Chapter 1189 Ambition, is a good thing

When she said this, Jin Lihua kept her eyes on Tang Li and noticed the slight change in Tang Li's expression, but she smiled and said with great equanimity: "The announcement of State S is one thing, Myanmar will not cooperate, and it is another. Another thing, and—"

Jin Lihua raised the corner of his mouth: "Even if the Myanmar official is willing to co-organize and the order reaches Nanwa, how many checkpoints are there? disagree."

   In his previous life, Issa was successfully captured and taken to S country.

   So Tang Li retorted: "It's a matter of human effort, as long as you sincerely want to catch it, nothing is impossible."

   "It's up to people."

The words    made Jin Lihua's smile widen.

   "It's really a human effort." She took a seat at the table and said slowly: "So I've done a lot of preparations in the past few years."

   "In the early years, I suggested that Issa and the Myanmar Ministry of Defense cooperate in the operation of ore, oil, real estate and seafood, of which the Myanmar military accounted for 40% of the shares."

   "Four years ago, in order to further win over the relationship with senior officials of Myanmar, I set up a trading company in Nanwa, and let their relatives and children all come to the company for temporary positions, which is what you often say in S country."

   "Yan Yingcheng's grandson even owns 20% of the company's shares."

   In this way, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope.

   Jin Lihua looked at Tang Li again: "Since you grew up in southern Yunnan, you should be more aware of where the expenses for the armed forces in these places come from."

  Tang Li thought of the poppies in Kachin State.

   "Even for himself, it is impossible for Yan Yingcheng to give Issa to S country."

   Seeing that Tang Li was still unmoved, Jin Lihua added: "This time our people were able to successfully bring the child out of the capital, thanks to the Zuo family."

  Tang Li heard 'Zuojia' and cast his gaze involuntarily.

"The Zuo family's international trading company has been selling dog meat for a day or two. They grow tobacco leaves in southern Myanmar, and then open a factory to hire local people to make tobacco, and then ship it back to country S for sale. Relying on family connections, it can be said that they have got through. border checkpoint."

   If it is a partnership, the second from the left will not die.

  Tang Li guessed: "You have held the Zuojia smuggling handle."

   The unfading smile on Jin Lihua's face showed that she was right. "It's not just a trick. Back then, the second from the left helped us transport a batch of juteine ​​into the country without telling his eldest brother."

  Because she wanted to use Li Hao's people, she gave Li Hao a copy of the evidence.

  Li Hao's people contacted the second left after they went to Beijing, and they had to help them when they mentioned jutein.

Jin Lihua stroked the gold bracelet on his wrist: "It was the Li family of Qing Dynasty who kidnapped the children in the school accident; the security of Siam is not good, the airport is rioting, and although the helicopter entered the airspace of Myanmar, who would dare to say it with certainty? Is it in Nanwa Bang?"

   From the beginning, Jin Lihua had planned everything.

   The Li family was the scapegoat she was looking for.

  S country wants to arrest Issa, and under careful investigation, the charge of intentional homicide is probably untenable.

   Jin Lihua obviously understands this.

  If country S does not have enough evidence, Myanmar will not really touch Issa.

  The Golden Triangle has a special geographical location, and the folk customs are sturdy. If you get rid of one Issa, countless Issa will emerge. The next person to dominate the Golden Triangle may not be as interesting as Issa.

   In Tang Li's memory, the evidence was conclusive that drug dealers massacred the villagers of country S in the past life. Under pressure from all parties in the world, Myanmar had to hand over Issa.

now what.

   Jin Lihua used several smoke bombs to bind people.

   Xue Ya, who appeared at the airport, was sent to Jin Lihua by Song Boyan.

  A conscientious person can completely slap the rake and say that he was instructed by Song Boyan; even if the truth is found out later, it can only be said that Xue Ya has already defected, and the airport incident was created to retaliate against the society, but there is no direct evidence pointing to Jin Lihua.

   "Instead of expecting Song Boyan to save you, it's better to find a way to make your life better."

Jin Lihua said again: "Song Boyan is a political [0] family leader, he can't only focus on one mu and three points of land. If he wants to take you back, he must also consider the actual situation. He has been in this position in less than ten years. Will it be an emotional person?"

   "Besides, your grandfather is a drug lord, even if you return to him now, one day in the future, when you become an obstacle to his political career, can you be sure that he will not abandon you?"

  Tang Li answered: "Since you know that I am a descendant of the Li family, you should also know that my grandfather is not a drug lord."

   Jin Lihua leaned against the edge of the table, as if listening to a joke: "You said he was not a drug lord, who can prove it?"

   "Li Hao? Or Song Boyan?"

   Without Tang Li answering, she gave the answer by herself: "No one can prove that Tang Shen is an undercover agent, so you can only be a descendant of a drug lord. This is a fact that can never be changed."

   said, Jin Lihua also got up: "It's still an hour and a half before it gets dark, think about it again, I'll let Duma stay outside the door, and after thinking about it, let her send me a message."

The moment she opened the door, she reminded again: "Isa still doesn't know about your grandfather. If you let him know that your grandfather belongs to Li Hao, you may not have a good time at the station."

