

Mr.    obviously expected his wife to be suspicious, so before he left the Tan Palace, he specially called him over and explained a few words.

   After hearing this, Tang Li was even more convinced that it was Li Ruan who was injured.

  Who breaks his arm by stepping on empty steps?

   A big man, not osteoporosis.

  So, her trip to Siam was stranded?

   Sitting in the car back to Tan Palace, Tang Li was still thinking of leaving behind his cheap cousin who went back to Siam, watching the series and updating it every day. After saying this, he left halfway through.

   Even if you hurt your arm, you should find a way to get in touch with her.

   Now this is...

  ——Also said to let her go undercover.

  Being so unreliable, how dare she hand over her back to them?

  Tang Li felt that the Li family did not respect her bloodline.

   Come as soon as you say it, and leave as soon as you say it, so her opinion is so unimportant?

  Today, when school was over, Song Jingtian routinely brought two dry vegetable cakes to Tang Li. Now, seeing that Tang Li didn't kill half of the cakes with one mouth as usual, he couldn't help urging: "Why don't you eat them?"

   "I'm full." Tang Li put the cake back into the paper bag.

   "You haven't eaten yet."

  The little guy dismantles it.

  Tang Li put the two cakes aside: "Take it to Tan Palace for a late night snack."

  Female stars don’t eat supper at night.

   This is to lie to his child!

  Thinking of the big biscuits I bought after queuing for ten minutes, I really paid for it by mistake.

   Moreover, the money for helping to bring biscuits recently was all from his own pocket.

   Tang Li saw Feng Qi's news and was about to reply, Song Jingtian beside him was pounding his schoolbag with his head down, then he took out one after another small ticket from the bag and handed it to Tang Li.

   "What?" Tang Li replied with a good message and also looked at the little guy.

  Song Jingtian wore a mask and let her see for herself.

  Tang Li picked up the receipts and found that these were the purchase certificates of dried vegetable cakes.

   The little guy said: "Eight dollars a piece, two fifteen dollars, I took it for you for five days, you want to give me seventy-five dollars."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "No, it's seventy-five dollars." Tang Li didn't expect that the little guy was so stingy.

   Buy a cake and settle the account with her.

   After all, he is a person who has earned hundreds of thousands of live streaming.

  Song Jingtian glared at her, "Yes, it's only seventy-five yuan, you won't give it to me."

   There are other people in this car.

   In addition to smiling, Tang Li can only smile.

   The little guy received the transfer and turned his head out of the car window.

   slowly lowered the window, the mountain wind ruffled his hair, and also blew waves in his heart.

   He is only eight years old, and he has already experienced the difficult situation of contemporary Phoenix men.

   A mother who is lazy and likes to default on her debts, she still doesn’t know how to influence him to create value in the high-quality blind date market in the future.

   But what can he do.

   is biological after all.

   Fortunately, he inherited the fine genes of the old Song family.

  Thinking of this, just after he let out a long sigh, Tang Li's voice that ruined the atmosphere came: "With such a strong wind, do you have a headache?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

The    car arrived at Tan Palace, and the sky was dark.

   When Tang Li stepped up the stairs, he felt a little uncomfortable.

  I only said parting words yesterday, and I went abroad and worked as an undercover agent, which made me so tragic, but I came back today. What if Song Boyan thought she wanted to be an actress after learning from Song Jingtian?

  Although the meal time was over, Xiao Minglan still asked Aunt Min to keep a meal for the big and small.

   When Tang Li and Song Jingtian were eating in the restaurant, He Wei also went to the President's Office. Song Boyan had just instructed a local official document. During the anti-drug process, conflicts would inevitably arise. In Dezhou, Yun Province, it happened two days ago.

   Song Boyan learned that someone had picked him up, so he asked He Wei to rest first.

  Tang Li finished dinner and went to the living room to watch TV with Xiao Minglan for a while. At ten o'clock in the evening, Xiao Minglan got up and went to bed. Tang Li also parted ways with Song Jingtian and returned to the master bedroom.

  I was brushing my teeth when the door opened.

   Holding the toothbrush head in her hand, she silently reached out and closed the sliding bathroom door.

  Meet a little later, the embarrassment will be less.


  Before the early morning, another chapter, huh!

   (end of this chapter)

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