After the Rebirth, She Became Mr. Song’s Little Ancestor

Chapter 1180: If she wants, she can take it all

   Chapter 1180 If she wants, she can take it all

   Today's country S, an autumn rain and a cold.

   When Ji Ming received Yuan Qin's message, he knew that things were going bad.

  After he left Tan Palace, Yuan Qin should report to He Wei at ordinary times for his work at hand, but now Yuan Qin sent him a recorded text message.

   When Ji Ming heard the voice content, he suddenly got up and left the training ground.

He didn't know if Mr. had received the recorded message. Although the content of the foreword did not fit the description, he still clearly heard the words 'Xue Ya betrayed Your Excellency', and Yuan Qin's speech was unstable, obviously a little strange. so good...

   Yuan Qin is responsible for keeping his wife safe.

  If Yuan Qin had an accident——

   also means that Tang Li is in danger.

   The accident in southern Yunnan last time, Mr. won't want to see it a second time.

   As for Xue Ya.

   Five years ago, he single-handedly arranged for Xue Ya as his replacement to go to Denmark to monitor Jin Lihua.

   In recent years, Xue Ya will regularly report on Jin Lihua's life in Denmark.

   also attached photos of Jin Lihua's trip.

   And Jin Lihua is the biological mother of Song Jinyang.

   If Xue Ya really had a different heart, what did he want to do?

  Jiming went back to the office to get the car keys, walked downstairs quickly, passed the canteen, and heard the sound from the TV——

   "At 1:20 p.m. local time in Siam, a large-scale riot broke out at Ching International Airport, causing 27 casualties, including six citizens of S country..."

  Ji Ming stopped and looked at the LCD TV on the wall.

   is an evening news program of Capital TV.

  The picture on the TV is the chaotic scene at the airport, with the wounded being carried into the ambulance covered in blood.

  Ji Ming immediately dialed Yuan Qin's cell phone number.

   However, it is turned off.

  The soldier's intuition told him that Yuan Qin's disappearance was related to the airport riot.

   Arrived at Tan Palace, Ji Ming entered the office area of ​​the main building, and was about to go to the President's Office, when he turned a corner and met Guo Li.

   Guo Li hurried past with a stack of documents.

   When he saw Ji Ming, he took the initiative to tell: "Your Excellency is in the small conference hall."

   "Your Excellency has just finished the video call with the ambassador to Denmark." Guo Li spoke again, his tone solemn: "There is an accident at the Qing residence."

   "Is it Xue Ya?" Ji Ming asked.

  Guo Li didn't expect Ji Ming to know the information, and nodded: "The ambassador sent someone to Jin Lihua's residence to check, and found that there was dust covering the cabinet, and no one had lived there for at least three months."

   Xue Ya's last report was three months ago.

   Guo Li was holding the documents related to the demolition dispute of the Xue family back then.

   "When your Excellency learned that Jin Lihua and Xue Ya were missing, you asked me to ask Linshi for the Xue family's population file, and also asked me to check the major and minor events that happened to the Xue family in recent years."

   Then, it was also found that Father Xue died a few years ago.

   On the way to the small conference hall, Ji Ming flipped through the documents.

   Four years ago, Father Xue had an argument with Ye Hongqi, the person in charge of the demolition in the village, because he was dissatisfied with the amount of the demolition payment. He even beat Ye Hongqi with a hoe. He never thought about it.

   Xue Ya’s aunt, Xue Min, filed a complaint. Not long after, her husband was fired from the unit.

   A year later, Xue Min's seventeen-year-old daughter was wheeled by two men on her way home...

  Ji Ming was holding the A4 paper and was speechless for a while.

   He never heard Xue Ya mention these things.

   Seeing these now, it is inevitable to feel shocking.

Guo Li handed over another document: "The person in charge of the demolition at that time is now the director of the demolition community and one of the district representatives of Linshi. Her wife Xu Canji established a medical device company the year before last. A partner, Xu Canliang, was the chief surgeon who operated on Xue’s father after the car accident.”

   Therefore, Father Xue's death that year was probably not an accident.

   Therefore, Xue Ya will be yang and yin.

   "Yuan Qin..." Ji Ming said.

   "Yuan Qin was shot four times, one of which was right next to his heart." Guo Li added: "Your Excellency has contacted Prime Minister Hong Tai of Siam, and Siam promised to do everything possible to rescue him."

  Jiming: "What about Madam?"

   Guo Li was silent for two seconds before answering: "Madam is missing."

   "At present, it can only be determined that it was hijacked by Xue Ya."

   The specific situation will have to wait until Yuan Qin is sober to know.

   Guo Li suddenly said again: "Just at noon, at the Qingshi Port, a fisherman salvaged a child's shoe, which happened to match the one picked up in the accident."

   "Qingshi has dispatched a salvage team to carry out search and rescue work in the nearby waters, but there is no result yet."

  After the school accident, Mr. was very busy.

   In addition to dealing with various questions from the parliament, you have to personally arrange matters at home.

  It is about the second master, and the old lady is in a hurry.

   Now that Madam has an accident again, it is undoubtedly worse.

  Ji Ming had a glimpse of the connection between the two, but he didn't dare to jump to conclusions. When the door of the conference hall was opened, he saw that his husband was making a video with someone. On the projection on the wall, there was an old man with a lean face.

   Jiming recognized it as the former Prime Minister of Siam.

  ——Li Hao.

   The other party is also the elder of the wife's maid.

  Ji Ming and Guo Li entered the room and did not hear any conversation.


   Judging only from the expression on the gentleman's face, the conversation must have been unpleasant.

   looked calm, but in fact it was dark and turbulent.

  Ji Ming has followed Song Boyan for many years and can see that Song Boyan is actually showing some emotions. It is this emotion that causes the abnormal atmosphere in the conference hall.

  Sometimes, it is not only accountability that can show majesty.

   At this moment, Song Boyan seems to be elusive, and Longyan is displeased but so obvious.

   Then, Ji Ming heard four words from Mr.——

   "The Li family is very good."

   is a review, so why not Shen Zhen.

  Li Hao also answered: "The current situation is not what I want."

"That's my only direct descendant in the world. I never thought of putting her in real danger." After all, he was eager for revenge and mistaken the jackal for a little sheep: "I will leave everything of the Li family to that one. My son, I have already told people to go to Nanwa."

   "Everything in the Li family is not worth losing a life."

  Song Boyan said: "The Song family's family business is enough for her to spend half her life. If she wants, she can take all of it; and what the Li family doesn't have, she already has with me."

   In this world, what is more attractive than power?

   And this is exactly what Li Hao lost.

  The Li family indirectly caused Tang Li to be kidnapped, which has already touched the scale of the president of the S country.

  Even if they can communicate face-to-face like this, it is far from "talking and laughing". Without waiting for Li Hao to speak again, Song Boyan said first: "It is also time for the Li family to reorganize the family business."

   The end of the conversation also heralds the end of the call.

  Li Hao has understood——

   Nearly half of the Li family's business depends on S country.

   After today, the goods of the Li Group may not be easy to clear customs in country S.

   With Song Boyan's current status, it would be a loss of identity to detain a company's goods by name, but now, he was just going to do this and notified him in advance.


Good night.

   (end of this chapter)

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