After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1167: If you're still here, will it stop my decision

   Chapter 1167 If you are still here, will it stop my decision?

  Li Hao is sitting by the window playing Go.

A dark gray cashmere cardigan was draped over the hospital gown, which also concealed his thin figure. A nurse gave Li Hao an injection beside him, and on the edge of the chessboard was an open chess book. .

   After the nurse left, Li Ruan said, "Tang Li is here."

  Li Hao turned his head when he heard the words.

   When he turned his attention to Tang Li, he was no longer as aggressive as in the video call, but smiled kindly: "I thought this trip would be empty."

   But obviously, he underestimated Tang Li's decisiveness.

   In Li Hao's expectation, Tang Li will release Supa's pigeons this time, and he has to hesitate two or three times before he is willing to come to the Qing residence.

  Tang Li didn't even greet him, and asked when the blood test would be done.

   Even though Tang Li didn't call her grandfather after entering the door, Li Hao didn't show any displeasure, only asked her about Li Wenyan's current situation.

  Tang Li noticed Li Hao's mentality of watching the excitement.

   As of this afternoon, Li Wenyan and his wife have not yet returned to the capital.

  Kun was arrested, and Li Wenyan and Ouyang Qian, as victims, had to cooperate with the local investigation in Yun Province.

   Moreover, Li Wenyan's entire buttocks bloomed, and the injury was quite serious.

   It is said that the dart that Kun used to pierce him was dipped in chili water.

   As for Ouyang Qian——

   is said to be a little mentally stimulated.

  In that village in northern Myanmar, women could count with two hands. Ouyang Qian appeared there. Although she was in her early fifties, she was also a **** and caught the eyes of many bachelors in their fifties and sixties.

  Ouyang Qian suffered a lot of beatings in the early stage, and was even attacked by the old bachelors in the middle of the night. Seeing that he was about to break Danbang, he was stunned to successfully save his life and innocence by accusing Li Wenyan.

   Also because of Ouyang Qian's identification, Kun Cai even believed that Li Wenyan and Tang Li's father and daughter hid the billion-dollar white noodles.

  Ouyang Qian contributed to every beating Li Wenyan suffered in the later period.

  Tang Li will know this and why he told her in private.

  Yun Province has basically figured out the case.

   Learning that Li Wenyan could not get out of bed so far, Li Hao smiled and asked Tang Li, "You are suddenly coming to the Qing residence, what did President Song say?"

   "He told me to pay attention to safety." Tang Li said.

  Li Hao also guessed that Tang Li would not come from Siam alone.

   Since Song Boyan was willing to let Tang Li return to Li's house, it means that he did not care about his previous calculations, otherwise, he should cut off Tang Li's connection with the Li family.

  Li Hao 'concerned' Tang Li again, and asked Li Ruan to take her home first.

   This home, of course, refers to the old house of the Li family.

When    was about to go out, Li Hao suddenly said again: "I built a tomb for your grandfather and mother in Li's cemetery. If you have time in the past two days, you can go to sweep the tomb."

  Tang Li stopped and looked back at Li Hao.

   Regardless of whether Li Hao did this for any other purpose, at this moment, it really touched her heart.

  Chinese, the most important thing is that a fallen leaf returns to its roots.

   Her grandfather wandered all his life, and her mother passed away due to illness. Neither of them had a good death. She built a tomb for them, at least to allow their dead souls to return to their hometowns.

   Therefore, Tang Li said thank you before leaving.

   After the door was closed, Li Hao withdrew his gaze and looked at the endgame on the chessboard again.

  He picked up a white seed and dropped it to a certain position, then looked at the vacant seat opposite, and asked, "If you are still here, will it stop my decision?"

   answered him with a moment of silence.

   As for what to decide.

  Li Hao did not speak again.

  Tang Li followed Li Ruan to the old house, a manor covering an area of ​​100,000 square meters.

  When the car drives through the gate, all kinds of gardening can be seen everywhere.

   Not long after, Tang Li saw Siamese-style buildings, as well as large and small European-style statues, which were completely different from Yunqi Villa, with the characteristics of Angkor Wat.

   Looking down, Tang Li couldn't help but ask Li Ruan, "Is there no battery car in the Qing residence?"

  Li Ruan didn't understand her intentions.

  Tang Li took the initiative to explain: "From the door to the main building, I have estimated that the vertical distance is about 1,800 meters. I want to go shopping another day. It is more convenient to ride a battery car."

  Li Ruan: "..."

   Yuan Qin on the co-pilot: "..."

   (end of this chapter)

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