After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1159: You don't like Your Excellency anymore?

   Chapter 1159 You don't like Your Excellency anymore?

   Letter of Understanding.

  Sumey is of course aware of the weight of a letter of understanding in a criminal case.

   Meng Shu was imprisoned in the detention center, she did not expect to ask for a letter of understanding.

   However, her son's intentions were not right, and he kidnapped two important people. She really didn't have the face to talk to Xiao Minglan.

   "As far as I know, if there is a letter of understanding and a criminal settlement is reached, the standard sentence can be reduced by less than 50%, and with luck, the punishment can even be waived."

  Su Mei stared at the marriage certificate on the coffee table and didn't say anything for a while.

  Tang Li's voice came again: "Meng Shu is not the main culprit, one sentence affects three generations, you really don't want to fight for him?"

  Su Mei said that she is not interested, it is false.

   She looked at Tang Li again: "Then can I know what happened to you?"

   His own life experience, Tang Li did not want to publicize it.

   Besides, it was because of Xiao Minglan that she would look for Su Mei to do business.

   But this trust was not enough to make her have no reservations about Su Mei.

Therefore, Tang Li only said: "You must have seen the news on the Internet in the past two days. Regardless of whether the rumors are true or false, it is a fact that my background is not good. I got a little news that someone wants to use me to deal with Your Excellency. ."

  Su Mei asked back: "Because of this, you want to dissolve your marriage with Your Excellency?"

   From the moment he saw Su Mei, Tang Li's attitude remained the same: "Perhaps you think I'm unfounded, but for me, nothing is more important than this."

   "You yourself said it was gossip." Su Mei said, and pushed the marriage certificate to Tang Li: "If I use my authority to do this for you, I will not be able to explain it to the Song family."

  Su Mei was afraid of being questioned by Song Boyan afterwards.

   Tang Li had already anticipated this.

   Therefore, he was rejected by Samui without showing disappointment.

   She was silent for about ten seconds before speaking again: "What if I told you that I regretted getting married?"

Facing Su Mei's surprised eyes, Tang Li was calm: "The first time I saw your Excellency was at Mrs. Li's birthday banquet. When I was nine years old, I met a mature and stable man who was willing to help me, and it was inevitable that I admired him."

   "Later, I launched a fierce pursuit of Your Excellency, but when we really got married, I discovered that there was an insurmountable generation gap between us."

  Su Mei did not expect to hear such an inner analysis.

Tang Li continued: "Your Excellency is busy with official business all day, and sometimes, I don't even see his people at night, we don't say more than ten sentences a day, and I'm a three-born, to put it bluntly, embroidered pillows and straw hearts. , Your Excellency is chatting with me, I can't handle it at all, but I have to pretend to understand."

  Su Mei said: "I see that you are filming and recording variety shows, and you are not idle."

  Tang Li: "..."

   "As an actor, you are only suitable for this kind of busy work. If the other party has nothing to do every day, and you can't make a movie at home, it is easy to have problems in your relationship."

Seeing that Tang Li hadn't given up her thoughts, Su Mei enlightened again: "Besides, which couple doesn't make trouble, don't belittle yourself too much, since your Excellency is willing to marry you, you have your own advantages, maybe Your Excellency will like it What about your simplicity?"

"I'm not innocent at all." Tang Li gave an example: "When Your Excellency went on a blind date, I deliberately squatted at the gate of Yunqi Villa in the middle of the night, and even bleed my feet. I took advantage of your mercy to stay in the Villa, and said that Miss Bo was not. Later, he and Miss Bo's family really didn't make it."

   "Your Excellency likes you, so naturally you won't have contact with Miss Bo's family again."

  Su Mei said again: "I've seen Miss Bo's family before. She looks really good, but compared to you, it's a little inferior."

Tang Li didn't want to comment on his former rival in love, so he opened the topic: "I'm a selfish person, and I don't want to be trapped in this marriage that is not as expected. You think I'm self-willed or irresponsible. single again."

   "So, you don't like Your Excellency anymore?" Su Mei asked.

   This question, Tang Li did not immediately answer.

  Su Mei suddenly got up, "I'm going to the bathroom."

   Seeing Su Mei carrying a handbag, Tang Li couldn't help reminding: "I asked you not to tell anyone, including the Song family."

   "Don't worry." Su Mei promised: "I won't say anything that shouldn't be said."

   As soon as Su Mei entered the bathroom, she made sure that several compartments were empty before taking out her mobile phone from her bag.

   She didn't look for Xiao Minglan.

   The first phone call was to my father-in-law.

   explained the reason and got Song Boyan's private number.

   For husband and wife problems like this, finding the parties is the wisest choice.

   Dial Song Boyan's cell phone number, and it rang five or six times. After the call was made, Su Mei didn't say anything, and talked about Tang Li's appointment with her.

   (end of this chapter)

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