After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1178: These people, I'm afraid they came to her

   Chapter 1178 These people, I'm afraid they came to her

   The second master of the Zuo family.

Tang Li is somewhat familiar with the name   .

   Then she remembered that it was Li Yuan'er's godfather.

  Although Tang Li didn't have much affection for this person, it was a bit unexpected to learn that the other person died suddenly. Besides, it was also related to Steinway's [Firestorm] bombing.

Before Tang Li could ask about the specific situation, Yu Sui had already informed: "The dead man's grove was sealed, and when the second master Zuo was carried out, he was also wearing the clothes of sanitation workers. After his family arrived, he insisted that his surname was Zuo. could not have been involved in the Steinway case."

   This description is like seeing it with my own eyes.

  Tang Li Aite Wu Xuehan in the group: "You guys went to the woods?"

   Wu Xuehan bubbling immediately.

   immediately threw the pot at fellow Daoist: "Yu Sui is going to follow, I stopped her."

  【Yu Family Du Miao Miao】: "Hehe."

  Tang Li: "They didn't chase you?"

  【Wu Family Fa Cai】: "Come on, but we put on protective clothing and went in again, covering our faces. They thought we were brought by the forensic doctor and gave us mineral water."

  Tang Li: "..."

Wu Xuehan added: "We came back in the police car. The Li team of the city bureau is very good. When they saw our order, they took the initiative to call us to get in the car, and they didn't avoid us when we chatted. They said that the bureau looked at Steinway's. Surveillance, Second Master Zuo is indeed not an escaped sanitation worker."

   Therefore, it can only be that the surname Zuo was changed.

   then became a scapegoat.

   Of course, it doesn't mean that Zuo is not suspicious at all.

   Now that two people have died, this case will definitely be handled in a big way.

   When the cause of death of Second Master Zuo is found out, we can basically determine whether Song Jingtian is dead or alive.

  Thinking of Li Ruan asking himself to wait for him all night, Tang Li's heart was inevitably solemn. If the Li family was really tied to Song Jingtian, and now the 'kidnapper' has died, does it mean some kind of change?

   This conjecture prompted her to change the ticket.

  Since Li Ruan asked her to wait another night, it was definitely not for nothing.

   However, until dawn, there was no news from Li Ruan.

  Tang Li's ticket changed at 2:00 pm.

   Dial Li Ruan, but no one answered.

   "Would you like to rebook two tickets?" Yuan Qin suggested.


  Tang Li put away his mobile phone and didn't plan to wait any longer. Li Ruan didn't come back, which means that things didn't go in the direction he thought.

   If her guess is true, it was Song Jingtian who was **** by Li Hao, then she doesn't leave now, and when Li Hao makes a move, she may be prevented from returning to China.

   went to the airport, Tang Li didn't use Li's car.

   Yuan Qin changed his boarding pass, and Tang Li's cell phone rang.

   was called by Li Ruan.

  Tang Li picked it up, and Li Ruan said from the other side, "My cousin, Li Yin, the person in charge that the old man sent to S country to kidnap the children has lost contact. As for the others, I'm afraid they will be more fortunate than good."

  Tang Li asked directly, "What about the child?"

   "It's unclear what the child's condition is."

  The only thing that is certain is that Song Jingtian did not die in the explosion.

   "Where are you now?" Li Ruan asked.

   Song Jingtian didn't die, Tang Li was more determined to return to China. From the moment Li Hao decided to make a deal with Song Jingtian, she and this grandfather were doomed to run counter to each other, even if they had the same goal.

   Knowing that Tang Li had arrived at the airport, Li Ruan suddenly said, "Go through the security check as soon as possible."

  Tang Li heard that he was hiding something, and was about to ask what was wrong, when a loud bang of glass blasting came.

   Turning his head following the sound, he saw a chaotic crowd.

   Followed by the sound of machine gun fire, accompanied by screams.


  Rao was Yuan Qin by his side, and Tang Li was still knocked off his phone.

Before I could pick it up, several masked men with firearms came over, dark brown skin, dressed in local Southeast Asian clothes, gunshots were fired again and again, and countless passengers fell to the ground. spread in the air.

  In Siam, it is legal for citizens to carry guns.

   Yuan Qin took out the pistol from the duffel bag, then threw the bag away and prepared to take Tang Li to the waiting hall.

   can no longer escape, so he can only escape from this riot.

   Yuan Qin loaded the pistol, Tang Li also noticed the special features of these murderers: "They seem to be looking for someone."

   is almost a photo of a human hand.

   Then, rudely arrest people and compare them to photos.

   found that it was not the person they were looking for, and pushed the person to the ground again.

   There was the murderous one, and even a shot was added.

   "Their target is young girls." Yuan Qin observed this detail.

   After that, he realized something, grabbed Tang Li's arm and left: "Come through the security check!"

   Even if Yuan Qin didn't say it clearly, Tang Li already knew it.

   These people are probably here to find her.

   The screen of the mobile phone was broken on the ground, but it did not affect the normal call.

  Li Nguyen hasn't hung up yet.

  The turmoil at the airport was clearly introduced into the microphone.

  Tang Li had just passed the security check. In the chaos, Li Ruan's solemn message came from his mobile phone: "I'm already on my way to the airport. It's Chinwenwa who has gone back on his word. She may want to take you to Nanwa Bang."

   Chin Winwa.

  Tang Li heard this name for the first time.

   However, without Li Ruan explaining, she guessed who the other party was.

   The lover of Issa who made a deal with Li Hao.

  Li Hao said that the other party just wanted to take back his grandson. Li Ruan just now admitted that Steinway's accident was indeed the work of the Li family, so Qin Wenwa...

  The sound of the LCD screen cracking one after another sounded outside the waiting hall.

   Gunshots, getting closer!

   For a time, the security check passage was crowded with people.

   "Go to the apron outside." Yuan Qin made an immediate decision.

  The apron covers a large area and is outdoors, and there are only sporadic airport workers. When these murderers want to find someone, they must keep their eyes on the crowd and continue to hide here, and sooner or later they will be caught in the urn.

   However, the two of them squeezed to the boarding gate, and the group of murderers also entered the waiting hall.

  A pair of mother and son were caught in them.

  Tang Li recognized at a glance that it was Li Ling and her son.

  The mother and son can be said to be extremely embarrassed.

  Li Ling just wanted to take her son to Hawaii for vacation. How could she know that she was so unlucky that she was dragged out of the VIP lounge by these murderers.

  The descendants of the Li family have always been celebrities in Siam, and she has been involved in the fashion circle. This face has also been featured in international fashion magazines, so she was caught as a model.

  The appearance of the murderer caused chaos in the waiting hall.

  The sound of gunshots killed several people in an instant.

   This move also shocked the audience.

   One of the murderers pulled Xie Zhun's collar and put a gun to his temple. The teenage boy was pale and did not shout.

   "Ah Zhun!" Li Ling tried to stop her, but was slapped hard and fell to the ground!

   Another murderer picked up Li Ling, his gloomy eyes swept across the hall, and finally fell on Li Ling: "I know you know that girl named Tang Li, point her out, otherwise—"

   He pointed his right hand at the crowd, and it was a shot!

   "Bang!" A middle-aged man splattered blood on the spot.

   "The next one is your son."

   (end of this chapter)

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