After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 114: Such a confident little buddy

   Chapter 114 Such a confident little friend

   In order to hide his unnaturalness, Tang Li raised his hand and rubbed Song Jingtian's hair.

   The little guy glanced at her, but didn't open his mouth to say anything.

   About half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the gate of the commercial port headquarters.

Looking at the sentries with guns standing guard on both sides of the gate, Song Jingtian consciously approached Tang Li. He didn't forget that the eldest brother said he was going to give him to other people's homes. These people have guns. If the eldest brother really sold him, he would want to run away. Can't run away.

   One of the sentries noticed the sedan and trotted over.

   When he stood by the car, Song Boyan lowered the car window and took something for the sentry.

  Then the sentry saluted and let go.

   "Why don't we hurry to the station." Song Jingtian said suddenly.

  Song Boyan sensed his nervousness and turned the steering wheel at the intersection in front of him: "Being so poor on weekdays, now you're scared when you see sentries in camouflage uniforms?"

   The little guy hummed, unable to say anything to refute.

  Tang Li was attracted by the scenery outside the car window.

   In the military area, the roads are wide and there are rows of camphor trees planted on both sides. Except for the morning and evening, even the afternoon sun is faint and quiet.

   Occasionally, one or two officers in military uniforms can be seen.

Next to the    headquarters is the Family House.

  Tang Li retracted his gaze, Song Boyan had turned off the car and parked in front of a small European-style building.

   There are also several small western-style buildings around.

  The old blue brick buildings are not only not dilapidated, but reveal a few years of precipitation, very similar to the mansion where some warlord generals lived in the 1920s.

  Song Boyan just got out of the car when a nanny in an apron came out of the mansion.

   found Song Boyan standing beside the car, the nanny came over immediately, with a bright smile on his face: "You are here! The professor just went upstairs to the study, and was worried that he could not find anyone to play chess."

   said, the nanny found that there were two people in the car.

   The rear window of the sedan was lowered to half.

   "This is you—" the nanny turned and asked Song Boyan.

   "Two juniors from the family came to the commercial port secretly. I happened to be free this afternoon, and I was going to take them to the station and stop by to see the teacher."

   Song Boyan said, his eyes turned to the two tails in the car.

   Tang Li knew that this was impolite, but Song Jingtian held her tightly, neither getting out of the car nor allowing her to get out.

  No way, Tang Li could only nod to the nanny.

   Knowing that Song Boyan was here to see the teacher, Song Jingtian immediately urged: "Brother, go see your teacher, Tang Li and I are waiting for you in the car."

  The nanny invited: "There are candies and chocolates at home, so come in and sit for a while."

   "You give my big brother something to eat, I won't eat it."

  Song Jingtian decisively refused.

  Tang Li had to speak: "I'm here to accompany Sedum, you go in."

   In the second half of the sentence, she said to Song Boyan.

  The nanny stopped persuading them.

   When Song Boyan and the nanny entered the Xiaoyang Building, Song Jingtian moved his **** to the side, while spitting bitterness at Tang Li: "If I really go in, I might not be able to get out."

"Children like me are very popular with those DINK families." The little guy sighed: "When the time comes, I will hug me and cry, should I go back to the capital, and my elder brother's teacher, they really want to keep me , my big brother can't say anything."

   "Do you still know the Dink family?" Tang Li asked him.

  Song Jingtian squinted at her, as if saying, "What's so strange."

   Having lived two lives, it was the first time I saw such a confident little friend. Tang Li also cooperated very well: "Then you really have to be careful. It's best not to go out alone in the future. The organs of a child like you are definitely more valuable."

   Spoiler: The author of "Original Sin" is in Xiaoyanglou...



   (end of this chapter)

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