After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1140: Bullying men and bullying women, Director Xiao Tang

   Chapter 1140 Bullying the male and female director Xiao Tang

   In the blink of an eye, the little man in his arms turned into an anthropology expert again.

   is still a no-name bricklayer who knows a little bit about everything and is not proficient at everything.

  Song Boyan lowered his head and met Tang Liliang's crystal-clear eyes. He had already written all his thoughts on his face. He didn't know whether to laugh or to educate this troublesome little thing.

   was really stared at, Song Boyan said, "I bitten someone last time, and it hasn't healed after a few days of scabbing."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "Is there any?" Tang Li had to recognize the good thing he did: "Actually, I didn't exert any strength. It may be because you soaked the wound every day."

   As he spoke, his right hand also reached up.

   Only felt the man's Adam's apple, and was caught by Song Boyan again: "Where to touch."

   Tang Li explained: "I just look at the wound."

   After a while, she rolled around like a carp and climbed onto Song Boyan.

   In order to prevent her from falling, Song Boyan supported her in time, and Tang Ligang sat firmly and said, "Let Director Tang, the leading talent of the post-95s generation in the medical field, come to help you check the wound."

   said, leaning over to pull the nightstand drawer.

   The drawer turned out to be empty.

Song Boyan saw her demeanor like a concubine, and put the books together on the bedside table: "Director Tang, who didn't even get a practicing doctor's license, probably didn't even graduate with a bachelor's degree, so he practiced medicine illegally outside. Check it out."

   After the words were finished, Tang Li came up and kissed him.

   "You go and report it, and I will say that Your Excellency Tangtang is taking advantage of Director Tang."

   Looking at Tang Li's little domineering face, Song Boyan put his hand on the back of her head and sighed, "The thief shouts to catch the thief, and I don't even look at who is being pinned down."

   Director Tang who bullied men and bullies women: "..."

   Director Tang's gaze turned to the drawer beside him.

   Nothing but a bottle of oil.

   Looking at some oil that has been used, Tang Li's face blushed under the light.

   Director Tang has gone to the doctor, so of course he can't come home empty-handed.

   She leaned over and rummaged in the drawer. She did not find any tools for committing the crime (crossed out) and seeing patients. She couldn't help but look at Song Boyan: "Is it really gone?"

   "What's gone?" Song Boyan pretended not to know.

   Director Tang still retained the last bit of restraint and did not say those three words.

   just kept hinting: "The one you want to use."

  Song Boyan: "At night, don't sleep with anything."

  Tang Li: "..."

   She didn't believe that Song Boyan really didn't know what she was talking about, so she simply didn't speak secretly.

  Song Boyan saw that her heart would not die until the Yellow River, and he wanted to laugh: "I spent the night here before, and I did a lot of pulling and pulling the drawer. Don't you know the best?"

   "..." If she knew, she wouldn't ask again.

   And last time I saw it, there were obviously a few more.

  Song Boyan glanced at his phone, "It's almost twelve o'clock, are you not ready to go to bed?"

  Tang Li didn't want to sleep.

  A night without balloons is doomed to sleepless nights.

   "No," Tang Li suddenly thought of something and asked, "Are those balloons hidden by you?"

  Song Boyan: "..."

  Song Boyan did not expect that the fire would burn himself: "Why do I hide these things when I have nothing to do?"

  A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost.

  Tang Li couldn't believe it: "Who knows, there is no one else but you who can move this drawer."

  Song Boyan said, "You came out of the bathroom last time, didn't you take it?"

  Tang Li: "..."

   So, are you really running out?

   Looking at Song Boyan again, she immediately changed her tune: "Blowing up a balloon at night is not good for lung capacity."

   After saying that, he burrowed into the bed.

  Song Boyan laughed: "Don't blow balloons again?"

  Tang Li wrapped himself into a silkworm: "Director Tang is not feeling well today and has taken a rest."

   The next second, the man's broad palm stretched into the bed.

   "Director Tang, who is as strong as a calf, if you're really sick, you need to take a good check."

  Tang Li: "..."

   Director Xiao Tang, who worked overtime until the middle of the night, was woken up by a voice call early the next morning.

As soon as    was picked up, I heard Wu Xuehan's exasperated voice: "Ali, Yining is too much! She took her mother to block the door of the apartment and said she wanted to move here!"

  Tang Li arrived at Washington One, two hours later.

  I got out of the elevator and walked to the door of the apartment when I heard faint crying.

  As soon as Tang Li opened the door with his fingerprints, he could also see the situation in the living room——

   Jiang Yining sat side by side with a gorgeous woman, occupying the three-seater sofa, as for Wu Xuehan and Yu Sui, they were squeezed into the single sofa.

   At this moment, Yu Sui was staring at the mother and daughter who were doves occupying the magpie's nest.

As soon as Jiang Feng saw Tang Li, he started crying and hugged Jiang Yining next to him: "My hard-working daughter, why are you so stupid, it's okay to be deceived by a middle-aged old man, He also made a big belly by him, and now his life and death are unknown, how will you two live in the future?"

Jiang Yining blushed, looked at Tang Li, and burst into tears: "Ali, I really have no choice, the doctor said that my constitution is not suitable for abortion, your uncle was kidnapped again, my child and I can only rely on you now. ."

"It's not." Jiang Feng touched her daughter's belly: "This child's father is unreliable, but he has a good sister! These days, I have been telling Aning that the child's sister is a kind-hearted, and it will definitely not be true in the future. Regardless of this brother."

  Tang Li stepped into the living room: "Is it your son?"

   Jiang Yining's eyes flickered a little, and her mother answered it long ago: "It's not a son, you see her belly is sharp and flat, and, these days, she still likes to eat sour."

   "You are all superstitious." Wu Xuehan interjected weakly.

   Jiang Feng glared at her immediately.

He turned his head to look at Tang Li again, and wiped the corners of his eyes again: "You and classmate Aning, although there was a bit of misunderstanding between the two of you before, but the child is innocent. Auntie has criticized Aning. Auntie doesn't ask for anything else. I just ask you to let their mother and son have a place to live."

   "My uncle didn't give Yining a house." Tang Li didn't watch Jiang Feng's performance, but turned his attention to Jiang Yining: "That commercial house, regardless of location or size, is better than mine."

   Jiang Yining tightened the clothes at his stomach.

  Tang Li is not easy to fool, she knows better than anyone else.

   When she learned that Li Wenyan was kidnapped, it was not that she never thought of aborting the child.

  Jiang Feng came to see her, learned her plan, and also learned from her the true relationship between Li Wenyan and Tang Li, and Li Wenyan once mentioned to her that Tang Li was attracted by the current president.

  Jiang Feng learned about the ins and outs of the situation, and immediately took the case to let her give birth to this child.

   In Jiang Feng’s original words——

  Li Wenyan is a fart!

  If she was smart, she should hold on to the towering tree Tang Li now!

   How much is the wife of an outgoing MP worth?

   Isn't it delicious to be the mother of the first lady's younger brother?


  No accident, the second update before the morning!

   (end of this chapter)

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