   In discourse, a threat in disguise.

   Just as Jin Lihua stepped out of the room, Tang Li's voice came from behind: "I promise you."

   Jin Lihua slowly turned around.

  Tang Li looked at her: "I can promise you to stay in Nanwa from now on, but you also have to promise that in the future, the business of the Golden Triangle must have my share."

   This means to participate in the sale of poison [0] products.

   Jin Lihua: "Sedum is still young. When he goes to middle school, I will naturally teach you how to do business."

   To put it bluntly, I just don’t trust her yet.

   Four years is the observation period.

"At that time, it was too late." Tang Li objected to this deadline: "You asked me to be Sedum's mother, you must hope that I will treat him sincerely, if my efforts are not rewarded in the next four years, I will not Determine how long you can hold on."

  Tang Li's ambitions were all written in his eyes.

   Jin Lihua didn't answer immediately, only said: "Once you get involved in those businesses, and you want to quit, it won't be so easy."

   "Since I plan to participate, I won't give up halfway through."

Tang Li didn't shy away from Jin Lihua's eyes, "You're right, men are really unreliable, if it wasn't to prove that my grandfather wasn't a real drug lord, I wouldn't suddenly return to the Qing Dynasty. There is no evidence to counter the case on behalf of my grandfather, and if I return to country S this time, if I don't get robbed here, I have already made the worst plan."

   These words obviously have another meaning.

Jin Lihua didn't rush to leave anymore, and was about to ask some questions, when Tang Li told himself: "Last time I was kidnapped to Kachin State, Song Boyan found out that my grandfather was Tang Shen, and not long after he returned to the capital, he dealt with me. divorce proceedings."

   "Are you divorced?"


  For Jin Lihua, this was definitely an unexpected result.

   "He said to revoke the marriage first, and he will retire from his current position in the future, and then remarry me."

When Tang Li mentioned this, his emotions were bound to fluctuate, but he pretended to be calm: "Li Hao found me and told me on the phone that my grandfather was not a real drug lord, and I didn't want to be an underground lover who could be kicked off at any time for nine years. I will go to Siam with bodyguards."

   However, Li Hao disappointed her.

   Jin Lihua understood her meaning.

  Tang Li added: "If you think I'm lying to you, you can check my personal file. I believe you can check it."

   Jin Lihua can indeed find out Tang Li's marital status.

  If Tang Li was lying to her, this lie would soon be exposed.

   Before Jin Lihua left, Tang Li made another request, "I am the only descendant of Li's family. When Li Hao dies of illness, I want you to help me sit on the throne of Li's family."

   Therefore, Tang Li's willingness to stay in Nanwa has indeed weighed his interests.

   She also wanted to take advantage of the situation to compete for the family property.

   Without Song Boyan as her backer, she couldn't compete with those wolves, tigers and leopards.

  Tang Li has ambition and self-knowledge.

   Ambition is a good thing.

   Jin Lihua raised his lips: "As long as you tell the truth, if the Li family treats you badly and is a mother-in-law, she will naturally help you to seek justice."

  Tang Li raised the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, "Then I will wait here for your reply after verification."

   As soon as Jin Lihua left, Song Jingtian came back soon after.

   He was detained just now.

   The little guy observed around and guessed that someone had come, "Is that Qin Wenwa?"

   "Yeah." Tang Li replied, picking up the bench by the door.

  Song Jingtian saw her hand over the bench and subconsciously caught it, while asking, "Then are we still running?"

   It’s still too late to run.

  Tang Li said, "I have already promised this marriage."

   "What?!" The little guy's pupils trembled.

   "I have promised to get married."

  Tang Li repeats.

   Jin Lihua may not take half an hour to determine the fact of her divorce.

  No accident, the wedding banquet will continue tonight.

   "Agreeing to get married is a way of delaying the military." Tang Li explained: "What we have to do now is to postpone the wedding banquet."

  Song Jingtian: "Why delay?"

  Tang Li didn't say anything, just stared at him for a moment.

  Song Jingtian: "???"

   Verifying Tang Li's marital status is just a matter of making a phone call and waiting a few minutes.

   Jin Lihua didn't expect that Tang Lizhen was divorced.

   This result is not bad news.

  Tang Li and Song Boyan no longer had anything to do with each other, and they still had nothing to do with being abandoned, which saved her from continuing to test. Just after hanging up the phone, Duma hurried in and looked flustered.

   "What's the matter?" Jin Lihua asked her.


  Duma spoke in Burmese, and gestured with both hands: "The young master fell and suffered a concussion."

   "What!" Jin Lihua got up suddenly.

  Jin Lihua rushed to the small building and saw Song Jingtian lying on the ground with a pile of vomit beside him. Tang Li was kneeling and pressing the back of his hand against the child's reddish forehead.

"what happened!"

Tang Li was questioned like this, and his eyes suddenly turned red, "It's all my fault, I told Sedum about the marriage, but Sedum couldn't accept it for a while, and stepped on the bench to open the closet, saying that he wanted to pack up and go home, but in the end, he stepped on empty, fell."


Good night

   (end of this chapter)

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