After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1172: No matter how handsome you are, you are not as good as your Excellency

   Chapter 1172 No matter how handsome you are, you are not as good as your Excellency

   Walking to the corner where no one was around, Tang Li picked up the video call.

   The little guy was wearing a school uniform and didn't change his stinky fart. When he saw the video was connected, he raised his eyebrows lightly. Tang Li also noticed the scene behind him: "Are you going to do inter-class exercises?"

  Song Jingtian did not deny it.

   He deliberately slowed down and fell behind, and then called Tang Li.

   When the class went down the stairs, he turned into the toilet next to him.

  Song Jingtian chose a compartment to hide, plugged the door, and then continued to chat with Tang Li: "If I don't contact you, will you forget me?"

   Tang Li heard that the little guy was blaming himself for not reporting his safety to him after he landed yesterday.

   "It's not that you're afraid you're falling asleep."

This explanation    also confuses three-year-olds.

  Song Jingtian snorted and said again, "How is that relative of yours?"

   "It's good." Tang Li said, "I'll be discharged from the hospital in a few days."

   "Then when are you... planning to come back?"

  The little guy ran to the point.

   "It should take a while."

   "How long is the time period?"

  Tang Li couldn't give a specific time point, he could only say: "Anyway, everyone is almost done, I will go back."

  Song Jingtian was not perfunctory by her: "Then what if he's been alright?"

   "If it's not complete, then hang it."

   Such a salted fish answer, in exchange for a stare from the little guy.

  Tang Li also noticed something was wrong: "Song Jingtian, why didn't you go out?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   "Did you skip class to exercise?" Tang Li faintly heard the music of radio gymnastics.

   "It's not because of diarrhea."

   The little guy quibbled, turned around and pressed the flush: "Listen."

  Tang Li: "Are you pulling the crotch?"

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   Standing on the large size, it is bound to ruin the crotch.

Tang Li's logic was fine, the little guy wanted to argue again, but he couldn't find a suitable argument, so he simply changed the subject: "It's fine for you to stay in Siam, and I believe that in the near future, Tan Gong will welcome a new woman. Owner."

   The little guy obviously has something to say.

   "What do you mean?" Tang Li asked him.

   "That's not what it means."

Song Jingtian wanted to make a fool of himself, fearing that Tang Li would not take the bait, so he revealed a bit of information: "Yesterday, after you left, a woman came to Tan Palace and stayed with my eldest brother in the study upstairs for almost two hours, and my eldest brother stayed at noon. After her meal, you have seen that girl before at Mengshu's wedding."

   To say that Song Boyan cheated, Tang Li would not believe it.

   Even if we were to go out, it would not be yesterday.

   The little guy is talking nonsense all the time, just trying to sow discord.

  Tang Li oh, ready to end the call: "I don't have WIFI here, so hang up first."

   Seeing that Tang Li wasn't joking, Song Jingtian hurriedly said, "Actually, it's Meng Shu's eldest sister, the daughter of the Jian family."

   Meng Shu's eldest sister is Jiang Yunxi's step sister.

  Tang Li had an impression of that Miss Jane.

  Because the other party was unmarried in his thirties, Meng Shu became the focus of the blind date at the wedding.

   Moreover, the other party is also a doctor.

   "What is the most fearful thing about a long-distance relationship, but it's not just taking advantage of it."

   The little guy said again: "I heard that Miss Renjian was rated as a deputy high-ranking person at a young age. She is the backbone of returnees that the First Hospital focuses on training. Big brother can appreciate it."

  Tang Li: "You know so well, it seems that you don't check others."

  Song Jingtian: "..."

   Before he could reply, footsteps could be heard outside.

   As soon as I heard it, Teacher Zhou was on duty to catch those who skipped the class.

   "I won't tell you first."

  Song Jingtian hung up the video call, opened the compartment door, and walked like flying.

  In Tang Li's mind, the appearance of Miss Jian appeared, looking at her restrained temperament, Song Boyan made an appointment to meet her, and she thought of the medical reform law.

The   Medical Reform Law needs to be constantly revised and improved, and the participation of medical staff is indispensable.

  Because Li Ruan was going to the appraisal agency, other drivers were responsible for picking up Tang Li when he returned to Li's house.

  While waiting for the bus, Yuan Qin behind him suddenly said, "The local Shuanglong Temple, many people who come to Qingfu to travel will go to worship."

  Tang Li looked back at him: "Are you trying to seek marriage?"

   Yuan Qin: "..."

   Not what he thought.

  Indeed, Mr. had warned me before going out.

  ——Since he came to the Qing mansion, let him take his wife out for a walk.

   "Paxin Temple is also good." Seeing that Tang Li didn't really want to go to Shuanglong Temple, Yuan Qin proposed again: "Paxin Temple is the largest temple in Qing Dynasty, and there is an ancient city of Qing Dynasty next to it."

   "Or go to Chedi Luang Temple."

   Last night, Yuan Qin did his homework: "Even Chedilong Temple is more taboo, especially in terms of clothing, and you can't wear shoes inside."

  Tang Li is not the kind of boss who is harsh on employees. After reading Yuan Qinyi's report on the three temples, he also decided to let them go: "Go if you want. I won't tell your Excellency that you left without permission this time."

   Yuan Qin: …………

   He had to pick out: "I think you can go and have a look."

  Tang Li did not want to go to these places.

   Holding an umbrella, she sighed: "No matter how handsome the young monks in the temple are, they are not as good as Your Excellency."

   Yuan Qin: "..."

  Tang Li remembered about the child and asked Yuan Qin: "Isa seems to have a mistress who is from the S country, do you know?"

   "The Anti-Narcotics Bureau has an Intelligence Section, but some information is not passed on."


Yuan Qin added: "As far as I know, Issa has been hiding so deeply in recent years that even the informants of the Anti-Narcotics Bureau can't get in touch with him. As for mistresses, Issa has no shortage of women. The information is not necessarily complete.”

   (end of this chapter)

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